Thursday, September 5, 2019

Science and PE Division Essay Example for Free

Science and PE Division Essay Introductory Chemistry 1405 for non-science majors is designed to meet the needs of students with no background in Chemistry or who are in need of additional preparation before taking Chemistry 1411. This course is concerned with the study of matter presented at an introductory level. The prerequisite for this course is DMAT 0091. Topics covered include: chemistry and measurements, matter and energy, atoms and elements, compounds and their bonds, chemical calculations, gas laws, solutions, acids and bases and nuclear reactions. This syllabus is your legal contract for this course.   The first requirement is that you read it entirely. You are responsible for all of the readings and assignments as defined. Questions or issues requiring clarification are welcomed at any time. REQUIRED OR RECOMMENDED MATERIALS (ISBN FOR TEXTBOOK): Required textbook:Introductory Chemistry for Non-Science Majors, the pearson custom edition for Eastfield College, by Timberlake. This book can be ordered from the bookstore ISBN#: 1256414824. It is bundled with Eastfield custom edition lab manual for first part of the laboratory and homework code for Mastering Chemistry. Lab Supplies: You must order a lab kit CK-EF. Order your LabPaq online at once you are sure to continue the class, as the returned policy is strict. For labPaq order call 866-206-0773 x 114. OR, go to here, and enter Log in ID: C 000091, Password, labpaq (all lower case) and Choose CK-EF. You can obtain any digital balance with an accuracy of 0.1 grams. Recommended digital weight balance from NorthShore Care Supply ( is Triton T2 digital precision handheld scale, Item # 7400 ($19.95). Other required materials:Laboratory Safety Goggles (may be purchased at campus bookstore ) Scientific Calculator STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: 1. Demonstrate understanding of the subatomic particles and types of matter 2. Use the Periodic Table to identify metals, non-metals and metalloids 3. Make calculations using the metric system of measurements and significant figures. COURSE OBJECTIVES The course is to demonstrate a general knowledge of the basic concepts in chemistry, and to prepare the student for Chemistry 1411. CORE CURRICULUM COURSE OBJECTIVES: I. INTELLECTUAL COMPETENCIES: 1. Reading: The ability to analyze and interpret a variety of printed materials such as book, documents and articles written at a level above the 12th grade level 2. Writing: The ability to produce clear, correct and  coherent prose adapted to a purpose, occasion and audience at a level above the 12th grade level 3. Speaking: Ability to communicate orally in clear, coherent and persuasive language appropriate to a purpose, occasion and audience at a level above the 12th grade level 4. Listening: Analyze and interpret various forms of spoken and visual communication at a level above the 12th grade level 5. Critical Thinking: Think and analyze at a critical level 6. Computer Literacy: Understand our technological society, use computer-based technology in communication, problem solving, and acquiring information II. EXEMPLARY EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: 1. To understand and apply method and appropriate technology to the study of natural sciences 2. To recognize scientific and quantitative methods and the differences between these approaches and the other methods of inquiry, and to communicate findings, analyses, and interpretation both orally and in writing 3. To demonstrate knowledge of the major issues and problems facing modern science, including issues that touch on ethics, values, and public policy 4. To demonstrate knowledge of the interdependence of science and technology, and their influence on and contributions to, modern culture MEANS OF ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES The course learning outcomes are assigned in more detail for each chapter in various learning objectives. These objectives will be assessed by exam questions, terminology, study area quiz, assignment from mastering chemistry and written laboratory report. It is encouraged to start your weekly activities by understanding â€Å"terminology†, which will be followed by reading corresponding units in the textbook. You will continue working on â€Å"Study Area† quiz and Review Questions, and homework assignments from mastering chemistry. Finally, you will perform the lab experiments. These steps are written in order under â€Å"Things to do† in all the weekly activities. EVALUATION PROCEDURE: 1. Lab Grades: This online course of Chem 1405 uses the â€Å"Wet Lab† experiences from Hands-on  lab, Inc. For the first five labs, students use the basic laboratory conceptual practice using Pearson published laboratory manual. After completion of five labs from Pearson published lab manual, students will use their purchased lab kits for the â€Å"Wet Lab† experiences and perform real chemical experiments using chemicals and standard techniques, in the convenience of their house. To ensure the credibility of the lab portion of this course, students will be asked to submit their picture showing their face at one or two specific steps of each experiment along with the data as