Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Ethnocentrism essays

Ethnocentrism essays Ethnocentric, derived from the Greek words of Ethnos, meaning race, people or cultural group, and Kentrikos, meaning concentrated about or directed to a center is a word that greatly describes many cultures on this planet we call Earth . The official definition of Ethnocentric is characterized or based on the attitude that ones own group is superior or having race as a central interest. There is a whole world of problems, politics, and, other cultures, but it seems that the average Americans only interest is that of themselves. The reason I chose to focus more on the American being ethnocentric is because I have been Why is it that in most foreign countries being knowledgeable about world politics is just as important as their own cultures politics? America is the melting pot of the world with so many different cultures and we accept this variety into our country as we were accepted when our ancestors came over. Today I feel that people are arrogant towards those foreigners who dont wash away their former demeanor. Why dont we realize that we are so lucky to live in a secure and free country that should glorify diversity and not promote prejudice. When we make contact with people whose beliefs and cultural tradition challenge our own perspective most feel some sort of intimidation. Professor Michael Bond from Simon "the mere existence of different others is inherently threatening because they either implicitly or explicitly challenge the absolute validity of one's own perspective. According to this analysis, prejudice is a psychological inability to tolerate the existence of different others and results from a need to maintain absolute faith in one's own Ethnocentrism in my opinion is very ignorant, unintelligen ...

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