Friday, May 31, 2019

The Price of Revenge in Sleepers and Valentine :: Sleepers Valentine

The Price of R until nowge in Sleepers and Valentine Many people advocate the philosophy of An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth, but fewer of them realize that to take revenge is often to sacrifice wizself and that the very purpose of uprightness is to put an end to revenge. People are willing to sacrifice their freedom, their careers, and even their lives for revenge. Lorenzo Carcaterras novel Sleepers, and Tom Savages novel, Valentine, evidently express this. Although its true that it might take couple of years for criminals to get what they deserve, most of the time the law gets the job done. In addition, some may argue that the law doesnt always ensure justice. This is also true, but its still not worth to sacrifice oneself. We should let the law do its job.     People may sacrifice their freedom for revenge. In Sleepers, John Reilly and Tommy Marcano could not forget the humiliation they suffered at the Wilkinson Home for Boys. One day, they saw Sean Nokes, one of the guards who never planned on a reunion with the two boys, sitting in a bar. They recognized him at first glance and didnt want to go against up this valuable chance for Nokes to pay for what he did to them. Both of them pulled out their guns and shot Nokes to death in cold blood. The shots that took outdoor(a) their enemys life soon took away their own freedom. They were both arrested and put into jail.     People may sacrifice their careers for revenge as well. Michael Sullivan, after being released from the Wilkinson Home, had never again had a problem with the law. Moreover, he graduated with honors from high school and eventually became a New York City assistant district attorney. But his career was destined to be destroyed when he decided to go after the other guards. Its payback time, Michael said, John and Tommy started it, I can finish it (Carcaterra p.271). As the prosecuting attorney, he set the witness (one of the guards) up and purposely lost th e case. Although his revenge plan succeeded, his reputation as a lawyer was ruined. He never practiced law again and became a carpenter. Its a tragedy that this law school student doesnt believe in law.     People may even sacrifice their lives for revenge. In Valentine, Victor Dimorta is an abused boy.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Images and Imagery in Shakespeares Macbeth Essay -- GCSE English Lite

Imagery in Macbeth In Shakespeares tragic play, Macbeth, the use of photory is connected with char rounder development as well as theme throughout the play. From the beginning of the play the image of duskiness is introduced. Darkness was called upon by Banquo, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. Banquo, in his aside to Macbeth says, But tis strange and oftentimes, to win us to our harm, /the instruments of darkness verbalise us truths, /win us with honest trifles, to betray us in deepest consequence (I.ii.131-135). Banquo shows he is immediately aware that the witches are associated with darkness. He chooses non to act on the witches prophecies, but to be wary and reluctant. He is not ready to involve himself with the witches, since he sees them as a dark force. However, Macbeth is on opportunist and the image of darkness reveals his deepest, darkest desires. This is shown in Macbeths aside, The Prince of Cumberland that is a step/ On which I must fall down or else over-leap, / Fo r in my way it lies. Stars, hide your fires/ Let not light see my black and deep desires (I.iv.55-58). It becomes apparent that it bothered Macbeth a great deal to hear that Malcolm was named successor to King Duncan. In response, Macbeth calls on darkness to hide his evil thoughts. Lady Macbeth in addition conjures up the forces of darkness to ensure the heavens dont see her having these thoughts, Come, thick night, /And pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell, /That my keen lingua see not the wound it makes, / Nor heaven peep through the blanket of the dark, /To cry, Hold, hold (I.v.53-57 By the end of Act I, we can see that Macbeth and Lady Macbeth have... control in and was neer comfortable with a role he obtained by evil means. Shakespeares images are not only connected to his characters and theme but also are woven into a moral message. Shakespeare is warning his audience to refrain from getting caught up in the pool of blood and darkness. One will never be s atisfied with his achievements if he obtains them by unholy means. Self-gratification comes from the honest pursuit of worthwhile goals. Works Cited Shakespeare, William, Macbeth, Toronto Harcourt Brace and Company, Inc, 1988. Webster, Noah, New Twentieth Century dictionary of the English Language, New York Rockville House Publishers, Inc, 1965. Shakespeares Use of Imagery. 1997 1-4. Prestige Web. Internet. 10 Dec. 2001. Symbolism in Macbeth. 1996 1-3. Stanford Online Archives. Internet. 10 Dec. 2001.