reflected in their report. The specific steps where they need to submit their picture are well- written in the attached report form in the corresponding experiment on eCampus. Lab grades will be earned from their completed lab reports. These reports have to be typed in Microsoft office word and upload on ecampus in order to be graded, unless otherwise specified (Hand Written lab Report Will not be Accepted). You must use the report attached on ecampus under the folder â€Å"Lab #† of each week activities, and not the one that comes on the CD from LabPaq. You will get ZERO SCORE if you won’t use REPORT FORMAT UPLOADED on ecampus under the â€Å"Lab #†. However, to synthesize the conclusion and discussion of your result in the report, you can use â€Å"Lab Report Assistant† that comes in the CD with the CK-1 kit from Labpaq. The â€Å"Lab Report Assistant† can also be found on ecampus under â€Å"Start Here† button. The CD also has the introduction, safety enforcement agreement and the procedure to perform the lab. You have to sign; scan, and upload the safety agreement in the first week of the semester. Students have to upload the report on ecampus after the completion. The instructions on â€Å"how to upload† the report can be found in eCampus menu under the â€Å"Start Here† button. Students can purchase the lab kit, LabPaq CK-EF, from Hands-on Labs, Inc. Please log on to to order the kit. The lab kits also contain the manual of the experiments on CD. Students CANNOT PASS this course with a failing lab grade. A score of 70% or better and completion of 8/11 labs (cannot miss more than 3 labs) is required to pass the lab portion of this course. The lab reports has to be uploaded on eCampus by 11.30 pm on the specific due date found on the course calendar. Late lab reports will be accepted but they will drop by 25% for each day the reports are late. Students are encouraged to read the helpful suggestions after they read the procedures on the CD and before they do the experiments.  Similarly, it is advised them to complete the lab as early as the y can and do not wait until the last minute. The lab schedules are found under the weekly activity for each week. 2. Weekly Activities: These are located under â€Å"Course Contents† button in eCampus. Every week the learning items are placed in the following order. 1. Things to do: Helps to figure out the things to do quickly 2. Learning Objectives: Helps to focus on the goals to learn units of the chapter 3. Powerpoint: Gives you the main direction of concepts for each chapter 4. Terminology: It is a quick guide to know the definition and brief concepts of the topics 5. Study Area Quiz 1 2 ( area) Key Concept 6. Assignment ( area) 7. Lab report: Attached on the†Lab #† folder. The lab manual is CK-EF from 8. DO NOT BEG FOR THE EXTENSION OF DUE DATES! 2.1. Terminology: These are copyright materials and should not be altered. These terms help you to understand the concepts and to prepare for the exam. Download the list of terms from eCampus on the folder â€Å"Terminology #† under â€Å"Week of #† from the ecampus menu†. Study the terminologies, read the corresponding section in the book and answer them concisely with examples. You can try this as many times as you want, and upload your final version on ecampus with the file name â€Å"Terminology #† (NOTE: Please see â€Å"How to load a document on ecampus under â€Å"Start Here† button) 2.2 Study Area These are self check activities and students can attempt as many times as they want. It helps to understand the concepts as well as to prepare for the exam 2.2.1 Quiz 1 2 After log on to area, answer the multiple choice questions. These are self check activities and you can try this as many times as you want, scroll down and email the final trial to yourself. Repeat this step for quiz #2. Copy and paste both the quiz 1 2 score and  answers of all the questions in a new file called as â€Å"Study Area # 1† for chapter 1. Upload the â€Å"Study Area #† on eCampus. Follow the same procedure for all the chapters. (DO NOT EMAIL TO THE INSTRUCTOR) 2.2.2 Review Questions To complete this activity, please follow the same procedure as in 2.2.1. However, create a file name â€Å"Study #† where # is replaced by 1, 2, 3, and etc. for the corresponding chapter. 2.3 HOMEWORK (ASSIGNMENT) You will use Mastering Chemistry for the online homework tutorial. This will help you to understand the various concepts and to prepare for the exam. You can go directly to mastering chemistry without going to eCampus, by log on to http:// www. Many of the problems come from the back of the book to help you figure out the right answer. Do not attempt the homework without preparing yourself. You have to study the practice problems and worked out examples related to various units before to attempt the homework questions. . Your COURSE ID is for this course is MCADHIKARI89707 It is advised to complete the assignments in preparation for the tests. Late homework will worth’s 50% of the total possible points. Homework due dates will be shown in Mastering chemistry web site. It is recommended to do the homework questions little by little, rather than solving all the problems at one sitting. Once you have completed the homework assignments, you can revisit them even after the due dates