Saturday, August 31, 2019

Lab Report of Food Chem Essay

As a part of our food chemistry and biochemistry assignment, we were told by our lecturer to do research on a certain food products based on articles we can find on magazines and newspapers. Then we were to criticize certain articles comparing with articles found on the internet. I chose yoghurt. It is widely known as a healthy product and a substitute for many products such as heavy cream or coconut milk. It is a dairy product where we can obtain it from the cow’s milk. The milk will undergo bacterial fermentation to become yoghurt. Dairy yogurt is produced using a culture of Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. ulgaricus and Streptococcus salivarius subsp. thermophilus bacteria. In addition, other lactobacilli and bifidobacteria are also sometimes added during or after culturing yogurt. Yogurt is nutritionally rich in protein, calcium, riboflavin, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12. It has nutritional benefits beyond those of milk. Lactose-intolerant individuals can sometimes tolerate yogurt better than other dairy products, because the lactose in the milk is converted to glucose and galactose, and partially fermented to lactic acid, by the bacterial culture. Yogurt containing live cultures has been found effective in a randomized trial at preventing antibiotic-associated diarrhoea. Yogurt contains varying amounts of fat. There is non-fat (0% fat), low-fat (usually 2% fat) and plain or whole milk yogurt (4% fat). A study published in the International Journal of Obesity (11 January 2005) also found that the consumption of low-fat yogurt can promote weight loss, especially due to the calcium in the yogurt. But there are scientists who are arguing that yoghurt is not a healthy food after all. It also does cause certain diseases which can be avoided if we ake yoghurt in a lower level. We will see more about yoghurt in this paper. Discussion Supporting points All of the articles I found about yoghurts only talked about the benefits of yoghurt. it says that it is a very good substitute for cream, coconut milk and even ice cream, since it contains lactobacillus which is good for our digestive and immune system. It is rich in potassium, calcium, protein and B vitamins. It is also lower in cholesterol. An advantage of yogurt is that it is a probiotic, which means that it contains â€Å"friendly† bacteria that help clean your intestines from â€Å"bad† bacteria. As a result of eating yogurt, you can have a healthy balance of intestinal micro flora to promote optimal ability to absorb nutrients. You can eat yogurt to provide your intestines with friendly bacteria like lactobacillus acidophilus, which are killed when you take antibiotics, according to the National Centre for Alternative and Complementary Medicine. Yoghurt also prevents colon cancer. It lowers blood pressure and cholesterol level. It strengthens the immune system by preventing constipation and bloating. It reduces inflammation. It also improves mineral absorption. It prevents harmful bacteria. It promotes healthy bacteria and enzyme. Calcium with can be obtained from yoghurt also steadies your appetite and helps reduce mood swings and tension. Ice cream can be swapped to frozen yoghurt. Just freeze your regular yoghurt and add some mixed berries to add taste. Criticizing points Eating more calories than you burn makes you fat. That said, if you don’t want to count calories, and you eat yogurt a lot, stick with low fat or non-fat. If you like fruit yogurt, just buy a big container of Plain and add fresh fruit to it. You’ll save a lot of calories and get more fibre, which helps you to maintain a healthy weight. Yogurt can be a staple in a healthy diet, providing you with a good source of calcium, protein, vitamin D and potassium. Picking any yogurt brand and eating it in excess, however, can contribute to problems such as weight gain, high cholesterol and heart disease. The many yogurt brands in your supermarket fall across the nutrition spectrum, from heart-healthy to fatty, sugar-filled products little better for you than candy. Read yogurt labels carefully to choose the healthiest type. The majority of big name yogurt brands that you find at the grocery store are actually bad for you. Why? Because they’re loaded with sugar and the milk that they use most likely comes from cows that have been pumped full of antibiotics and growth hormones. Seriously, you may as well be eating candy with a steroid chaser. Even the so-called â€Å"natural† yogurts or those marked with the ever popular â€Å"organic† label. Conclusion Reading all types of articles may cause us to be confused with our choices. Any type of food, when eaten in a certain amount is safe for us. Yoghurt even though is natural food. It is very fattening. As it says in the articles, 0% fat may contain other hidden fat such as from sugar. So 0% is not 0% fat after all. Yoghurt may be high in vitamin b12 and calcium, but we must know that that is not our only source of calcium. So we should not eat the total amount of our requirement only from yoghurt. We can substitute other food products for yoghurt for a healthier choice. I personally think that yoghurt is a very healthy food and we should take it in a limited amount. We should also go for plain yoghurt and not the flavoured yoghurt as it may contain hidden sugar, saturated fat and other preservatives.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Which Nut Has More Energy

Running Head; WHICH NUT Which Nut has More Energy? Aidan J. Flood Christ the King Many people ate peanuts such as explorers; the ones that explored the colonies. They lived off of the types of nuts grown in the colonies. (The life and Times of a Peanut) Many people ate nuts such as walnuts, peanuts, and almonds. All of the nuts pack a ton of energy inside. The testing was on which nut had more energy. It is necessary to test or experiment with the power of a nut, so people know how much energy each nut really holds, so they know which one to buy. In order to understand a nuts’ energy, it is necessary to know the following terms and formulas. You may need to understand energy. Energy is a usable heat or power, powers something or someone. You may need to know temperature, a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a sample of matter, expressed in terms of units or degrees designated on a standard scale. (http://www. thefreedictionary. com) BTU means British thermal units, it means the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water from 60 degrees Fahrenheit to 61 degrees Fahrenheit. I am using 125 ml, half a cup of water, which is equal 4. 17 ounces. The formula that I have for energy is, Energy= mass (125ml or half a cup, 4. 17 ounces) x increased temp Mass of the nut x 1000 (nut as in walnut or peanut) One is Celsius; Celsius is the type of temperature measurement in almost every other country except America. It was named after an astronomer; he created the scale of temperature. The other is Fahrenheit; Fahrenheit is mostly used in the U. S. It is a scale temperature which water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit, and boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit. Now for the things that are being tested, A Peanut is a small oval seed of South American plant, mostly roasted, salted, and eaten as a snack. Also called a one seeded plant, grown on large farms. A nut is a hard shelled, one seeded fruit like an acorn or hazel nut. You will also need to know what a graph is, a graph is a diagram that exhibits a relationship between different sets of numbers and items. (http://www. thefreedictionary. com) Many plants and crops are grown organically and inorganically so that must be explained too. Organic means that the plants or crops are grown naturally without pesticides and any harmful chemicals. (http://www. thefreedictionary. com) This actually doesn’t affect the peanut because it is hard shelled and no pests can get in. Inorganic means not made with any organic materials at all and is protected with man made items that are not always helpful to the environment. The plants are grown with pesticides and chemicals. Morgan D. Nagatani conducted the same type of experiment in 2002. She thought that the walnut would have the most energy and it did. She stuck the needle into the nut and burned it with a lighter, but she used a small bucket instead of a juice can. The walnut did show the highest BTU, with cashew in second (I did not test the cashew), and the almond in 3rd. These results caused me to be more interested in for walnut . It had the highest in my experiment. This also helped me explain BTU, British Thermal Units, and it did affect my experiment. There are some things were noticed in the experiment that I learned. The walnut had the most energy out of many different nuts. Also people wanted to know what Joules were and I found that they are also another measurement of energy and heat. Something that I noticed was that when I was testing the bottom of the can would turn black, so I needed to know if the soot on the bottom would effect the heat that it gave off, and it did so I had to clean the can after every trial. Many people expected the walnut because of its mass, and it was because it was grown inorganic plus very large so it can burn longer. In the past experiment the walnut also won the prize for nut with most energy. It relates to my experiment because it tells me which nut to expect to win.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Annals of the American Academy

