Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Essay Example for Free

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Essay According to the American Psychiatric Association (APA) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) depicts a condition in which persons demonstrate an abnormal degree of obsession or compulsion in relation to specific daily activities (as cited in Gournay, Curran Rogers, 2006, p. 60). Obsessions are persistent thoughts or mental images while compulsions are recurrent behaviors that are performed specifically to relieve obsessions (as cited in Gournay, et al, 2006, p. 60). Obsessions usually cause considerable distress and anxiety for the individual and as a result actions (compulsions) are performed to diminish the anxiety caused by the obsessive thoughts or images, Stein (2002) highlights that compulsions are not necessarily observable but could take the form of mental rituals (p. 397). Everyday life experiences usually reveal some amount of obsession or compulsion but do not usually affect normal activities to a significant extent. Often such compulsions are necessary, excusable and natural and therefore do not cause considerable distress. The distinction between these behaviors and the behaviors associated with OCD is in the frequency with which they are carried out, the motivations behind the behaviors and the level of anxiety experienced (Gournay et al, 2006, p. 60). OCD is present when the behaviors reach the extent of preventing the individual from functioning properly in normal everyday activities. For OCD diagnosis, the American Psychiatric Association specifies that there must be the presence of the obsessions or compulsions as discussed above. Additionally these mental processes or behaviors must take up a significant amount of time, usually more than an hour each day (as cited in Geffken et al, 2004, p. 46). It is important to discern the distinction between the obsessive and compulsive behaviors demonstrated by persons with OCD as being significantly different from delusions that are evidenced in various other disorders. The most commonly used treatment method for OCD is cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) which has been accounted with an over 80 percent success rate (Geffken et al, 2004, p. 46). This procedure uses the two techniques of exposure and response prevention. In exposure the patient is made to face up to their fears. This procedure seeks to reinforce model behavior by having the patients getting accustomed to refraining from the behaviors that they feel compelled to participate in. By being repeatedly exposed to the anxiety-causing stimulus the patients eventually develop a tolerance for the anxiety and the anxiety itself decreases. The other procedure is response or ritual prevention which uses the principle of negative reinforcement. Individuals have to endure and suppress the anxiety caused by the mental images or thoughts and therefore avoid attempts to reduce the anxiety by participating in the unwanted behavior. Research has found that both procedures are equally as effective in decreasing and eventually removing obsessive thoughts and compulsive behavior (Geffken, et al, 2004, p. 46). Of the two the exposure and response form of CBT is probably the most effective treatment alternative for OCD in adults and children. In addition to CBT there are a number of drugs developed for the treatment of OCD and a few other depressive disorders. Many have proven to be effective in treating adult OCD. Among these are serotonergic agents such as clomipramine, fluvoxamine, fluoxetine and sertraline. There are also citalopram and paroxetine but these two have not yet been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (Storch Merlo, 2006, p. 329). However, more and more research is suggesting that a combination type treatment that utilizes CBT and prescription drugs have the most numerical and long term success. Anonymous (2004) reports that, Â  in a randomized study with three distinct groups of patients treated with either CBT along with sertraline, CBT alone, sertraline alone or a placebo, 53.6% of participants in the combination CBT and sertraline group showed a 100% improvement of their symptoms. Comparative results for the control groups were 39.3% with the use of CBT only, 21.4% with the use of sertraline only and 3.6% with the use of a placebo (p. 1156). References Anonymous. (2004, Dec). Combination therapy best for obsessive disorders. AORN Journal, 80(6), 1156. Geffken G. R., Storch, E. A., Gelfand, K. M, Adkins, J. W. Goodman, W. K. (2004, Dec). Cognitive-behavioral therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder: Review of treatment techniques. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing Mental Health Services, 42(12), 44-53. Gournay K., Curran, J. Rogers, P. (2006, Apr 26). Assessment and management of obsessive compulsive disorder. Nursing Standard, 20(33), 59-66 68. Stein D. (2002, Aug 3). Obsessive-compulsive disorder. Lancet, 360(9330), 397-405. Storch, E. A. Merlo, L. J. (2006, Apr). Obsessive-compulsive disorder: Strategies for using CBT and pharmacotherapy. Journal of Family Practice, 55(4), 329-333.

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