Saturday, July 20, 2019

Media Propaganda Hides American Terrorism Essay examples -- September

Media Propaganda Hides American Terrorism    An article in this month's "Stuff" magazine for men, titled "Die American Scum" tells us that the world sucks. It sucks because while Americans have given other countries "Mickey Mouse, burgers and gum, won wars for them, kept the peace and disposed of dictators," all we have gotten in return is terrorism. The article, by John Parrish, goes on to discourage Americans from traveling to 10 "terrorist" countries including Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Colombia and Mexico.    While the article attempts to further the notion that evil terrorists in the rest of the world are out to get innocent Americans, like many other sources of contorted propaganda, it fails to look at why. Through the news, movies and magazines such as "Stuff," we are constantly bombarded with images of Middle Eastern terrorists, Colombian guerrillas or Mexican Zapatistas, all out to hurt Americans. But a look at the United States' own record and at the stereotypes bred by the media reveal that America's actions and policies generate hatred abroad. Furthermore, the image we have of a typical terrorist must be revealed for what it is - pure racism.    Ask any American what country poses the biggest threat to the United States today and most will say Iraq. Even little kids know that Saddam Hussein embodies all that is evil in the world. We see pictures of American flag-burning Iraqis and shudder with fear and confusion. But what do we expect? U.S. sanctions have caused the deaths of millions of Iraqis. How are these deaths different than those caused by so called "terrorists?" Our selfishness gives birth to a dangerous cycle. Sanctions create animosity toward the United States. This hatred may lead to terrorism... ...ontradictory actions that either further or exact terrorism. Obviously, any and all terrorism is bad. But we must open our eyes to America's own terrorist actions and look critically at why countries harbor hatred towards us. I remember watching TV and seeing Serbian youth in the streets last year angrily chanting against Americans as they tore up our country's flag. I felt afraid, but I also felt extremely guilty.    I believe that the citizens of other nations do not want to hate the American people. But when we sit quietly as our government attacks them, either with bombs or sanctions, what can we expect? We must actively resist the stereotypes and untruths that the media have the power to generate. In doing so, we can begin to show the people of other nations that we are on their side and we can decrease some of the hatred that underlies terrorism."   

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