When out of work the average member of the working class loses his chief means of support. It is, therefore, a matter of life and death to him. The most immediate and vital effect of unemployment on the worker is a very serious reduction of the wage scale. Enough has been said to show how greatly unemployment reduces the pay received. In debasement of any general information for Philadelphia industries, an investigation made in New Jersey will best serve to indicate, in a general way, the extent to which the wage scale is depressed by unemployment.Figures collected by the New Jersey State Department of Labor from firms employing over 21 ,OHO workers in the machine industry and from firms employing nearly 16,000 persons in the silk industry show that each of these industries worked during the normal industrial year of 1912 at approximately 70 per cent of total capacity. The actual average wage received during the year for the machine industry was $684; for the silk industry, $509. If full time had been made, it follows that an increase of over 40 per cent would have resulted. This would have meant an average annual wage for the machine industry of $977; for the silk industry of $726.If this 27 per cent of time had not been lost, the average annual wage would have been $566. The average annual loss of wage per employee through unemployment was at least $1 53, and was probably much more, if time lost waiting in the mill, and time lost by hose laid off, were included. Stated for individual departments, the actual average annual wage and the lost wage per employee would be as follows: Actual average annual wage Winders -? Threads Setters†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Weavers -? Pickers†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..Average annual wage lost through lost time spent outside of mill $334 237 452 $124 173 168 164 These results are shown graphically in fig. 19. In short, the worker loses the opportunity of earning 100 per cent of what his energies and abilities warrant. Permanent or chronic unemployment means a permanent loss of wage. In essence it means that the family of a man with a $1,000 or $1,200 earning ability cannot profit by or live according to the standard of such means, because the man is actually earning only from $500 to $1,000 a year.Not merely does unemployment seriously reduce the income of the worker; it makes his income decidedly irregular. Regular income is interrupted by periods of total or partial stoppage of income. In times characterized by such unusual industrial depression as of the past winter, the loss of income is complete on the part of thousands. To a large degree, the worker is entirely ignorant when such misfortune will befall him. Such a situation almost forces the worker to lead a hand-to-mouth existence.He hesitates to plan ahead, because he never knows whether he will be able to carry through his plans or not, for fear of an interruption of income. A premium is, therefore, placed on the lack of thrift . When the normal income returns after a famine period, it not unnaturally leads a family to spend extravagantly after the strain of pinching through a hard time, Just as human nature always has, from the days we were savages, led us to indulge in an orgy of feasting after a long fasting. Unemployment and irregular employment are the arch enemies of thrift.The Annals of the American Academy Perhaps the most serious industrial result of unemployment is its effect on the quality of the working people. It makes good workers bad. It turns workers who were capable and willing into men who are neither capable nor willing to hold a steady Job if they could get one. As one man with whom I talked when he was out in front of a hosiery mill at the noon hour, said, † For six months before this month, we have been working from 8 to 3. When we came to go back to the old hours (7 to 5. 0) it seemed at first as if we Just couldn't make ourselves get up an hour earlier and work two hours later . † The utter inability of the workers to understand or to change the situation breeds a fatalistic lack of hope that soon manifests itself in a lack of ambition and effort. The secretary of the National Lace Weavers' Union says, â€Å"The lace industry has made more bums than any industry I know of. I have seen men go into the mills only to work an hour this morning or an hour this afternoon, so long, that they are incapable of sustained effort.They lose their personal ‘punch' and often eventually lose their ability to discuss anything except how things are this week in this or that plant. One of the usual ways by which such a depression leads to a debasing of the worker is by causing the skilled man to drift into an unskilled trade. When a man is out of work, he is very apt to â€Å"take anything† that offers, whether it is a job in which he can utilize his skill or not. The very common result is that he is never able to â€Å"come back† to his own trade .His ability in his particular trade is sacrificed and he drifts into the already tremendously overcrowded class of unskilled men. Not only the worker but the entire Philadelphia community as well, is the loser by this lowering of the skill of abort. The injury to the worker by unemployment extends beyond his mere industrial efficiency, and dangerously affects the social standing, the family relations, the health, the intelligence and the public orderliness of the working classes of the community.A series of interviews with Kensington textile workers (chiefly Anglicans) is one steady story of used up savings, of increased debts, and of â€Å"half time† for four, six or nine months during the past winter. Even the few whose greater savings or â€Å"steadier time† would normally have led them to avoid the â€Å"pinch† f the past winter, have felt obliged to lend to the less fortunate to an extent 41 Steadying Employment which, in many cases, has meant a severe dra in on their own resources. The lowered income during such a winter as the past. 1914-1 5) very frequently means the curtailment of the necessities of food, fuel and clothing, to the point where the health is seriously impaired. It is almost impossible to measure this injury. Mr.. R. R. P. Bradford, who is in charge of the â€Å"Lighthouse† and was quoted previously (page 6), said during the spring of 1915, â€Å"l should not be at all surprised if, as a result of the erring of physical vitality among the Kensington workers, because of insufficient nourishment and protection, there should come about an epidemic of disease that will cost us dear.Whether it does or does not happen, we have a permanent injury as a result of this year's unemployment in the lessened vitality of the people. † Every severe depression is a great destroyer of family life. Almost every family with whom I conversed knew of two or three families that were forced to â€Å"break up† because of the unemployment during the past winter. One of the usual results of unemployment s a considerable increase in the number of thefts, burglaries and suicides.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Management Principles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Management Principles - Essay Example Today’s organisations provide immense opportunities for employees to learn and grow. These organisations contribute significantly towards growth and betterment of the society. Today’s organisations work on team-based structures and give much importance to human capital. Organisations function well on strong information and technology framework. Moreover, organisations give much importance to the wellbeing of their employees by focusing on work-life balance (Schermerhorn, 2010). Organisations accomplish these by employing able managers. A manager is the person responsible for achieving specific goals through people through activities like coaching, mentoring, facilitating, planning, monitoring and controlling. Therefore, a manager has administrative functions and leadership functions in an organisation. Managers can be of various types depending upon their tasks. Different types of managers include line managers, facilities managers, security managers, general managers o r functional managers (Parsloe, 2004). Managers are responsible for a variety of activities and functions like performance management, employee motivation, customer satisfaction, as well as production activities and quality management. These functions constitute the management process.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Response Memo Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Response Memo - Case Study Example However, the governors are full time employed in the Corporate secretary. The C.E.O is the senior most corporative Officer in the organization. Generally, he is in charge of managing organizational activities. In this organization, the C.E.O reports directly to the board of Governors (p.33). Additionally, he is charged with the responsibility of maximizing the entity value. He is also the director and the lead decision maker in the organization. On the other hand, he is represents the organization in the outside world. The Chief Finance Officer also a corporate officer directly reports under the C.E.O. His main responsibility in the organization is managing the organization’s financial risks. Additionally, he is responsible for record-keeping and financial planning. Alternatively, he deals with financial reporting especially to higher management. As a chief Operating Officer, I have different responsibilities for my organization and I ensure that I carry out these tasks to the maximum ability so that to have quality output and consequently increase the profit margin for the organization. ID Security develops software used by different organizations and I always make sure that the people operating subordinate to me understand the importance of carrying out their responsibilities effectively to the pleasure of our clients. The advance system that the organization with ensures that the clients not only receive the various biometric systems that we manufacture, but also ensure that we carry out follow up procedures and installations to ensure the effective working of these systems. It is critical to go through the responsibilities of my subordinates for it allows for the understanding of their operations, review their character and abilities and also advise on the best manners through which they can improve in their roles. Salary and the compensation package is however much lower as compared to the C.E.O and the C.O.O. Averagely, a yearly salary stands at

Sexual Harassment Case Analyzes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Sexual Harassment Case Analyzes - Essay Example An analysis of the internal and external environmental factors over time to isolate causal factors suggests that the Human Resource Department failed to rightly augment its position to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission on Winthrop's sexual harassment charges. If the letter from the company Vice President of Human Resources to EEOC had substantially provided the details of the specific termination and charges, including the specifics of the sexual harassment against Jim Hudson, company's policy on sexual harassment, the statement from Mary Harper Jones concerning the events, etc., the present problem would not have arisen. Another significant cause for the recent problem is that the company failed to effectively convince the EEOC on the Company's handling of Winthrop's termination. In another consideration of the problem, it is also clear that the Company's position on the issue could have more emphatically presented before the commission which would also alleviate the curre nt issue. As the company has concluded that some form of 'injury' has been suffered by the claimant, its position on the matter can well be justified. As the company has strong evidence for the sexual harassment complaint by Jim Hudson, its stand on the current sexual harassment charges by Bill Winthrop on Jones firmer before the commission. ... bility insurance covers the financial cost of a sexual harassment claim, it can't repair the damage to employee morale, or compensate for the public embarrassment and ridicule a company may suffer." (Understanding Sexual Harassment) Therefore, the company needed to be more vigilant and careful in handling the sexual harassment proceedings by Winthrop. Step 3: Alternative Solutions The prime alternative solution to the issue is to provide an apt reply to the request for additional information from EEOC to standard valve & gauge. This can be best done by providing the statement from Mary Harper Jones concerning the events, the company's policy on sexual harassment, the company's policy on discipline and discharge, the personnel files of the two parties concerned, and other specifics required in the the request for additional information by EEOC. The company also can make a further investigation on any complaints reports to the management by the Charging Party about being sexually harassed. Another possible alternative solution to the Department is to make more extensive and detailed investigations on the sexual harassment attack on Jones by Winthrop and submit the conclusions of the enquiry to the commission. Step 4: Select the Best Alternative. The best solution to the present problem is that the Human Resource Department of the company adopts an ever-stronger position on the sexual harassment charges by Jones on Winthrop, substantiating the position by affirming the company's policy on sexual harassment, the company's policy on discipline and discharge etc and by providing more convincing evidences of the sexual harassment by Winthrop. As the company is facing a fresh and counter charge of sexual harassment by Winthrop, which has never been reported before, the

