Friday, October 18, 2019

Philosophy of Bacon Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Philosophy of Bacon - Essay Example In ancient days few people used to be educated. Philosophers and religious heads used to rule the roost of the society. The society used to honor the religious heads. Philosophers became lack of education and lack of understanding the world. Of course it is true that there very same person frightened of religions and the philosophers were restarting as the progress of society. In the ancient times then and to be great philosophers like Epicures, Zeno, Cleanthes, Arcecitators, Cameades, Pyrrho, Tenion etc. Their philosophy was being questioned by the society, the European society. A new generation of though is surfacing, questioning the very existence of the ancient European Philosophers. New thinkers started throwing open their material, pragmatic formats of a new philosophy to the world. A renaissance is gaming and its theories of modern philosophy. It is an intellectual comes and with some modern philosophy, the authorship used to be denied the work has to be renamed an ancient phi losopher and then only it used to be accepted. Such was the ancient Philosophers sway on the society. As a matter of fact the work done by any intellectual is not his own. It is rediscovered and it had actually because written by an ancient philosophers and it is only rediscovered by this intellect.But everything changed in the beginning of the 17th century in the renaissance a reaction started selling is against the old philosophers. People started liking to criticize it reject it, and attempting something new. To establish a fact that modern philosophers was to reborn in early in modern Europe, after its united 300 years in carnation in ancient Greece. In the ancient world there were energy bottlenecks. They were not able to probe or enhance their sources of energy. They had to cut the plants and burn for energy. To a little one only or a limited use only. Usage if animals and their own lab our, and the energy of slaves was too little for them to allow then create devices that might allow them to create more energy. Therefore in ancient days people were not able to have a control over the materials they were having. Rather to say that they did not know the scientific approach to marks best of material that are available. Then came the new modern period wherein falls etc. started producing used energy and more control over the circumstances. The society was changing for better and started living in comfort. The invention powering the galleries avoiding the rowing of slaves, the invention of magnetic compares hardening enough weird energy to soul even though out fitted with cannons gun powder to fire the canon to use in mining purposed, the invention of a mechanical clock the printing press and so an and so forth. Francis Bacon was an early thinker Francis Bacon explained more vividly about and they can think plan and devise means and ways to interfere with the nature. He was very optimistic of a more enlightened and more powerful humane. Being and they can achieve miracles in interfering with the nature. They can make best use of the nature. Bacon believes in humane power and its aim is to generate and super induce a new nature on a given body. The work and aim of human knowledge is to sources of emanations. True knowledge is knowledge by causes, caused are four kinds (1) The material (2) The formal (3) The efficient (4) The final Of these four materials and efficient are of little consequences, if every thing is true and active science. If a man acquires knowledge only on certain subjects, his knowledge is also imperfect. If a efficient and material caused he may discover certain things reference to substances in some degree similar to another selected before hand, both may not become so efficient to touch the deeper bound rise of the things.

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