Monday, June 17, 2019

Aviation Maintenance Programs Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

atmosphere Maintenance Programs - Research Paper ExampleTo address the safety concerns the federal official Administration Aviation and the military returnss often take similar or divergent maintenance programs to address the aircraft safety issues. The paper will look at the similarities and differences of how the Federal Administration and the military service run their aircraft maintenance programs. The paper will also make a comparison of aviation maintenance programs of the United States and those of opposite countries in the world. Similarities Similar Internal Mechanism used to Communicate Safety Related Information In running the aircraft maintenance programs, both the military service and the Federal Administration Aviation have established a formal and informal internal means to realize their aircraft safety issues. In both cases, thither are established formal internal mechanisms that are used to convey any official information that is of concern such as those of giving orders and directives in the aviation industry and the military service. In cases where the Federal Administration aviation predicts any unprotected condition for the aircraft, they issue a formal airworthiness directive of the unsafe condition to the primary owners and the operators of the aircraft so that they can take precautionary measure to avoid areas that are considered unsafe for the aircraft to pass through (United States General Accounting Office, 2000). In case of large civil commercial airplanes, the airworthiness directive is first written by the agency based in Renton, Washington, and then sends to the Federal Administration Aviatio

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