Monday, August 26, 2019

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Principles and Essay

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Principles and Process Standards Worksheet - Essay Example 6. Expectations for each grade level (Pre K-2, Grades 3-5, etc.) are listed under each standard. Review the Math Standards and Expectations section and select two significant process standards. Explain in 100- to 200- words why you choose these two standards. I have decided to review the measurement standards, Data analysis and probability standards. I have chosen these two areas because they are the most challenging parts of mathematics involving critical thinking. In the case of measurement standards, a student between pre-k and grade two cannot distinguish between standard and nonstandard units. In addition, due to their age and class, understanding estimates is hard for them hence basic measurement tools become essential for them. For example, a grade two student cannot use a Vanier caliper since they will make numerous errors in the measurement. For the case of data analysis,expecting a grade two student to understand about graphs is an over estimate. Such should only learn the basics of data, how to classify them and use objects and pictures to represent data. In addition, the activity of designing investigation and the concept of categorical and numerical data is not fit for grade 3-5 student. This student should only be taught about data collection methods and how to represent the data using tables and graphs. Directions: Review the NCTM Principles and Process Standards for School Mathematics, and complete the following two tables. Table 1: NCTM Principles Description Provide a short description of each of the six NCTM principles for school mathematics. NCTM Principles Principle Description 1 Equity This means giving students equal opportunities to learn mathematics regardless of their personal characteristics, backgrounds, or physical challenges. 2 Curriculum This is the arrangement of mathematics topics in order to introduce ideas in a way that they build on each other thus portraying the relationship among important mathematical ideas. 3 Teaching Thi s is trying to give students as much information about a mathematics topic as possible. This can only be possible if teachers understand deeply the mathematics they are teaching. 4 Learning This is the concept understanding of a student about a particular mathematics concept and it enables the student to solve problems and settings that they have not encountered before. 5 Assessment This is the process of teaching while trying to uncover how much students have understood a certain topic during a particular learning period. 6 Technology This is the use of emerging learning machines like calculators and computers in working out mathematical problems. This actually has helped a lot since it has made some mathematical problems easier to solve and understandable. Table 2: NCTM Process Standards Complete the following table by providing a brief description and a real-world example of the five NCTM Process Standards for School Mathematics. NCTM Process Standards Standard Description Real-W orld Example 1 Problem solving This is applying mathematics knowledge to solve problems that arise in life and to design a strategy that monitors the way these problems are solved. If someone has 10 dollars to buy pens each at 2dollars, he can use mathematics to know the number of pens that he can buy. 2 Communication This is the use of other mathematical judgments to consolidate and organize a particular manner

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Popular Culture (2-3) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Popular Culture (2-3) - Research Paper Example Myths continue to be told today and they are still part of the so called Modern world. The most important Myth that is currently on the minds is the 21st December 2012 Myth. No doubt that this topic is of huge interest to everybody and hence a huge amount of money is being generated by exploiting this interest. December 21st 2012 has been declared as a Doomsday in the Mayan calendar (â€Å"December† n.d. Para 1). Today we undoubtedly see wars, natural calamities, and destruction. Some say that these are the dark times and that these days were prophesied long ago in the Bible, the temples of Rome and the Pyramids of the ancient Maya. The newest version of the Doomsday prophecy comes from the Web.Bot project (â€Å"The web† n.d. Para 8 ). According to the Web.Bot the series of catastrophes reach their peak in the year 2010. What causes us to think more on this Myth or the Prophecy is the surprising similarities in the predictions. The Mayan Calendar: The Mayan calendar ceases to exist after December 21, 2012 (â€Å"2012† n.d. Para 5). The Mayans believed that history consisted of five ages and that each ends in a disaster before the world is reborn. And as per their calendar, we are living in the fifth and the final age which is due to end in December 2012. (D 2012: n.d.) Planet X or the Planet Nibiru: It is claimed that a certain planet Nibiru supposedly discovered by the Sumerians, is headed for the earth and that this will collide with the Earth in December 2012 (D 2012: n.d.). Planets align in a way that impacts Earth: According to the planetary alignment 2012, earth will be at the centre and sun will be present at the top (D 2012: n.d.). It is expected that the rising sun will come in a straight line with the black hole which is situated in the centre of the Milky Way (D 2012: n.d.). The rising sun will touch its lower orbit which can cause many changes in the position of the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Proving The Biblical Flood (Noah's Ark) Term Paper

Proving The Biblical Flood (Noah's Ark) - Term Paper Example To this end, God instructed Noah to construct a huge Ark that would shelter his family and also a pair of every animal and bird species in the world. It is stated that Noah complied to each and every of God’s commands and secured himself, his family plus the select pair of every animal and bird species in the Ark. Afterwards, the book of Genesis details a mega flood that rained for 40 days and 40 nights. To this end, Genesis 7:21-22 states that all flesh perished that moved on the Earth, every man, cattle, birds, beasts and all the creeping things (Beitzel, Barry, Barry L. Bandstra, and Laurie, 24). Only the people and land animals on board the Ark were spared. After, one hundred and fifty days, it is stated that the water receded from the Earth. Unfortunately, a majority of sceptics and atheists normally dismiss the Great flood as one of the many mythological tales. Most critics like to point out that there is no evidence on Earth for Noah’s flood. However, The Bible a nd especially the Book of Genesis is a true historical account of the universe. ... This fact is credible considering that all global surface water covers three quarters of the Earth surface. Evidently, some secular geologists have supported the theory that all the continents were once whole and not divided by the massive oceans of today. To this end, it is also a valid point that the receding waters of the flood were sufficient to effect the continental separation changes. Evidently, the Biblical scriptures state that God created the ocean basins by raising the land surface from the water so that the floodwaters may recede to a safer place. Most critics of the Great Flood normally seek for geologic evidence from proponents of the Great Flood. Evidently, a number of Christians are blind to the geological evidence that support the occurrence of the Great Flood. To this end, they have bought in the evolutionary idea that asserts that ‘the present is the key to the past’ (Shimmeal, 67). However, in examining whether the Great Flood really took place, direc tion from Biblical evidence is a starting point. Evidently, in Genesis chapter 7 to chapter 8, it states the fountains of the deep were fractured and water was expunged from within the earth’s core for 150 days. Furthermore, the heavens opened up and there was a global torrential rain for 40 days and nights. To this end, all the mountains and hills were immersed in water. In addition, all creatures on the land were swept away and died. Consequently, in attempt to check for evidence, one would expect to discover billions of dead animals and plants that have been buried and fossilized in layers of mud, sand and lime. Furthermore, such sediments would have been deposited instantaneously by water, within

Friday, August 23, 2019

Paper #1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Paper #1 - Essay Example As such, at a personal level, epistemology guides individuals in knowing the truth of their natural surrounding and having justified beliefs on senses of the past lives, as well as natural environment and science. An example of this is the fact that human beings have direct experiences in the process of knowledge gaining. Hence, knowledge of description and gaining are important in human life. Personal position on ethics is that it is an effective tool for offering meaning to social moral concepts. Such includes right of action, justice and obligation of an individual member in society. As such, people are able to make moral decisions in both private and public life and can understand what constitutes validation for the wrong-doing and acceptable moral behavior in society. Such is illustrated by the perception of logical positivists when they developed the theory of non-cognitivism or emotivism that focus on the expression of preferences and attitudes of individuals. The consideration of these is the morality of objectivity and subjectivity. A key lesson from Socrates is the need for happiness. Socrates illustrated this by making two points, which are; happiness constitutes the desires of people and happiness is not dependent on external things, but on how such things are used. Hence, a wise person uses the money in the best way to ensure that life is better, but an ignorant individual uses money in a poor way ending up with a worse lifestyle. Happiness is essential since it makes an individual to have a stress free life and enjoy the each and every second spend on planet earth. Plato and Socrates also offer another essential life lesson, which is happiness and virtue are two things that are linked together. As such, an individual cannot enjoy one under forget about the other. Hence, virtue and knowledge pleasure contributes in satisfaction and full-filling a complete human life. Such is

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Suicide and Friend Essay Example for Free

Suicide and Friend Essay Teen suicide is something we all know about; some of us more than others. It is a horrible murderer that takes away our friends, brothers, sisters, cousins†¦and what does it leave behind? The sad memory and wonder of if we could have helped is all that lingers when it takes away the ones close to us. Only two months ago, there was a girl that is known to most teenagers in Georgia. She was outgoing, friendly, helpful, sweet, hilarious, and seemed to light up a room. I never had the pleasure of actually becoming close to her. This girl and I maybe talked twice and she reminded me of myself. She was a bubbly girl, but behind the mask of happiness and a bouncy girl. was the face of a sad girl wanting help. Maybe that’s why I could relate to her. I, too, was like that when we’d talked. Just as I was reaching my breaking point, the girl reached hers. Rachel was her name. She’d attempted to take her life and, two weeks later, died on October 29th, 2009. Like all teen suicides, it affected everyone. Her parents were destroyed, her ex-boyfriend felt guilty to the point of which he wanted to die, her friends missed her and took their anger out on all the wrong people, and it resulted it horrible events. The reason I chose this topic of teen suicide isn’t because it is the 3rd leading cause of death for teens or because of mere stories of it. I chose this because not only do I know the facts, I’ve personally experienced situations where I almost lost a friend and I did lose a girl that could have been like a sister to me. When teens want to die, almost nothing will stop them . It may seem selfish to say, â€Å"Live for me† when they had to live through pain, but what they don’t understand is the pain will pass. There’s an organization especially made for teaching the teenagers that there’s something to live for. It is called, To Write Love On Her Arms. The name has it’s own story behind it, as does the reasoning for the organization being founded, and it’s helped many teens escape the choking grip of suicide. A hotline I had used was an easy one to remember. It was 1-800-SUICIDE. The hotline gave me two operators and they personally helped me. My friend was considering suicide and this hotline helped him. Before you down the idea, let me tell you about it. The friend was given the help he needed and talked down without being taken to the mental institute. Just because someone is suicidal, it doesn’t mean they’re crazy. Think of this: 27% of teens at one high school admitted to secretly wanting to commit suicide and 8% of them did it. That’s proof that suicidal teens are not crazy teens. Why else would a teen commit suicide every 100 minutes? Does that mean that the world is full of lunatics? No. It means that the world is full of teenagers with problems and no answers to them As some of you take teen suicide as a joke, others take it as a personal stab to the heart. We’ve lost friends and family to this horrid killer, but there is only one way to stop it. We have to be understanding, yet helpful . Your friend may get mad if you try to help, but would you rather have the friend dislike you for a little while and be alive or have them love you and dead? As for those that are suicidal, don’t think that the world will be better without you because it won’t. In this world, you are one of a kind. Each and every one of us is unique. If you’re gone, people WILL miss you. It may seem to be the end to your problems, but it’s the beginning to others’ pain.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Scene where Eddie kisses Catherine and Rodolfo Essay Example for Free