during the preparation for the exam. The total score of the homework from all the chapters will be posted on your ecampus grade book at the end of the semester. DO NOT LOOK THE ANSWER before you solved the problems, if you do so, you will GET ZERO SCORE on that problem. Students have to take full responsibility of THEIR SCORE REPORTED correctly on the website. If you have doubt on any technical issue contact the technical support at 1-877-672-6877. You will get ZERO SCORE IF YOU EMAIL the answer of the ASSIGNEMENT to the instructors’ email. You must answer the assignment on the website. Syllabus Quiz: A quiz over syllabus material will be taken on eCampus. The quiz worths 10 points. It will be used to determine if students have read the syllabus material. You may use your syllabus on the quiz. You may take it as many times as you like until the deadline. I advise you to take it until you score a perfect 10 points. The quiz can be found on eCampus under the syllabus quiz section. DISCUSSION BOARDS Participation in the thee Discussion Boards (DB) is required. The discussion boards are worth 5 points each for a total of 15 points. DISCUSSION BOARD ETIQUETTE This science course is based on scientific fact alone, not personal opinions. Please refrain from using the discussion board to express political viewpoints, as a dating service, to advertise any and all types of solicitation, from expressing religious viewpoints or quoting Biblical passages, or giving personal opinions. Please refrain from using any inappropriate language in the discussion boards. Please do not â€Å"sign† discussion boards. The discussion board will automatically be posted with your name. ***Failure to adhere to discussion board etiquette may result in the student being blocked from using the discussion board and a loss of points. EMAIL ETIQUETTE When sending an email message to an instructor there are a few guidelines to follow: 1. Address the instructor as Mr., Ms., Mrs. or Professor, and in subject line please mention your class and section number 2. Always include your name, course, and section number in the email. 3. Never use foul, vulgar, inappropriate, discriminatory, rude, or otherwise unprofessional language in the email. 4. Remember, the relationship between the student and the instructor is a professional relationship not a friendship; therefore, be sure not to include instructors in your forwarded emails to friends, chat rooms, or personal updates. 5. Email between the instructor and student is to relate to course, campus, or educational matters INSTITUTIONAL POLICIES: Withdrawal Policy (with drop date): STOP BEFORE YOU DROP For students who enrolled in college level courses for the first time in the fall of 2007, Texas Education Code 51.907 limits the number of courses a student may drop. You may drop no more than 6 courses during your entire undergraduate career unless the drop qualifies as an exception. Your campus counseling/advising center will give you more information on the allowable exceptions. Remember that once you have accumulated 6 non-exempt drops, you cannot drop any other courses with a â€Å"W†. Therefore, please exercise caution when dropping courses in any Texas public institution of higher learning, including all seven of the Dallas County Community Colleges. For more information, you may access: If you are unable to complete this course, it is your responsibility to withdraw formally. The withdrawal request must be received in the Registrar’s Office by Januay 06, 2014. Failure to do so will result in your receiving a performance grade, usually an F. If you drop a class or withdraw from the college before the official drop/withdrawal deadline, you will receive a W (Withdraw) in each class dropped. Repeating This Course: Effective for Fall Semester 2005, the Dallas County Community Colleges will charge additional tuition to students registering the third or subsequent time for a course. This class may not be repeated for the third or subsequent time without paying the additional tuition. Third attempts include courses taken at any of the Dallas County Community Colleges since the Fall 2002 semester. More information is available at: . Financial Aid: Students who are receiving any form of financial aid should check with the Financial Aid Office prior to withdrawing from classes. Withdrawals may affect your eligibility to receive further aid and could cause you to be in a position of repayment for the current semester. Students who fail to attend or participate after the drop date are also subject to this policy. The Texas Success Initiative (TSI) The Texas Success Initiative (TSI) is a statewide program designed to ensure that students enrolled in Texas public colleges and universities have the basic academic skills needed to be successful in college-level course work. The TSI requires assessment, remediation (if necessary), and advising of students who attend a public college or university in the state of Texas. The program assesses a students basic academic skills in reading, writing, and math. Passing the assessment is a prerequisite for enrollment in many college level classes. Students who do not meet assessment standards may complete prerequisite requirements by taking developmental courses in the