Saturday, October 19, 2019

Experience and Other Evidence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Experience and Other Evidence - Essay Example (Ricks, 2006) Placing Ricks' findings and observations in Epicurean terms, I was able to synthesize the following argument: One could interpret America's continued occupation of Iraq as a manifestation of 'partiality', in this case toward so called national interest, which in turn translates into the interests of military contractors and oil corporations based in the country. The destruction of lives and resources on both sides is as a result of America 'troubling' itself and 'troubling' its distant and weak enemy in the form of Iraq. Further, consistent with the tenet, the invasion implies 'weakness' on part of the aggressor, more specifically a 'weakness' for material wealth (in this case fossil fuel). It is interesting to note that the wisdom of Epicurus, set out two millenniums ago, finds application in contemporary political actions as well as in an individual's personal life. In the case of the latter, I myself have been found falling short of being a 'blessed and indestructibl e being', for my occasional imprudent anger and partiality has gotten me into hot water a few times. One lingering memory in this respect is when I got into a verbal scuffle with a member of the audience during a college football game. I was slightly inebriated when my team was way behind in the game and the chance of winning was slim. At that point I over-reacted to a snide remark from a fan of the opposing team and got into a heated exchange. In retrospect I realized that though his remark was offensive it was not a defeat to my team and it did not mean anything significant. At that point I got the insight that my reaction is comparable to the way our government has conducted itself in the ongoing War on Terror... The researcher of this essay describes the element of his personal philosophy of life, regarding the dynamics of 'contentment'. Since the whole canon of Western Philosophy is centered on the causes, states and conditions of contentment, it is fair to say that contribution through this narrative is a minuscule one. Yet, the researcher would like to voice his assessment of this universal human concern and try to refine his theory through the responses it will elicit from the audience. The researcher has synthesized hispersonal experience with a larger political event and has studied them both in a philosophical framework. The researcher states that, in order for civilization to progress, parochialism and narrow-mindedness will have to be overcome by embracing principles of solidarity and compassion toward fellow humans. Bringing about this transformation at the level of nations is a highly challenging project, given the power and efficiency of propaganda systems in place. But transform ation at the individual level is more plausible. The researcher personally has endeavored to mould himself in the Epicurean fashion with reasonable success and he implores members of the audience to consider this path. By embracing this philosophy, that was discussed in the essay in details one can acquire a high degree of sophistication and refinement as a person. The researcher then concluds that it will also enable an individual to navigate challenging phases in life with equipoise, stoicism and mental tranquility.

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