Scene where Eddie kisses Catherine and Rodolfo Essay In this scene Eddie comes home early from work because it is Christmas holiday. He is drunk and seems unsteady. He calls out to Beatrice to see if she is at home. Catherine enters the room you got home early she says knocked off for Christmas early he replies. Rodolfo then appears in the bedroom doorway, Eddie sees him and he is slightly shocked. This scene shows Eddies character to be quite angry. He loses his temper very quickly, he threatens Rodolfo and at one point you think he might actually hit Rodolfo. Eddie shouts very loudly at Catherine and he makes her cry because he doesnt usually talk to her in this way. He is usually very nice to her but lately since Rodolfo moved in, he has been very unsupportive of her and he is trying to get her to change her mind about him because Rodolfo is not like him. There is evidence of this when Eddie says he marries you hes got a right to be an American citizen. Thats whats going on here the guy is looking for a break, thats all. Eddie does not approve of Rodolfo because he has blond hair, he sings, cooks and he doesnt know how to box! Eddie thinks that all men should be physically strong, hard working and supporting his family. Eddie is more favoured towards Marco because he has the same qualities as he does. Eddie doesnt have anything in common with Rodolfo because he thinks Rodolfo is different and that he isnt right. Basically Eddie doesnt think Rodolfo is anything that a man should be. Eddie is not pleased to find Catherine and Rodolfo at home alone together. Catherine seems distressed and frightened at Eddies behaviour towards her. This is when she becomes rather tearful. Catherine is bold enough to stand up to Eddie but Eddie suddenly grabs her and kisses her on the mouth. Rodolfo jumps to Catherines rescue by yelling at Eddie and forcing him to let go of Catherine. Rodolfo then flies at Eddie in attack and then Eddie pins his arms, laughing and suddenly kisses him. Catherine is raged at Eddies behaviour; she is horrified by what he did. Rodolfo is rigid. Both Eddie and Rodolfo are like animals torn at one another and broken up without decision, each waiting for the others mood. The tensions being explored in this scene are the ones between Eddie and Rodolfo and also the tensions between Catherine and Eddie. Eddie kisses Catherine because he is sexually attracted to her. There is proof of this in the beginning of the play when Eddie says you been giving me the willies the way you walk down the street, I mean it. Kissing Catherine could be something that Eddie has been waiting to do for a while. Eddies obsession with Catherine is something he is not able to recognize or understand for himself. Instead he focuses all his anger and frustration on Rodolfo. Rodolfo has no responsibilities and has a more frivolous, light-hearted attitude towards life. If it is this that Catherine finds attractive about Rodolfo, Eddie finds it repulsive and unmanly. Eddie is suspicious of Rodolfos interest in Catherine; he thinks that Rodolfo only wants to marry her in order to gain American citizenship. In the play evidence is given to prove this point when Eddie says Katie, he is only bowing to his passport, he marries you and hes got the right to be a citizen! It becomes clear to Catherine that Rodolfos intentions towards are honourable and motivated by his love for her. There is evidence of this when she tells Eddie that hes got all kinds of respect for me. And you to! We walk across the streets and he takes my arm he almost bows to me! You got him all wrong. When you analyse the way in which Eddie talks, looks and acts towards Catherine gives you the impression that Eddie has feelings for her. Eddie has intense desires for Catherine and he wants to have a sexual relationship with his wife. This is shown when Beatrice says to Eddie when am I gonna be a wife again. Eddie makes excuses and says that he hasnt been feeling good since Marco and Rodolfo moved in. Beatrice thinks that Eddie doesnt find her sexually attractive anymore. It is shown when she says whats the matter Eddie, you dont like me heh? She asks whether something is wrong.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Artificial And Non Artificial Ingredients In Foods Biology Essay

Artificial And Non Artificial Ingredients In Foods Biology Essay The aim of this research is to find out what are the differences between artificial and non artificial additives, and their modern use as well as the safety, benefits of their presence and side effects it might have on the body. As my examples of artificial additives I will discuss the properties of two synthetically obtained chemicals, a sweetner Aspartame and a flavor enhancer Mono sodium glutamate. Compounds vanillin and cinnamaldehyde as examples of natural ingredients. My intended sources of information were websites found on the google search engine, and other links associated with this topic.. First time line for the research was due on 20/02/2013 and it was requested by Joanne mitchel. 2 What are additives and what are they used for Food additives are ingredients added to foods during their manufacturing processes, food additives can also be identified as natural and artificial. Natural or non-artificial are often considered to be of natural origin, and have been used for centuries by people. These natural ingredients were obtained from organic sources such as part of the plants or animals that contained the active compound in them. Methods of obtaining these ingredients and their uses varied as many cultures and regions had their own methods of seasoning and preserving foods. Ingredients obtained synthetically are artificial, these ingredients are often obtained through bacterial fermentation, some artificial additives are simply, separated and concentrated active compounds found in natural ingredients, however synthetically obtained will never be the same as natural. Natural additives such as food dyes, preservatives and spices existed all throughout history, however their methods of preparation were often ver y time consuming and gave very little results, which not everyone could afford. Today the use of natural ingredients and natural ways of preserving foods has been greatly replaced by artificial additives. They can act as preservative to allow food to be eatable for longer, pH regulators to keep the food at its optimal pH, flavor enhancers to sharp the taste of other tastes and some additives can act as a substitute for tastes and flavorous such as sugar. Chemical properties and uses of Aspartame and Mono sodium glutamate Aspartame or E951 and MSG (Mono sodium glutamate) are two artificial ingredients used in the EU in many foods. Aspartame is a white odorless powder and it is very sweet in taste which eventually becomes bitter, chemically aspartame is a methyl ester of two amino acids, phenylalanine and aspartic acid, in acidic conditions aspartame will breakdown to its components and also a 3rd dipeptide called aspartyl-phenylalanin, it will also produce methanol as a bi product. MSG is a sodium salt of an amino acid that is known as glutamic acid which is often found naturally in many animal proteins, chemically it is one sodium atom holding two glutamic acids together. Main use of aspartame are its properties that make it sweet in taste, aspartame is also widely used in soft drinks and chewing gums as a substitue for sugar. Although aspartame is not used in all sweetners, chemicals with similar chemcial properties are also used in other products such as confectionary and sweets. MSG is used as a f lavor enhancer, it works best when combined with other flavors. It is generally used in ready meals, processed meats, fast food restaurants and snacks such as crisps and many other, MSG is also used in seasonings and canned soups. Chemical properties and uses of Cinnamon powder and Vanilla oil. Both cinnamon powder and vanilla oil are examples of natural ingredients that can be added to food to increase their taste quality, these ingredients are often less active on the body than their artificial forms, naturally these ingredients have to be prepared from the actual flower or part of the plant that contains the active ingredient found within the part of the plant. Cinnamon powder is grated bark of the cinnamon tree, the active ingredient found in cinnamon is the cinnamaldehyde which gives cinnamon its taste in cinnamon based products. Presence of a compound known as vanillin gives vanilla its smell and taste and it is the active compound that is used in the production of vanilla tasting spices and all vanilla tasting products, however this chemical is obtained both naturally and synthetically. These natural additives are just a fraction of what used to be an everyday spice, even though the active compounds can be produced synthetically. These spices are still produced naturally, and are sold as everyday spices however products such as confectionary that resemble in taste may have been produced artificially. Benefits of presence of additives in food The main benefit of presence of artificial additives in foods is that it is more economically efficient than obtaining and preparation of natural additives, especially in additives that are used as food dyes, preservatives, pH regulators and flavourings, flavour enhancers and emulsifiers. Naturally preservatives would be just a matter of preserving the food keeping it in cool conditions but even that will not give it a long lasting date of expiration and preservatives can extend that date as well as pH regulators by keeping the food at its optimum pH to preserve its freshness. Sugar substitutes can also be beneficial to people with disorders that excludes sugar from their diet. Some of the properties of certain compounds found within the additives could never be separated out naturally. Possible side effects associated with foods containing natural and artificial additives. Natural additives like vanilla extract and cinnamon powder are non essential to the human body but will digest. The desired active compounds in them will correspond to their function and breakdown to smaller harmless compounds. Side effects that are often associated with consumption of foods containing these ingredients are allergic reactions to compounds found within them. Artificial additives work in similar way, when obtained and prepared it is in its pure form, then it is added during foods manufacturing process. Some artificial additives are synthetically obtained active compounds found in natural ingredients. Some like aspartame were designed using other compounds creating in effect a new compound, aspartame partially breaks down to methanol which is toxic in even small amounts and the more aspartame is consumed the more methanol is produced. Regular consumption of foods and drinks containing aspartame may result in headaches, dizziness, and even vomiting, another biproduct of aspartame is L-phenylanine which by some cannot be consumed as it gives allergic reactions to people sensitive to it. MSG contains glutamic acid that is naturally found in meat proteins, it is non essential but will breakdown and digest, MSG is purely an active compound, the role for glutamic acid in proteins is that it is a building block for muscules and also supports brain function. Foods containing MSG could alter the functions of the brain for the moment of consuming the food and its digestion, over consumption of foods containing these ingredients may cause headaches, bowel distress, acid reflux, indigestion, nausia and fatigue. Long term effects and the impact on society. Natural ingredients added to foods should not be a cause of any physical or mental disabilities, there are always foods in nature that have low toxicity and are considered to be healthy and there are always those more toxic and should be avoided, many natural ingredients and spices were unique to different cultures and regions of the world which were renowned for them as well. It can not be ruled out that compounds found within artificial additives can be considered toxic and be potentially dangerous to the body if excess amounts of foods containing these chemicals are consumed on a regular basis over years. Children can be particularly affected by such foods that it can even be noticed, children require less food so it takes less to see the effects of such foods. Sugar causes hyper activity as well as other sugar based products, there are also concerns that the active compounds found in additives such as MSG can alter the brain chemistry to the point a person will be craving for thi s particular food without understanding that they were actually craving for the ingredient in that food. This might affect children more severely because as they are developing they might become more prone to simply buying these foods over fully nutritional foods that they require. People prone to stress eating will be more likely to want to eat products containing, high sugar content and foods containing richer and stronger flavours, which many additives were designed to simulate. In my opinion it is not worth it to fill foods with ingredients that can be potentially harmful with just having this advantage that they can stay for longer or taste more stronger. The best solution would by minimising the intake of foods containing these chemicals to only required mass their body needs. People in most developed countries are aware of what is in the food they buy and the daily amount required but it still dose not help the growing population of obesity in most countries. It should also b e noted that additives were disqualified from many markets through out their short period of existence because they were considered potentially harmful and those considered vital were always replaced by new. Health Benefits of Cinnamon