Industrial Revolution :: essays research papers

American dream promises equal opportunity to pursuit mavins happiness, personal wellbeing, and reward for all those Americans and immigrants who endure, overcome, and ultimately prevail hardships. However during the era of American Industrialization, many people were exploited and forced to work or else face starvation. New inventions increased the rate of production and the efficiency of the workers, thus greatly increasing profit. Success of capitalism further promoted continuation of exploitations lead on by few rich that are influential. American Industrialization had a negative effect on many groups of people, who were pursuing the great American Dream, and that oppressed by selfish, greed driven upper class. With the introduction of the machinery, factory owners no longer needed skilled craft workers for production of factory goods. The machines performed faster, emend and with more reliability. At most jobs in factories required neither great strength no special skills any more. The owners thought women could do the work scarcely as well as or better than men. In addition, they were more docile and compliant. Therefore, many women workers were hired during the progressivism era. Even though the wage was low, functional hours were long and working condition was less than satisfactory, these women had no choice but to work, for they need to support their family. The tale of Rose Stokes is a good example. The factory owners were getting richer and richer, by cutting wages, and providing less compensation for his workers. Many times, women went on strike to protest the wage cut and hour increase. Nevertheless, it proved useless, because of the rapid influx of slimy immigrants arriving into United States from Europe to earn a living, these immigrants were willing to accept even lower wages and poorer working conditions. Women in America did not have the proper(ip) to vote until the year 1920. If women fought harder for their right to vote and gained suffrage earlier, I believe that women would have had a louder voice in the society, in turn better waken awareness of the exploitation and demand better treatment. In colonial America, most manufacturing was done by hand at home. Relationships between the employer and workers were generally harmonious. They worked side by side, shared the same interest and held similar political views. However during the era of American Industrialization, as towns grew in cities, the demand for manufactured goods increased. Employers no longer worked with his employees.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Comparing the Love in Beloved and Secrets and Lies :: Movie Film comparison compare contrast

Overbearing Love in Beloved and Secrets and Lies   Children are protected from the evil in the world from their parents, especially their mothers. An excerpt written by Kahilil Girbran, The Prophet, explains one view of the parent/child relationship.       And a women who held a baby against her bosom express, Speak to us of Children. And he said Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Lifes longing for itself. They come through you but not from you, And though they are with you yet they belong not to you. You may legislate them your love but not your thoughts, For they have their own thoughts. You may house their bodies but not their souls, For their souls d comfortably in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even  in your dreams. You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you. For life goes not backward nor carries with yesterday. You are the bows from which your children as sustentat ion arrows are sent forth. The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite, and He bends you with His might that His arrows may go swift and far. Let your bending in the archers exceed be for gladness For even as He loves the arrow that flies, so He loves also the bow that is stable.                                                                                                         -Kahlil Girbran  (17-18)     Girbrans view of childhood is actually well written. It explain to parents what place their children have their own thoughts and feelings. Th eir children are with them throughout life, but the children belong to their own life. Throughout childhood the love in the family can be very strong. The bond between a mother and child is almost unbreakable. It is amazing that a person was produced and lived inside a body for nine months. Parents are described as the bows from which your children as living arrows are set forth. (Gibran, 17) Their job is to raise their children to the best of their ability until they are old enough to be on their own. Mothers never want anything bad to happen to their own kids. Sometimes they are not able to let their children grow up like others. They are very overprotective, wanting to seclude their child from danger. In both the movie Secrets and Lies and in Toni Morrisons book, Beloved, overprotective mothers are key characters.

