Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Tv Channels Project India in a Bad Light

TV Channels project India in a bad light Recently the rise of consumerism and a spurt in the number of satellites in the vicinity of our planet have led to rise in the number of TV Channels as well as their viewers across the country. We have specialized channels that cater to the different categories of human taste viz entertainment, music, news,sports,etc. The wider availability of channels helps the viewer to opt among them as per his or her choice. The news channels which are clubbed together in a word ‘media’ is one of the pillars of democracy. It is the moral duty of these news channels to bring the truth in front of the masses.Talking about our country,a nation which is second largest in the world in the terms of population and the largest effective electorate is truly an exemplar of democracy. Like any other nation,it is also laden with issues-both domestic as well as of international concerns. These news channels bear the social responsibility of imparting the n ews, the happenings,the incidents or accidents which should be nothing but the truth. Also the RTI Act empowers any common Indian citizen to go to the depths of affairs and have access to information povide its disclosure does not pose a grave threat to the security and integrity of the nation.The ‘truer’ picture sometimes become harsh and pretty inconvenient to be comestible but scandals and other activities of corruption need to be brought to general awareness. And, it is not only the darker side of affairs, it is also about the achievements and the milestones the country makes in the various spheres-sports, science, humanities,etc. We have several programmes on the national television that are oriented towards the cultural and economic welfare-be it related to the promotion of agriculture,tourism,industry,services,etc.Besides there are programmmes which highlight the nations prosperity, its geographical and cultural diversity and also encourage communal harmony. The consumer oriented channels which basically thrive on the TRP ratings,drama and screenplay is of prime concern to them which helps in a maintaining a certain class of audience bound to it. The audience is engrossed as the way the theme is displayed has a glamour, a pomp and show associated with it. For this, they may exaggerate certain situations or circumstances.Nonetheless,they impart a social message under the rosy spicy recipe of drama-be it child marriage,female foeticide,’honour’ killings,terrorism, etc. And, when a guy from the lower strata of society manages to win 5 crores in a game show by the dint of his knowledge and labour besides a grace of fortune,it clearly sends a strong signal to the society about the reachability of the capital to the masses. Last but not the least,the image of the news channels and the media might have been tainted over the issue of ‘paid’ news and the dubious string operations but their importance cannot be undermined a s a source of public information.There are reality shows which do not miss a opportunity to jeer at the widespread corruption but yes, one needs to appreciate them for their creativity for the ways they adopt to entertain people. It was an eminent personality of Bollywood who blogged regarding a movie getting Oscars with an acerbic response that the jury gets a kind of emotional satisfaction watching the widespread Indian poverty and the slums which the director of the movie has encashed upon. If that be the bitter truth, so be it.There are movies which highlight the unity , the cultural diversity , the celebrations in our country. It would be too early to conclude that TV Channels project our nation in a bad light. Frankly speaking, a sugar coated truth is the better word. Allowing mobile phones in class make students less serious in studies The world is getting smaller and we are living in the era of a ‘global village’ where communication and the exchange of ideas hap pens within the wink of an eye. Information is the key and the power,truly. And, there are several tools and gadgets that facilitate this flow of information.From print media to digital and electonic media, which are primarily used as means of mass communication, we have telephones and mobile phones which are important means of personal communication. Moreover, the recent splurge in the usage of gizmos and gazettes among the generation Y and the youngsters has becomea fad and a status symbol rather than a necessity and mobiles are no exception to it. Their use is not confined to a mere tete-a tete but incorporates several varied applications which diversifies their usage.And a modern day youngster would not be satisfied with a simple Nokia 3600 or1100. He or she would go for the more sophisticated or sleek designs provide there is no hole in the pocket created. Now, coming to the usage of mobile phones inside a class, there are norms which are both discipilnary and moral and make su fficient common sense,whch direct both the teacher/professor and the students who are partcipating in a lecture to put off their cells or keep them in such a mode which aviodsunnecessary distraction.But even the norms which are rarely followed in totto, and even when followed put a cap or restriction to their use as they are intended to. Ina large gatheing being addressed and lectured to,where it becomes increasingly difficult to keep track of each and every student, there are hubs created inside the class where students fail to get engrossed in the monotonous lectures and find their own ways to do away with the time to which cellphones prove to be a great aid.It may include sharing information regarding the latest cell that the neighbour has recently bought, or texting to the pal sitting at the other corner regarding the shabby outlook of the professor,to playing games like snakes,tetris or other advanced versions to listening to songs and watching videos(of all kinds) on the tiny screen. The world of SMSes ahs virtually made the students handicapped of writing anything sincerely as they still cannot help writing those abbreviations of informal chat even when they are writing an answer to aquestion which clearly indicates to their frivolous attitude.Adding to the worse of it,these students would just take a snapshot of te notes of a sincere and laborious classmate thinking that it would suffice and save my time and labour getting ‘wasted’. One may put forth the argument that even during the non mobile days there were always a section of students who were a source of nuisance and distraction by their activities . But the inadvertent entry of mobiles inside the classes provide innumerable creative ways to bolster their activities.A serious student who is trying his/her best to concentrate and attend the lecture would surely look askance at the slim mobile phone his pals are discussingabout for long. Now this seriously puts forward 2 very primary qu estions;first,why the pattern of education becomes so dread ful and tedious which call s for the students to distract and second, why cant we cater to the students interests and inclinations so that they are provided room to choose the lecture they want to attend?Mobile phones are just the present and a lame excuse for ignorance,we need to find the root cause and address it prooperly rather than to contemplate over its complete ban or usage. However, a partial ban like prohibiting its use during the class hours and allowing only after it, seems a temporary but an effective solution as per the need of the hour.

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