Adultery Explored in The Scarlet Letter Essay -- The Scarlet Letter Es

That Nathaniel Hawthorne to chose such a controversial topic as adultery for The Scarlet Letter, his nineteenth century novel of "seventeenth century sexual repression and hypocrisy" (Zabarenko PG), demonstrates a delicate yet changing climate with regard to infidelity. Historically, carrying on an adulterous affair back in such an era of Puritanism and traditional values was not taken lightly; in fact, by today's standards, such horrific treatment for what is now considered an everyday occurrence was more harsh than murders suffer by current standards. Those who acted out of the vows of matrimony centuries ago, as Hester Prynne did in The Scarlet Letter, paid a high price for their momentary pleasures of the flesh. In those days, the Puritans saw to it that such a crime was "punishable by death" (Zabarenko PG); behavior so unbecoming of a religious devotee deserved no less. However, Prynne escaped such a fate when she did the unthinkable: she chose to sleep with a "self-righteous" (Zabarenko PG) priest who ultimately fathered her child. After her adulterous affair was discovered, Prynne's punishment of wearing a red A on her bodice acted as a vivid reminder to all who saw her. Yet human beings were still human beings even back then -- it is just that extramarital affairs were not looked upon as an acceptable activity. While they are not exactly condoned within today's society, there has been a remarkable change in attitude toward the punishment of such sexual indiscretions compared to those of Hawthorne's time period. "What people are saying is that this is wrong but the temptation is great and it's part of being human that we fall into temptation. The extra thing about adultery is that if a person admits they were wron... ...oes nothing more than eat away at his heart and soul. Had they known of his participation, the townspeople would have relished the thought of such suffering. Clearly, tolerance towards such acts of the flesh was not welcome in the time of The Scarlet Letter. In an oppressed, emotionally smothered community as theirs, it is no surprise they were unable to see past the adultery and into the true love that had captured the characters. WORKS CITED Barna, Mark Richard. "Nathaniel Hawthorne And The Unpardonable Sin.," The World & I, (1998) : vol. 13, pp. 324. Grenier, Richard. "The Scarlet Letter Takes Liberties With History, Sin.," The Washington Times, (1995) : pp. PG. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. "The Scarlet Letter." (New York: Bantam Books, 1986). Zabarenko, Deborah. "U.S. Obsession With Adultery Harks Back To Puritans.," Reuters, (1997) : pp. PG.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Nursing Practicum Proposal Essay -- nursing educator, practicum experi

Nursing students today are diverse with different learning styles. Nursing educators must shape students to become critical thinkers and there are a host of approaches for instructors to develop needed teaching skills (Kostovich et al., 2007). There are many models of education styles; one to fashion teaching after is from Kolb’s model in 1985 which suggests matching learning methods to teaching approaches. However, educators need to become proficient in identifying individual student learning styles. Nursing educators should also recognize their own teaching style and the effect it has on learner development and socialization (National League for Nursing, 2007). The National League for Nursing (NLN) has developed eight core competencies for nurse educators. The NLN proficiencies serve as a guide for faculty to follow in order to provide high quality education for nursing students (NLN, 2007). This paper is aimed at proposing a student teaching practicum at North Central M ichigan College (NCMC) in the nursing high fidelity simulation/skills lab for the winter 2014 semester. Scholarly Practicum Proposal The NLN has developed eight core competencies for nurse educators. The NLN proficiencies serve as a guide for faculty to follow in order to provide high quality education for nursing students (NLN, 2007). With a diverse student population, educators must be able to incorporate varied teaching strategies into curricula to meet the needs of each student. Older students have a tendency to prefer on line discussion and problem-based learning, while younger students prefer simulations and skills demonstration (Pettigrew, Dienger, & King, 2011). Used as a teaching tool, simulation promotes clinical skills, interperson... ...eved from . North Central Michigan College. (2013-14). Nursing program handbook. Retrieved from Penn, B., Wilson, L., & Rosseter, R. (2008). Transitioning from nursing practice to a teaching role: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 13(3):3 Pettigrew, A., Dienger, M., & King, M. (2011). Nursing students today: Who are they and what are their learning preferences? Journal of Professional Nursing, 27(4), 227-236. doi:10.1016/j.profnurs.2011.03.007. Rattray, J., & Jones, M. (2007). Essential elements of questionnaire design and development. Journal of Clinical Nursing 16, 234-243. Wayne, D., & Lotz, K. (2013). The simulated clinical environment as a platform for refining critical thinking in nursing students: a pilot program. Nursing Education Perspectives, 34 (3), 163-166.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Life as a White Man in The Autobiography of An Ex-Colored Man :: Biography Biographies Essays

Life as a White Man in The Autobiography of An Ex-Colored Man "...the effect is a tendency toward lighter complexions, especially among the more active elements in the race. Some might claim that this is a tacit admission of colored people among themselves of their own inferiority judged by the color line. I do not think so. What I have termed an inconsistency is, after all, most natural; it is, in fact, a tendency in accordance with what might be called an economic necessity. So far as racial differences go, the United States puts a greater premium on color, or better, lack of color, than upon anything else in the world." --the protagonist (page 72) James Weldon Johnson's first-person narrator in his fictional account, The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man, forwards a cynical, if not Darwinian, point-of-view about skin color. He claims it is "most natural" for black people to procreate with those who are lighter skinned. And he coolly excuses this supposedly common practice as pure economic necessity. The Black Nationalist must protest this fatalism. The Marxist simply chalks another one up for his side. What about the humanist? What is he or she to make of such unreasonable and callous tactics used to pursue the American Dream? The sympathetic humanist might bristle at first, but would eventually concur. For it's hard to argue with poverty. At the time the novel was published (1912), America held very few opportunities for the Negro population. Some of the more successful black men, men with money and street savvy, were often porters for the railroads. In other words the best a young black man might hope for was a position serving whites on trains. Our protagonist--while not adverse to hard work, as evidenced by his cigar rolling apprenticeship in Jacksonville--is an artist and a scholar. His ambitions are immense considering the situation. And thanks to his fair skinned complexion, he is able to realize many, if not all, of them. There is some evidence that connects our protagonist's line of thinking with his upbringing. Our protagonist's mother tells him, "The best blood of the South is in you," (page 8) when the child asks whom his father is. Clearly, his mother was proud of (and perhaps still in love with) this genteel white man who gave her a son. So his bold pronouncements make much sense in light of his own condition.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Cost Effects on Pricing Decisions Essay

Pricing decisions for products are affected by many different factors such as demand, cost, competition, strategy, and profitability. Cost is one factor that has numerous ramifications on the final price of a product. Cost includes many aspects including manufacturing cost, damaged goods, theft, transportation, and overhead. When determining the price of a product, one must balance what the market is willing to pay with supply and demand. When examining supply and demand, one can see that as supply increases then demand decreases. Yet, supply does not determine the price of a product. The goal is to base the price on the interaction between a supply and demand equilibrium that is mutually beneficial. Cost is a figure that must be examined on the supply side of the pricing decision. Manufacturing costs is the number one consideration in determining price. The manufacturing process will include a cost cushion for goods that are damaged in the process and a no longer viable. Overhead costs such as administrative costs must be considered in the total cost of a product. Next, the movement of the product to distributors or retailers impacts the cost. Transporting the product has a cost and any goods that get damaged in the transportation process also have a cost to the product. Finally, once the product has reached the distributor or retailer, theft is a common problem that can affect cost and pricing. If a product is stolen, the manufacturer does not receive compensation for all the previously mentioned costs. This loss in compensation needs to be accounted for somewhere along the process so the manufacturer does not lose money. Usually, a cushion is built into the final price of the product that will account for losses such as theft and damaged goods. Product costs are a critical component in the final pricing of a product. Accounting for all aspects of product costs is essential in determining a price that will allow profits to be made.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Climate Change Policy Memo