Ital is Vital :: essays papers

Ital is VitalFood is more than fuel for our bodies, it nourishes our souls and races our hearts. A significant part of Rastafarianism is consumeing Ital. Ital is a rastafarian term for a saltless and vegetarian diet. Not each(prenominal) rastafarians strictly follow this diet, however it is held as an ideal. In Nyabinghi ceremonies, eating Ital is part of the ritual protocol for all participants.There are more different aspects of an Ital diet, many different singular beliefs and philosophies on eating Ital, however, there are a few unifying beliefs that exist. Eating Ital makes bingle more pure. If one fills there dust with whole foods from the earth, they will inevitably exist in a higher, purer state. They will run on divine fuel. Just the act of becoming aware of what one puts into their bodies is a consciousness raising experience. Rastafarians regard there bodies as temples for the Hola life-force (spirit). Therefore, they are determined to eat food which will balance not only the dead body but the spirit as well.Eat of the TREE OF LIFEThe Rastafari I-talists avoid pork and shell tilt, insects, creeping creatures, animal flesh, fowl and their juices. They avoid large fish and fish grown without scales and fins, and most eat no fish at all. Rastafarians withal avoid added salt in their foods, vinegar, mayonnaise and all alcoholic beverages and liquor. They also avoid bleached white substances such as white sugar, white flour, white bread, white rice and chemicals and artificial additives and colouring. A particular branch of Rastafarians, called the Nazerites, eat no grapes or payoffs-of-the-vine, such as pumpkins or cucumbers. Rastafarians avoid blending Ital foods with other food, as well. Rastafarians refrain from anything polluted with pesticides, or any type of packaged foods. Some rastas are serious enough to avoid using synthetic plastic countertops. Kitchens, therefore, are made with natural materials, like wood, and food is served only i n bowls that have come from the earth, like gourds or wood. The reason for avoiding pork and shellfish is because they are environmental scavengers, and regarded as unclean. Large fish are avoided because they feed on smaller fish, and if one is going to eat flesh, it mush be the flesh of plant eaters. Most Rastafarians believe that in the beginning of creation it was not intended for man to eat flesh.And Jah said, Behold I have given every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all earth, and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed, to you it shall be for meat (food).

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Honey :: essays research papers

A Tasting Tour of U.S. Honey VarietiesThere are many choices when it comes to sweeteners. However, no other sweetener has as many varieties as love life. Honey is pure, all natural, and was first sweetener known to man. Honey is made when a bee changes the composition of ragweed by adding moisture and enzymes. The product is then stored in bee combs and covered with bees wax.Honey comes in many shapes, colors, and has a variety of flavors. Different types of honey come from various types of flowers. If there is an area with a large amount of one type of flower, a bee will produce honey with a flavor and color of the plant. In areas with various types of flowers, bees will produce natural blends of honey. Flavors of honey stretch from bland tastes to sweet pleasant ones. Honey colors can range from a airy golden color to dark brown depending on the flower. Darker honey means it is a different taste, not that it is low quality.Different forms of honey are produced and interchange in stores. Comb honey is a filled beeswax comb and is stored directly by the bees. Liquid honey is produced by clipping the wax slay of the comb and extracting the honey from the cells. Creamy granulated honey is made by mixing granulated honey with liquid honey. Chunk honey is comb honey in a jar, covered with liquid honey.There are many common types of honey in the United States. Alfalfa honey is a illuminance colored honey that comes from purple blossoms and has a mild taste. Honey from a dark avocado blossom is avocado honey. Blueberry honey is taken from the blueberry bush bush which has tiny flowers. Blueberry is sweet and has somewhat of a tart taste. Fireweed is a honey light in color. This comes from a perennial herbaceous plant found in Northern and Pacific states. Honey with a distinctive taste, golden color, and green cast is tupelo honey. Tupelo honey has a graduate(prenominal) fructose content, so it takes longer to granulate than other honeys. Wildflower honey is honey that is undefined at could have come from several different flowers. sourwood honey comes from the sourwood tree which can grow up to 60 feet tall. Sourwood trees mostly grow and the mountains and can be found in north-east Georgia. This honey has a sour taste. Maple honey is very sweet and tastes