deficient area and passing them with a grade of C or higher. Additional information is available at . Academic Honesty: Academic honesty is expected, and integrity is valued in the Dallas County Community Colleges. Scholastic dishonesty is a violation of the Code of Student Conduct. Scholastic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating on a test, plagiarism, and collusion. As a college student, you are considered a responsible adult. Your enrollment indicates acceptance of  the DCCCD Code of Student Conduct published in the DCCCD Catalog. More information is available at . Academic Dishonesty Course Contract: Academic dishonesty is defined in the District Catalog includes, but is not limited to, cheating on a quiz, a test, or assignment or lab work; plagiarism (including the internet); copying another student’s lab or lecture work; or allowing another student (even lab partners) to copy all or any portion of an assignment. All written assignments are to be in the students’ own words. Written assignments for both the lab and lecture works are to be completed solely by the student, not in collaboration with other students unless otherwise noted in the assignment or instructed by instructor in exceptional cases. Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Any student found to be violating any portion of the academic dishonesty policy will automatically receive a zero (without exception or discussion). Students repeating the course are not permitted to use any old assignments or graded materials. All written assignments must be new, not just modifications of old assignments. When working in partners or groups, each student is expected to turn in his or her original work in their own words. Exact (or overwhelmingly similar as per the instructors discretion) duplication of an assignment (in any form), from any group or partner set, will not be accepted, and a grade of zero will be given. If further clarification of this policy or explanation of actions that will be taken for any and all violations is necessary, please see the instructor. ADA Statement: If you are a student with a disability and/or special needs who requires accommodations, please contact the college Disability Services Office. Religious Holidays: Absences for observance of a religious holy day are excused. A student whose absence is excused to observe a religious holy day is allowed to take a make-up examination or complete an assignment within a reasonable time after the absence. Students must notify the instructor of any religious holiday that will impact his/her time in this course by no later than the certification date. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) In compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), the College may release information classified as â€Å"directory information† to the general public without the written consent of the student. Directory information includes: (1) student name, (2) student address, (3) telephone numbers, (4) date and place of birth, (5) weight and height of members of athletic teams, (6) participation in officially recognized activities and sports, (7) dates of attendance, (8) educational institution most recently attended, and (9) other similar information, including major field of student and degrees and awards received. Students may protect their directory information at any time during the academic year. If no request is filed, directory information is released upon written inquiry. No telephone inquiries are acknowledged. No transcript or academic record is released without written consent from the student, except as specified by law. The institution strives to protect an environment most conducive to teaching and learning for all enrolled students. Children who are taking part in organized scheduled activities or who are enrolled in specific classes are welcomed. Minor children, however, should not be brought to the institution unless closely supervised by their parent. Minor children should not be brought into classrooms, laboratories or other facilities of the college. This practice is disruptive to the learning process. In the case of an emergency where the student-parent has no alternative but to bring the child to campus, classroom faculty or the administrative heads of other units have  full discretion as to whether a child may be allowed to quietly stay in the location. These individuals may require that children be removed by the student-parent from the setting if, in their opinion, the presence of the child is deemed to be disruptive to the learning process. For reasons of security and child welfare the institution will not permit unattended children to be left anywhere on the premises. Parents who have problems with childcare should visit the Counseling and/or Advisement Center to receive referrals to childcare services in the area. Final Grade Reports are no longer mailed. Convenient access is available online at Use your identification number when you log onto eConnect, an online system developed by the DCCCD to provide you with timely information regarding your college record. Your grades will also be printed on your Student Advising Report, which is available in the Admissions Office.

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