Discussion Section: 9 TA: Jose Emilio Lopez Word Count: 800 Addressed to the honorable Senators John McCain and Joseph Lieberman. Objective To ensure the passage of the Climate Stewardship Act, S. 139, in the US Senate before the November 2004 presidential election. Strategy The recent passage of the energy bill has opened an opportunity for the passage of the Climate Change Stewardship Act. Furthermore, the results of the voting of the amendment presented by Senator Lieberman in October, 2003, show that there is already considerable support.We need to keep building momentum around this issue, and propose some of the following actions. Knowing which states have voted against the Act, it will be important to map out the motivations behind these votes and address them accordingly. For coal intensive states, the loss of income and unemployment that the adoption of cleaner technologies might bring is a big concern. Creating funds to aid them in the transition is not as important as shedd ing light in the opportunities that the modernization of the coal industry can yield.Coal and other fossil fuels will not be displaced in the short term as renewables are still beyond the required reliability, but investing in cleaner coal is feasible and can have a high return, helping boost a stagnant industry, creating knew jobs, and attracting investment for R&D of renewables, smart grids, and carbon capture and storage technologies. Further evidence about the real costs and benefits that new technologies present should be available from MIT and similar sources.Additionally, some states that voted against the amendment could be considered as highly vulnerable to climate change related phenomena such as flooding, hurricanes, and severe droughts. Reliable data related to the increasing incidence of such events in Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas and other mid western states, will help us convince their representatives on the need to act not only to take advantage of carbon storing cr op opportunities, but also to protect their vulnerable agriculture industry and the population. It is essential to build a stronger case about the market opportunities related to climate change.It was the United States task force who proposed the â€Å"flexible mechanisms† to be incorporated in the Kyoto Protocol, and all the Annex I countries but the US have been receiving the benefits of such tools. The US has failed to take advantage of global carbon markets and related commercial opportunities worldwide, and is also missing the opportunity to achieve emission reduction targets at a lower cost. The global markets in which US companies like to drive is setting high competitive standards and truly global companies will need to adapt to the standards whether nationally adopted or not, so why lag behind them.At this point, the government might find in the private sector a partner to share the cost and risks related to the investment in cleaner technologies. To convince Senator s about this argument, it will be important to use advocates such as the Ford Motor Company and IBM. These flag companies are anticipating future regulations and turning the situation into a competitive advantage. Other big market players in the electricity, transportation, industry and commercial sectors might find similar advantages in their own business models.This can help minimize the perception that climate change regulation is a means to control the market, and show that it can actually help create new markets, increase opportunities for low carbon business and promote the creation of jobs. In terms of international relationships, the passage of the Act can be presented as means to create the right environment for investments that could eventually reduce the dependence of the US on imported fossil fuels, which is as a matter of national security. Given the current climate around the war in Iraq, the Act can be seen as a low risk and low cost alternative to a costly war.Additi onally, there is great concern that any local emission reduction action is meaningless if developing countries don’t establish emission reduction targets. It can be argued that the US needs to establish high internal emission reduction targets, even if it doesn’t ratify the Kyoto Protocol or other international agreements, to recover moral leadership and global negotiation power around this issue. The media is already supportive of the cause so we need to keep working with them to maintain the climate change in the minds of the population in general to keep putting pressure on the candidates.As with highly vulnerable states, more attention should be brought to the minds of the average citizen of the vulnerability of US territories and not only faraway territories in third world countries. It is important to monitor the results of negotiations in the House of Representatives to feed into this strategy and amend the arguments we will present to the different key players accordingly. Scientific evidence regarding the potentially harmful events of greenhouse gases (GHG) cannot be ignored.Yet, some might argue that the emissions are due to causes other than human and might be reluctant to change consumption patterns. While data regarding the harmful effects of GHG upon climate, ecosystems and human life, other areas need to be supported by evidence, such as job creation, growth derived from innovation, and other benefits related to decreasing dependency in foreign fuel supply. Climate change will have adverse impacts in several communities. The most vulnerable communities in the United States will be those closear to the Gulf of Mexico.Traditionally poor and marginal states, will face the harshest conditions as their economic activities depend largely on the yield of crops. Hurricanes and changes in the rain patterns can have severe impact in the already vulnerable economies of these states. When looking at the map of states that voted against this we should devide them into those which are vulnerable to climate effects and voted against to convince them on increasing economic pressures derived from inaction in their own states and neighboring states (peer pressure). Then, with those that depend primarily n fossil fuel exploitation (coal mines, oil fields) we should work on the benefits of increase research and development of low carbon technologies within the fossil fuel industry, investment in research and development of cleaner fuels and more efficient processes can be accompanied by technology transfer tax breaks. Emphasis should be made on the fact that this newer industry will create an increasing amount of green jobs the young population could benefit from. It means shifting maintenance investment in the oil and gas industry to the development of a whole new industry that will yield high paying specialized jobs.The research and development community is a key ally in trying to convince state governments in secure resources funds for R&D of low carbon technologies. Try to capture talent within states. A new green economy brings opportunity for all and a great chance for stagnating and polluting industries to recapture investment in research and development. Development of smart grids, renewable energy projects, carbon capture and storage, doesn’t compete with the current energy industry but will allow for a long term shift into a more sustainable future while creating high paying and wealth creating jobs.Reducing the dependence on imported oil might also allow the US government to reinvest savings from cut in oil trade in the states with highest oil production in the cleaning of their industries, aiming to increase efficiency and capture GHG gases. While there are still doubts on whether climate change is due to human activity or not, the fact is that there are countries that have used the opportunities climate change presents to invest in overseas markets and claim great benefits from voluntar y carbon markets.This would allow to improve the US reputation around the World and regain moral leadership. Adaptation Mitigation Evidence needs to be collected One of the main obstacles in past negotiations was the unfairness of the developing countries not having binding reduction targets, in part because any reductions of emissions in the US would benefit only third world countries in the most vulnerable regions. But some US governments have failed to recognize the vulnerability of some US states close to the coast, river basin and other deserted areas (i. e.Florida, Mississipi, Texas, Lousiana, South Carolina, Georgia). Inaction against climate change will affect these traditionally relegated states. Evidence about the vulnerability of these regions will be key in trying to convince the congressmen representing them to vote in favor of the bill. Even if a great share of emissions are not necessarily connected to human activities (although there is worldwide consensus about the fact that it does) the fact is that temperatures are rising, and there is a need to stabilize CO2 concentration in the atmosphere.This in itself is an opportunity for innovation, and given worldwide attention to this issue the cost of action will be shared by many countries. If the US fails to act now, the cost of action in years to come might be considerably higher because the country will not be able to share the risk of the investment with other developed economies. It means maintaining leadership in the energy industry, while opening new channel for investment and efficiency, and the creation of a new set of consumption patterns, beneficial for stagnant and even contracting businesses (coal industry).

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Impact of British Rule on India During 1857-1867