Monday, May 27, 2019

A Dirty Job Chapter 14

14BARKING MADCharlie unresolveded the door and Lily breezed by. Jane state you have two huge black dogs up here. I need to see.Lily, wait, Charlie called, further she was crossways the living room and into Sophies room before he could stop her. There was a low growl and she came suffering come pop of the closet.Oh my fucking God, dude, she verbalise around a huge grin. They are so cool. Where did you get them?I didnt get them anyplace. They were just here.Charlie joined Lily just verbotenside the door to Sophies room. She glum and grabbed his arm. Are they, similar, instruments of your d saph transaction or al close tothing?Lily, I thought we agreed that we wouldnt talk about that.And they had. In fact, Lily had been non bad(p) about it. Since shed first found out about him beingness a Death Merchant, shed hardly brought it up at all. Shed also gone on to graduate from high school without getting a major criminal commemorate and enroll in the Culinary Institute, the up side of which was that she actually wore her white chef s coat, checked pants, and term of enlistmentber clogs to work, which tended to soften her makeup and h st precipitate, which remained s perpetuallye, dark, and a petite scary.Sophie giggled and rolled oer against one of the hounds. They had been licking her and she was coered with hellish dog spit. Her hair was plastered into a dozen unlikely spikes, making her appear a little like a wide-eyed Anim character.Sophie saw Lily in the doorway and waved. Goggie, Ily. Goggie, she said.Hi, Sophie. Yes, those are nice doggies, Lily said, then to Charlie What are you expiration to do?I dont exist what to do. They wont let me undecomposed her.Thats good, then. Theyre here to protect her.Charlie nodded. I take they are. Something happened last night. You complete how the Great Big Book talks about the others? I imagine one of them came afterward her last night, and these guys showed up.Im impressed. Id think youd be more than f reaked out.Charlie didnt unavoidableness to tell her that he was worn out from freaking out the day before about his little female child killing an old human race with the news program kitty. Lily already knew too much, and it was obvious now that whatever lay below was risk of exposureous. I guess I should be, solely they arent here to hurt her. I need to go check the library in Berkeley, see if theres anything about them there. I need to get Sophie away from them.Lily laughed. Yeah, thats deprivation to happen. Look, I have work and school today, nevertheless Ill go do your research for you tomorrow. In the reckontime you can try to make friends with them.I dont want to make friends with them.Lily looked at the hounds, one of whom Sophie was pounding on with her little fists as she laughed gleefully, then looked back at Charlie. Yes, you do.Yeah, I guess I do, Charlie said. Have you ever seen a dog that size before?There are no dogs that size.What do you call those, then?T hose arent dogs, Asher, those are hellhounds.How do you know that?I know that because before I started learning about herbs and reductions and stuff, I spent my free time reading about the dark side, and those guys come up from time to time.If we know that, then what are you going to do research on?Im going to try to find out what sent them. She patted his shoulder. I have to go open the shop. You go make nice with the goggies.What do I feed them?Purina Hellhound Chow.They make that?What do you think?Kay, Charlie said.It took a brace of hours, but after Sophie started look like diaper surprise, one of the devil dogs nosed her toward Charlie as if to separate, Clean her up and bring her back. Charlie could feel them watching him as he changed his lady friend, grateful that useable diapers didnt require pins. If hed accidentally poked Sophie with a pin, he was original one of the hellhounds would have bitten his head off. They watched him carefully as he moved her to the breakfa st bar, and sat on either side of her high chair as he gave her breakfast.As an experiment, he made an extra piece of toast and tossed it to one of the hounds. It snapped it out of the air and licked its chops once, eye now locked on Charlie and the footle of bread. So Charlie toasted four more slices and the hounds alternately snapped individually out of the air so swiftly that Charlie wasnt sure he didnt see more or less sort of vapor from the pressure of their jaws clamping d cause.So, youre hellish beasts from another dimension, and you like toast. Okay.Then, as Charlie started to toast four more slices, he stopped, feeling stupid. You dont rattling