Monday, September 23, 2019

SOCIAL THOUGHT AND SOCIAL CHANGE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

SOCIAL THOUGHT AND SOCIAL CHANGE - Essay Example Marx developed his theory based on the existing economic, social and political scenario through a series of economic manuscripts in 1850s. After the fall of Russia in 1991, the world underwent some significant changes especially in value system, financial policies, production and distribution of wealth. Many nations in the world including China, and other Asian countries show their willingness to accept new liberal ideologies in social formation. Existing social scenario demands economic growth rather than social changes. Therefore, Marxian explanations on social change have been losing its relevance and it is not capable to understand capitalism. Historians often remark that Marxian philosophy denies centralization of wealth and it always requires a society with equal distribution of wealth. Unfortunately, individuals with power in later generation discard Marxian concept of social changes. Marx follows certain moral principles in his life and expects his followers to live in accord ance with some code of morality which ensures effective social changes. As John Cunningham Wood (n. d. p.20) comments; â€Å"In fact Marx expects the individual to act according to a code which is generally accepted and when individuals with power overlooked this demand, Marx was outraged.† Another significant area that Marxian ideologies face problem is that the acceptance of private property among the public. Exponents of capitalism demand maximum profit in financial dealings. In it the thoughts gain demands men to work hard and use all their potentialities. Marxian theories individuals are not given much priority and so in this special circumstances man power and his services are often discarded. Professional competence in work field as well service sector demanded maximum products than changes in work fields. It made a flaw for the Marxian ideology. It created a group of people who became less industrious and energetic. Marx’s explanation of Social Change: Marx was a man who had great vision on the change of society and the growth of all individuals. â€Å"Marx can recognize the centrality of individual action in social explanation while at the same time insist on the irreducibly social character of the conditions that constrain individual action† (Little, 1986, p.150). He had much concern for the progress of the working class individuals and he had seen that the exploitation on the working class would come to end with the implementation of the rule of Proletariats. The Marxian theory on social change was based on his concepts of class. The notion of class in a society is seen as the constant struggle with the oppressors and the oppressed. The struggle between these two is a prolonged struggle in the history. The working class is majority in number and they try to overturn the bourgeoisie. The struggle between these two will finally take place the victory of the proletariats over the bourgeoisie. He stressed the need of individual free dom from the hands of the oppressors. According to Daniel Little, Marx’s model â€Å"indicates that he accepts the view that the ultimate source of social change is the active individual within specific relations. Indeed Marx’s view that class conflict is the engine of historical change indirectly expresses this same point; for class conflict proceeds through definite

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