In Politics as in physical science, when one body impinges upon another the effect of the impact is determined not only by its force but also by its duration. The improbability becomes greater when we have regard to the highly developed and complex civilization with which the British came into contact. That civilization is an amalgam of two elements, one Hindu and one Muslim and at first sight the Islamic element might seem to offer the greater resistance to outside influence.The uncompromising character of Islam is obvious, and in consonance with it the Muslims in India for a considerable time resisted the impact of Western education, took but little to science or industry, and hardly allowed their beliefs or their way of life to be influenced by the newcomers. Hinduism, on the other hand, has protected itself throughout the centuries by its flexibility and its absorptive capacity. In the British period European thought has profoundly affected the Hindus, with their great sensitivit y to new ideas and spiritual influences.They have become steeped in the Western scientific spirit; they have so absorbed European political ideals as to forget their foreign origin; and they have allowed even their conception and understanding of their own history and philosophy to be transformed by Western learning. Nevertheless, modern India is essentially a Hindu country and during the latter half of the British period Hinduism itself, after centuries of stagnation, has experienced a mighty resurgence. Thus it is that independent India is today governed in the main, not by Westernized intellectuals, but by men who regard themselves first and foremost as Hindus.Both the main elements in Indian life and thought are in fact highly self-protective and it might therefore have been thought that the relatively brief impact of British rule would leave little permanent mark. Nevertheless, some of the evident effects of that rule have at least the appearance of permanence. In the first pla ce, a strong and ubiquitous Central Government, administering a uniform system of law with a high degree of efficiency, relentlessly imposed homogeneity unknown in Indian history.The Tamil, the Bengali, and the Gujarati for the first time obeyed the same law and observed the same forms in their dealings with authority; and in the process they were insensibly drawn closer together. Secondly, the introduction of English education brought the upper middle classes under the influence of Western thought at a time when nationalism was the most vital factor in the life of Europe, whilst at the same time the English language provided them with a common medium of communication.In the third place, the Press, which was called into being by British example and influence, furnished Indians with a means of voicing their political aspirations, and so developing a common consciousness and knowledge of their growing strength. In all these ways, British rule fostered the growth of national feeling an d built up a political unity not wholly dependent on the cohesive force provided by a strong foreign rule.The process was clearly not complete by 1947 or partition would not have been necessary and it is an interesting speculation as to whether, if the steps to self-government had been slower, a unitary government would have been possible. The process of unification has not been wholly advantageous, for the development of a strong Central Government has undermined those village institutions in which the political genius of India was most truly displayed.The villages of ancient and mediaeval India were to a great extent self-governing and the forms of democracy which operated in them were perhaps more vital than those which have been so laboriously imposed on India in modern times. The community settled its affairs by common consent and looked for no interference from outside as long as the revenue due to the ruler was paid. Civic consciousness was strong, and the way of life in rura l India was gracious.Despite the protests of the wisest administrators, the East India Company steadily destroyed the political importance of the villages, and few things in British rule are more pathetic than the attempts, during the last seventy years, to re-create village institutions. It is only necessary to study the working of a modern District or Union Board, for example in Bengal, to realize how much India has lost by the over-centralization of authority. This loss must in fairness be set against the gain, which has resulted from political unity.Although it is in the political sphere that the influence of British thought has been most spectacular, equally important has been the impact of Western science. India at an early stage made great contributions to scientific knowledge, but in the Middle Ages her intellectual life became stagnant and few signs of a true spirit of enquiry appeared. Nor did she experience anything even remotely comparable to that great revolution in ide as, which was brought about in Europe by such men as Galileo, Newton and Descartes. Except to a limited extent in the field of astronomy, scientific learning was rare and the scientific spirit non-existent.Thanks partly to Macaulay's own vehemence, English became the medium of instruction, and through that medium, by the end of the century, the scientific spirit had been rekindled. The change has not been wholly for the better, for it has given a materialistic twist to Indian thought and has introduced a worship of wealth, which was not present in the India of the Vedas or the Epics. On the other hand, intellectual India has received a new dynamic impulse and has become once again creative. For good or for ill, Western scientific thought has conditioned the Indian approach to all the problems of life, whether practical or speculative.The degree of conditioning, however, has not been uniform in all directions, and one of our most difficult problems is to determine how far Western inf luence has affected religious sentiment and philosophy. It may be said at once that Islam has been singularly unaffected and our question thus need only be considered in relation to Hinduism. British influence has reacted on Hinduism by leading a small but important section of highly educated Indians to abandon their traditional Hindu thought and feeling and to adopt a Western outlook on life and philosophy.A second effect of British influence was the growth of re-formed sects such as the Brahmo Samaj, which aimed at a synthesis of the best in Hinduism and Christianity. They were of considerable importance in the nineteenth century, but, like the thoroughgoing occidentalists, they faded into the background in the twentieth century. Thus, without in the least intending to do so, the British revivified Hinduism after its long period of stagnation and uncertainty. In the villages and smaller towns Hinduism remains strongly entrenched, but in the north of India there are, nevertheless, some signs of change.Here and there are groups of men who reject the old taboos on intercaste dining; while the respect paid to men of higher caste is not so profound or so universal as of old. Villagers no longer gather so frequently round the feet of the village pundits to hear the recitation of the great epics in which their traditions are enshrined. These signs must be neither exaggerated nor ignored. They do not indicate rapid or revolutionary change, but they do mean that life and thought in the villages is no longer static.Outside events and trends of thought press more closely upon the Indian villager today than ever before and they are unlikely to leave his beliefs and customs unchanged. Until the direction of the change becomes clear, no real assessment of British influence on Hinduism will be possible, but in the meantime it must be recognized that the intrusion of the outside world into the villages is the direct result of British rule. References Ainslie Thomas Embree , 1962. â€Å"Charles Grant and British Rule in India† George Allen & Unwin: London. Anindyo Roy, 2005. â€Å"Civility and Empire: Literature and Culture in British India, 1822-1922† Routledge.New York. Jeffrey M. Diamond, 2004. â€Å" Imperial Fault Lines: Christianity and Colonial Power in India, 1818-1940. † The Journal of the American Oriental Society. Volume: 124. Issue: 2. Page Number: 383+. Martin Deming Lewis (Ed. ), 1962. â€Å"British in India: Imperialism or Trusteeship? † D. C. Heath. : Boston. Reginald Coupland, 1945. â€Å": India: A Re-Statement† Oxford University Press: London; New York. Robert Carr, 2005. â€Å"Concession & Repression: British Rule in India 1857-1919 Robert Carr Assesses the Nature of British Rule in India during a Key, Transitional Phase. † History Review. Issue: 52. Page Number: 28+

Advanced Database Systems

Crystal Reports is business intelligence software for allowing other database applications to integrate with it for designing and fetching reports for business and commercial purposes. The format and the style of the report can be designed along with it and it provides mechanism to be linked with several other types of database and front end applications. The following are the various procedures and methods for producing such reports: · Usually in the form of rows and columns. · Can also take the form of pie charts, bar charts and nested summary tables. · It is also possible to run a crystal report without using the software itself; it is done with the help of viewers, schedulers and other report distribution tools. · It is a package with a set of ActiveX controls which can be integrated or embedded with several GUI tools to provide a separate user interface (, 2007). ·Ã‚   It supports data sources from databases like Oracle, MS SQL, MS Access, IBM DB2 and other appl ications like spreadsheets, text and XML files.Actuate is another product which combines business intelligence product which can combine with SQL Server and Access. It also carries the following characteristics: ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   One can develop reports for further development in future ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Deployment of reports are possible ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It handles end user reporting and analytics ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is also used for object designer ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The report also serves performance management and takes care of data integration.Data warehousing is a concept that is used for storing organization’s data and is usually termed as corporate memory. It contains the raw material for an enterprise’s MIS or DSS system. The analyst can perform complex queries which would be used for getting results and further interpretation of the data and the resultant information (W illiam, 2000).The subject oriented feature of the data warehousing takes into account the various elements that take place in the real world. It is non-volatile and integrated with respect to the data that they are never deleted and contains all the information with regard to business processing by the enterprise for all its operations.Data mining in contrast is filtering the data for the purpose of deriving a knowledge from it which is not possible for getting the trends of data from simple databases.It uses complex technologies for getting the better meaning of the data and its analysis. It is generally used for mainly two purposes namely knowledge discovery and prediction that roughly means that future prediction of events and patterns are found for getting the knowledge out of it for business intelligence purposes (Frawley, 2001).Online processing is termed as one that is done simultaneously as the user clicks and operates online. The system responds to user behavior and makes c hanges to its system accordingly for action. It promotes simplicity and efficiency for a reason that the user is not required to wait for any operation to take place for general criteria.The advantages of distributed databases over centralized database can be termed as follows: ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Costs: The costs of maintaining of the distributed database at several locations are expensive with relation to technological costs, labor costs and running expenses. In return the centralized database is housed in a single particular location and saves costs. ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Benefits: The benefits of distributed database would be the structured-ness, improved availability, better fault tolerance, performance and modularity in modification and changing its contents. In case of centralized database, costs can be less but they are vulnerable to fault tolerance and availability reasons that forms good amount of reason to switch for a distributed structure. (2007). Retrieved 20, December 2007 from W.(2001). â€Å"Knowledge Discovery in Databases: An Overview†. AI Magazine: pp. 213-228. ISSN 0738-4602.William H. Inmon (2000). Using the Data Warehouse, John Wiley & Son's, ISBN 0-471-05966-8.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

African American History in America

From slavery to freedom (2007), it was said that the transition from slavery to freedom is the subject in the history of African-Americans (1). The history of African Americans plays an important role not only for the civil rights movement but also for American history as African Americans strive to lead a good life and courage in America. African Americans have been in this country since the early 1600s and since then have been making history. The history of African Americans is the history of America. This is an echoed message from the Smithsonian National African American History and Culture Museum in Washington DC, opened in September after a century of planning. Americans' achievement brings the history of slave trade beyond the Atlantic that began hundreds of years ago and continues to today's popular culture. American African American History 1865 - 1960 Georgian Roots HIS 204: American History Mark since 1865 D. Bowls March 18, 2013 American African American History 1865 - 19 60 America African American History Americans experienced many difficult times in attempts to progress from slavery, freedom, and equal rights. In this article I will explain some of the important events of the time to clarify the role of African Americans in a wider range. Documentary Film Analysis Worksheet History 221 - 1877 Before describing the history of African-Americans: Your movie list can be selected in the course section of the course. †¢ Go to the list and select a movie. You have to see the whole movie. If you are unable to access the movie for placement, geographical location, or for any other reason, please contact your faculty to request alternative work. †¢ Please enter the answer on this form. I need to send a worksheet Black - African American history, as well as American history, is also the center of the United States and should be consistent with American history. The history of ancient Africans and African Americans must be part of our elementary sch ool and the introduction of high school curriculum is consistent with the national history of the United States. It is the basic cognitive discipline of psychology and tells us how to change the way people think eventually change behavior. This cognitive process depends greatly on who can identify themselves. Therefore, it is said that people with strong cultural identity are better at changing life than those who do not improve their lifestyle.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Position Paper Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Position Paper - Movie Review Example In other words, there are substantial issues and various points linked to autism. What is most important is to come up with relevant point of view about it. The work at hand points out some relevant views about autism based on the point of view of the film. At certain point, the film simply showcases the thought that autism could be due to environmental toxins. This has remarkable basis, which particularly includes the prevailing lifestyle of the people in the modern world. With the advancement of technology and the innovative approach of creating something new in the market place, people are bound to experience relevant health, psychological and emotional variations. At some point, one remarkable change that may be brought by this is relevant to the level of learning of an individual. Autism based on the film is considered as a problem associated with learning. A person having difficulty in learning might be highly influence by the presence of autism or any symptoms associated with it. However, the thought that this might be due to environmental toxins remains debatable. For this reason, there is another point of view that surfaces. The issue about neurodiversity is so strong that it encourages everybody to support a person under the condition of autism. For the reason that there are only few cases of autism and average people do not act the way an autistic person does, many experts believe that it is quite substantial point to consider that autism is not a normal mental condition after all, but something that requires moral support from all concerned. This view is humanistic in its approach, and in fact, this is how the film presents the point of looking at autism as something that may require substantial public consciousness. Based on these thoughts, there are vital topics or concerns that may be good items for teachers to consider. Taking into account the concept of learning and the prevalence of autism are phenomenal ideas. Banking on the point of

