Saturday, July 27, 2019

Opera market Political analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Opera market Political analysis - Assignment Example Every organization carrying out any income generating activity has the obligation to pay taxes depending the existing rates and the amount of income (Christensen 1). For the company to maintain good political relations with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), it must pay tax promptly as applicable and fill tax return. Second, the company faces the task to adhere to the rules governing the intellectual property laws. Business ideas, logos, names or inventions need protection by the above law. Therefore, any emerging business such as the Opera House must adhere to such rules to avoid future squabbles with anyone who may intend to steal their business ideas. Applying for a patent through the US patents and trademark office may be a bold step to take towards registration of the opera services (Kendall 441). Opera being a movie production business issue like copyrights records have to be set straight. Third, the company will have to check with Environmental Protection Agency on which environmental rules and regulations apply to their and comply with them. Opera being an operator in the entertainment industry means some noise pollution regulations may apply to it (Tajtakova 365). There are also state environmental laws to meet with for example state of New Jersey has its particular environmental laws Finally, the workplace safety and health law is also a significant regulation the company will have to comply. Workers’ safety and health are critical. Therefore, the company have to comply with the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA). The company must identify the possible hazards to the employees and takes measures to minimize such

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