Tuesday, August 6, 2019

General course on philosophy Essay Example for Free

General course on philosophy Essay The world is comprised of various types of personalities and my personal experience can attest to that. My class is composed of young male and female adults of varying shapes, sizes, heights and colors. During class, I could also imagine that our instructor would perceive us as a sea of hues, all blending together within the space of the classroom. If our instructor did not focus of each one of our faces, it would be impossible for him to differentiate each one of us because we get along well enough to proceed and complete each classroom meeting. Despite the nature of viscosity of our identities, there are also times when certain members of our class would go to opposite directions, especially when philosophical concepts are being discussed. When our instructor would present a controversial topic such as euthanasia, there would be at least three distinct responses from our class. In general, there would be the group that would approve of the concept and the other group would extend an outright disapproval of the topic. The third yet silent group would be that of the neutral ones, who are always known to be nonreactive amidst all the outbursts around them. One should understand that the variations in the responses of the members of our class are not simply comprised of three general reactions. Our instructor is aware that each broad group can be further differentiated according to the principles and beliefs of each individual. For example, if euthanasia were approved in the entire country, the members of the group that is against euthanasia would aggressively react to this. The implementation of euthanasia could be equivalent to the crumbling of their world, as they would envision deaths that are at the mercy of physicians and other healthcare personnel. Looking closer into the reasons behind the disapproval of these individuals to euthanasia may be different for each individual. It is possible that one student disapproves of euthanasia because he is a strong believer of the Catholic religion, which raises the bar in terms of the value of life. Another student may not be in support of the concept of euthanasia because he has lost a loved one through such medical-ethical approach. It is also possible that another student disapproves the topic of euthanasia because his estranged father is a physician who actively participates in such technique, and thus his disagreement is not really about the topic but against his former role model. In order to shed more detail into the finer variations behind the reactions, the instructor should thus know each one of the members of the class. The class is big, as it is mainly a general course on philosophy and thus there are around 200 students in the room. When the instructor walks over to the podium and starts his lecture for the day, our eyes may seem to be tiny lights that would flicker at the very point when he utters a serious topic that needs to be discussed for an hour. He may or may not push some buttons in some of us, resulting in our reactions of support and condemnation. As for the other explosive topics, it may not be a simple button pushing for a number of students, but more of shoving a concept to our faces and asking us to express of thoughts and ideas. The course may be considered as general subject for undergraduate students, yet little do we know that we are unconsciously learning skills on how to analyze concepts. More importantly, these classroom discussions could pave the way to a clear journey for all of us, as we start our movement through an endless tunnel. It may be dark inside this tunnel of the unknown, yet after this long walk, there would be light at the end of the tunnel, leading us to a place that would cushion our identities and provide us slumber. PART II A metaphor can affect a person’s emotions because it allows the writer to symbolize his ideas using things, as well as adjectives, in order that the reader may have a better feel of the narration. A metaphor therefore facilitates in the cognition of an idea, thing or event that the writer wants to describe. This form of language can increase the impact of a narration because it can fully describe thoughts, as well as actions, by the use of transference (Hovecses, 2010). This approach allows the writer to define a certain topic through the use of comparison of two concepts that are generally considered as fully dissimilar yet may be the same in some aspect, viewpoint or perception. A metaphor can affect a person’s emotions because it assists in describing a topic through the use of descriptors of another matter (Wormeli, 2009). It should be understood that the other matter could be something else that is totally different from the topic in mind, yet the application of the descriptors of this matter can increase the weight and impact of the topic in focus. It is probably human nature to employ certain descriptors of one thing in order to provide information on another topic. The use of metaphor allows the narrator to transfer certain features that are unique to one item onto the topic of interest, resulting in a better understanding of the idea that needs to be conveyed. A simple example of a metaphor that could stimulate the emotions of a reader is to use items that are important to the reader, such as the words life, love and world. When a small item means so much to a certain person, the writer could signify this importance by claiming that this small item is equivalent to the life of that person. Once the reader sees this description, he will then feel that the item being presented is indeed so important, thus influencing his emotions to go with the narration. Language can empower or limit the expression of our thoughts because it allows the writer to use analogy in describing a certain topic (Kennedy Gioia, 2009). The writer is therefore given the freedom to choose which words to employ for his narration. If the writer chooses to use strong words, his ideas are then delivered with great impact, influencing the reader to perceive the same emotions that the writer feels about the topic. On the other hand, a writer may employ subtle words when he feels that there is no need to purposely impart strong emotions regarding a specific matter. Language is therefore a strong tool because it could sway the reader into any direction that the writer wants provide. Every writer has a large reservoir of words that he could employ when describing or explaining a particular topic. In narration, language can be forceful if there is a need to emphasize a certain emotion. Language is empowered through the use of metaphors and other forms of speech because it allows the writer to represent certain topics by analogy (Applebee et al. , 2005). It focuses on describing a certain topic by tapping on the perceptions of the reader through the use of symbolism and analogy. The choice of words that generate a sentence may impact a reader because the writer has the capacity of employ analogy in presenting his ideas. He is capable of identifying one topic by describing features of a separate item, using the latter’s features to emphasize certain points of the former topic. Language is thus a powerful tool that could affect the perceptions and emotions of readers and this is mainly based on the writer’s capacity to apply certain form of speech such as metaphors and similes. Language can take the reader to a place where the writer has been, without physically going to that place. This successful and complete narration of a certain place mainly depends on the capacity of the writer to select words that would fully convey how he feels and sees in the place of interest. It is possible to perceive all the information that we create if we use the correct words that would impart the same effect on the reader. If we would like an audience to feel what we are actually feeling, we can use two general approaches. One approach would be to describe that condition in a straightforward manner, expressing the actual emotion. Another approach would be to employ metaphors, which assist in describing certain topics through the use of analogy. We can therefore present features that are inherent in other matters yet when applied as a descriptor for our topic, it purposefully imparts a sensation in the reader. Metaphors employed as form of speech are thus very helpful in describing and imparting certain emotions that the reader may be directly feel, yet when presented through the use of transference and analogy, could be equivalent to what the writer actually feels. In order to deliver a complete description of a certain topic, we should initially describe the general environment of the topic. For example, if we are describing a person, then the general physical features from a farther point of view should first be presented. These features may include the adjectives such as tall or short in height, lean or heavy in body size and so on. Once this has been provided, finer details of the individual can then be presented, such as wide eyes, or puckered lips or unkempt hair. The organization of the presentation of details of a certain topic is essential in conveying a message to the reader or the audience. This organization of information could significantly influence the reader’s understanding and perception of the topic being presented. If the writer or narrator does not employ this approach, the reader may not fully comprehend the scenario or the topic that is being presented. A disorganized delivery of information to the audience may therefore result in a different understand, emotion and perception of the topic and it may be totally different from what the writer intended to convey. REFERENCES Applebee, A. N. , Bermudez, A. B. Blau, S. (2005). The language of literature. San Francisco: Holt MacDougal, 1548 pages. Hovecses, Z. (2010). Metaphor: A practical introduction, 2nd ed. London: Oxford University Press, 400 pages. Kennedy, X. J. Gioia, D. (2009). Literature: An introduction to fiction, poetry, drama and writing. Los Angeles: Longman Publishers, 2256 pages. Wormeli, R. (2009). Metaphors and analogies: Power tools for teaching any subject. New York: Stenhouse Publishers, 264 pages.

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