Monday, August 12, 2019

Levis Stadium Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Levis Stadium - Essay Example The essay "Levis Stadium" talks about the Levis Stadium which serves as among the world’s best outdoor entertainment and sports venue. The Arena is a football stadium in the suburb of San Jose, San Francisco Bay area in Santa Clara, California. It is also a home to San Francisco 49ers. This stadium consists of hundreds of solar panels from three of the solar bridges connecting to the main parking area of the stadium. Therefore, the stadium is unique in the sense that it is a multi-purpose venue with fan experience and having a green technology as the prime priority. Tickets in the stadium sell massively, in the presale ticket requests stage. The monumental sellout of the tickets causes the price of the secondary market to record high, thereby most fans who fail to get tickets at the first sellout, the battle at exorbitant prices set by the brokers. The stadium has made strategic changes to ensure that ticket sell is fair enough to each fan. The current trend that the stadium uses to sell out its tickets is by online means. The online mail order design gives fans an equal opportunity to purchase tickets during sales. Efficiently, the design allows four-ticket limit for each ticket purchaser, as only one request made per person. Hence, the stadium has put a mechanism to combat the elusive ticket scalpers, having the fans as the key priority. Levis Stadium has magnificent and beautiful luxury suites and clubs seating. The stadium features some of the most innovative and world’s most modern facilities.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Discrimination Based on Religion and National Origin Essay

Discrimination Based on Religion and National Origin - Essay Example Accordingly, as it is made known to her that customers need English speaking sales professionals, Mary was aware of the needs of the customers as well as her responsibilities, which include speaking in English. Additionally, the Spanish language was not prohibited as long as it is used to communicate with a Spanish-speaking customer. In the context of Mary’s case, it can be said that the imposition of the â€Å"English Only Policy† is to prevent misunderstanding between employees and customers. Murray and Bernard mentioned that with the diversity in the workforce today, there is a need to impose a preferred language to ensure effective and comprehensible communication among customers and employees (1). Additionally, Mary’s dismissal is not merely based on her language, but it is based on the idea that she did not use the prescribed language preferred by the company. For this reason, Sears did not violate the law that protects employees against racial, ethnic, and religious discrimination. Based on Title VII, Tucker and Haddad flesh out that the concept of religion, in the juridical context, includes all the religious practices, observances, and beliefs of an individual (217). With this definition, it can be said that religion has a wide scope that accommodating all of the employees’ religious preferences may be difficult. Furthermore, although it is a general rule that employers should not discriminate an employee’s religion, service industries and religious-related organizations are exempted from the limitations prescribed in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Service industries and organizations associated with a particular religion can discriminate an employee’s religion. For instance, the airline industry, in its service-oriented business process, is allowed to disregard the religious practices of their employees and oblige them to work especially when the work is a business necessity. Considering the rationale of the exception, I

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Managing people Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Managing people - Essay Example 246-250). In this scenario, an important element is to figure out during what time there is more record of absence, since it could be due to more excessive working hours, no offs per week, working extra hours, more work and less encouragement causing employees to feel the motivated and demoralized. It is important for the organization to assess the situation and design strategies to bring back the presence of its employees on a daily basis. And this also brings a lot of responsibility and looks upon the efficiency of the HR human resource management to skillfully design ways to encourage employees to come to work on time daily and be more productive for themselves and the company (Preece, 2010). A few interesting trends that follow absence in employees are as follows: When there is an air of downsizing in any company, related to its economic instability and productivity stress (McPheat, 2011). Surprisingly absentees are more common in youngsters than older employees. Analysis on a we ekly basis there is absence mostly on Fridays and Mondays. Earlier and even organizations are now following the Draconian Policies that just push away the employees and burden them psychologically. Instead if they understand the employee’s needs and follow a flexible off time from work schedule, including sick leaves, casual leaves, vacation such can be very helpful in the reduction of unscheduled days off (, 2013). According to a few HR Experts, they say â€Å"If a Company fails to give their workers a sense of their â€Å"Importance and Value to the Organization† such results in less motivation and dedication resulting in absence (Baker-McClearn et al., 2010)† Reputed organization consists of many bases in which management is the primary function at all. Without a tremendously functioning management, no organization can acquire an eminent position. Therefore, management requires several competent and credible employees to attain a good position. As w e find many organizations undoing and the critical problem behind their failure is the absence management (Preece, 2010). Absence management happens mostly due to sickness, unprofessional and immoral employees, and leniency in the policies. The foremost is the lenient policy gives an extra margin to recruits by which they get fearless of being off. Another chief reason of destabilized management highlights lack in the proficiency of the HR team brings immature employees into the company. What can be the effective approaches in the transformation of absence Management? In every state we find a military department as the most powerful and well being, functioning properly and accurately. The prime reason behind their success indicates proper training, maintenance of discipline, and the methodology in each act. They do the entire task with complete dedication without losing concentration on their work. This is the key which every organization has to grasp and implement it on employees b efore giving permit for the job. Therefore, training criteria must be created firm and even tougher than the actual job so it evidently determines the compatible employee. It also enables the organization to accurately evaluate the tendency of personnel rather than to judge credibility during ongoing job. Thus, it is the best approach in reckoning employees practically rather than to do blind trust on employees at

Friday, August 9, 2019

Buyers Behavior and Analsis Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Buyers Behavior and Analsis - Literature review Example Several constructs initiate, maintain and prolong the consumer-product relationship. Consumer Brand Relations The relationship between consumers and brands is one of the most influential forces in marketing. This explains the vast literature on the importance, concepts and nature of the consumer brand relationship. This review of literature explains the conceptualization and significance of consumer brand relationship, as envisioned by different authors. According to Patterson and O’Malley (2006), the relationship that exists between brands and consumers emanates from the acceptance of various ideals that brands posses and that are beneficial to the consumers. The concept of consumer relationship with particular brands emanates from the intrinsic satisfaction that consumers’ gain and the fulfillment of self. There is a notable increase in literature on brand-consumer relationship over the past decade as noted by Patterson and O’Malley (2006, p.10). The high numbe r of publications on brand-consumer relationship reiterates the considerable importance of the concept of relationship in branding. In the view of Patterson and O’Malley (2006, p.10), the concept of consumer behavior can well be understood through the exploration of brand consumer relations. Brand management is among the main considerations in promoting relationship marketing that depends on stable consumer relationships. Patterson and O’Malley (2006, p.12) explains the concept of brand relationship to surpass the mere identification of a brand with a producing company but the attachment of trusts, by consumers, to a brand. Regarding the relationship, the role of brand personality is invaluable in developing the trust that consumers have towards a brand. The existence of the relationship is a factor that is dependent on the extent of the growth of the brand, itself, and the increasing level of attractiveness associated with the brand. The concept of the relationship is that it develops overtime through improvement in features that brands bear and their appeal to consumers. There are diverse types and levels of the relationship between brands and consumers, as Patterson and O’Malley (2006, p.12) outlines. They explain the explicit interrelatedness between interpersonal relations and the concept of relationship between brands and loyalty of consumers. Such relations include the characters as love and passion that individuals attach to interpersonal relations and brand loyalty. The expression of self-connection with a brand and the extent of its initiation of satisfaction constitute one of the determinants of strong consumer brand relations, according to Patterson and O’Malley (2006, p.13). Interdependence that consumers perceive to gain from a brand is among the major determinants of strong brand consumer relations. Patterson and O’Malley (2006, p.13) identify intimacy as one of the greatest constructs related to strong consume r brand relations. This refers to the extent of knowledge that consumers have on the functionality of a brand. Another construct of a strong relationship between consumers and brands is the brand partner quality that entails the attribute that consumers attribute to their preferred brands. Brand personality is

The Penny Press Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Penny Press - Essay Example The penny press had much more to offer readers then traditional newspapers. The penny press, which became almost popular overnight, allowed writers to give the public a small breakdown of current events. This was important since readers no longer had to wait for other papers to circulate. Readers wanting to be updated on the latest and greatest events could purchase a subscription or pick up a paper from a local news stand. When consumers purchased the paper, they knew that the paper would contain information that was current and of interest. Not everyone took a liking to The Penny Press. â€Å"Many were not interested in the topics presented and thought that they appealed to a lower class of individuals.† (Friedman 2005) These people preferred the traditional style newspaper since it contained political info as well as the week’s most important headlines. The late 1800’s was a time that housed many new events. These new events were so popular and interesting to readers that they fueled the success of The Penny Press. The public quickly became use to the fact that they could read new and updated topics everyday for only one penny. The effect of the popularity of The Penny Press, left penny press writers with the need to constantly seek out new stories. These new stories were not always easy to find and The Penny Press opened up the doors and gave a new definition to the meaning journalism. Journalism quickly began to grow as the need for new stories became such a high demand. Consequences that arose from the increase in journalism as a result of The Penny Press are seen even in today’s society. These consequences include a decrease in the public’s privacy, an increase in paparazzi, and an increased want by the public to have information. The pressure this created on journalist made journalist hungry for information and willing to do what was necessary to get the most popular and sought after story. It is obvious that the