Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 5

Art - Essay Example It is true that media artists today consider both aesthetics and ethics in their work. In the current investigation, my point of view is that the most important thing in a work of art is its ethical qualities, because no matter how hard one tries, one cannot get away from ethics. To me, concentrating wholly on form and ignoring ethics is basically blinding oneself to a critical aspect of artistic creation and (especially) consumption. Television, movies, and other media arts are judged in terms of morality and ethical qualities as a foremost consideration; to ignore this aspect borders on folly. Media arts are made for public consumption, and part of this public consumption is the ethical judgment of the genre and the product. Television must pass censorship standards, and movies must pass ratings standards. When people watch a movie, especially a mass-market production, they are often watching an ethical polarization of good and evil (good guys vs. bad guys). And if there is ambiguity between who is the bad guy and the good guy, this is also a moral or ethical question. â€Å"From our casual conversations about the moral status of cinematic villains and heroines, through debates about the effects of the portrayal of violence by Hollywood International, to arguments about the portrayal of sex and sexuality, film talk is intimately tied up with ethical concerns and evaluations† (Meskin, 2009). The same can be said of talk about other media arts, especially television, which seeks to appeal to a mass market kind of morality or ethics. To say that media arts is only for malism is all well in good in a very limited art-house context, but to consider the real situation, one must accept the mass-media perspective. In this perspective, ethics and morality are explicitly involved in the consumption of media arts. One cannot subtract ethics from this consideration; to do so would be to lose a large piece of the puzzle in terms of how human beings react

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