care if its toasted, do you? He flipped a slice of bread to the closest of the dogs, who snapped it out of the air. Okay, that go forth speed things up. Charlie fed them the remainder of the loaf of bread. He spread a few slices with a thick coat of peanut butter, which did nothing whatsoever, then a half dozen more he spread wi th lemon dishwasher gel, which appeared to have no ill effect except that it made them burp neat, aquamarine-colored bubbles.Go walk, Daddy, Sophie said.No walk today, sweetie. I think well just stay right here in the apartment and try to figure out our new pals.Charlie got Sophie out of her chair, wiped the jelly off her face and out of her hair, then sat down with her on the couch to read to her from the Chronicles cl female genitalsified ads, which was where he plied a large part of his business, other than the Death stuff. But no sooner had he settled into a rhythm than one of the hellhounds came over, took his arm in its mouth, and dragged him into his bedroom, tied(p) as he protested, swore, and smacked it in the head with a side table lamp. The big dog let him go, then stood staring at Charlies date book like it had been sprayed with beef gravy.What? Charlie said, but then he saw. Somehow, in all the excitement, he hadnt noticed a new name in the book. Look, the number is t hirty. I have a whole month to find this one. allow for me alone. Charlie also noticed in passing that engraved on the hellhounds great silver collar was the name ALVIN.Alvin? Thats the stupidest name Ive ever heard.Charlie went back to the couch, and the dog dragged him back into the bedroom, this time by the foot. As they went through the door Charlie reached for his sword-cane. When Alvin dropped him Charlie leapt to his feet and drew the blade. The big dog rolled over on his back and whimpered. His companion appeared at the door, panting. (Mohammed was the hounds name, gibe to the plate on the collar.) Charlie considered his options. He had always felt the sword-cane a pretty formidable weapon, had even been willing to take on the sewer harpies with it, but it occurred to him that these animals had on the face of it wiped the floor with one of those other creatures of darkness and had no problem sitting down and eating a loaf of soapy toast a couple of hours later. In short, he was out of his league. They wanted him to go retrieve the soul vessel, he would retrieve the soul vessel. But he wasnt leaving his darling daughter alone with them. Alvin is still a stupid name, he said, sheathing the sword.When Mrs. Korjev arrived, Charlie had put Sophie down for her nap, and a dark pile of hellhounds was napping by her crib snoring great clouds of lemony-fresh dog breath into the air. It was probably part of Charlies rising rascal nature, but he let Mrs. Korjev enter Sophies room with only the warning that the little misfire had a couple of new pets. He suppressed a snicker as the great Cossack grandmother backed out of the room swearing in Russian.Is giant dogs in there.Yes, there are.But not like normal giant dog. They are like extra-giant, black animal, they are Like harbour? Charlie suggested.No, I wasnt going to say bear, Mr. Smart-Alec. Not like bear. Like volf, only bigger, stronger Like bear? Charlie ventured.You make your mother ashamed when you a re mean, Charlie Asher.Not like bear? Charlie asked.Is not important now. I am just surprised. Vladlena is old woman with weak heart, but you go have good laugh and I will sit with Sophie and huge dogs.Thank you, Mrs. Korjev, their names are Alvin and Mohammed. Its on their collars.You have food for them?There are some steaks in the freezer. Just give each one of them a couple and stand back.How they like steaks done?I think frozen will be fine, they eat like Mrs. Korjev raised a finger in warning it lined it up with a large mole on the side of her nose and looked as if she was sighting down a weapon. like horses. They eat like horses, Charlie said.Mrs. Ling did not take her introduction to Alvin and Mohammed with quite the composure of her Russian neighbor. Aiiiiieeeeeeeeee Giant shiksas shitting, exclaimed Mrs. Ling as she ran down the dorm after Charlie. Come back Shiksas shittingIndeed, Charlie returned to the apartment to find great steaming baguettes of poo strewn about the living room. Alvin and Mohammed were flanking the door to Sophies room like massive Chinese foo dogs at the temple gates, looking not so fierce as shamefaced and contrite.Bad dogs, Charlie said. Scaring Mrs. Ling. Bad dogs. He considered for a moment trying to rub their noses in their offense, but short of bringing in a backhoe and chaining them to it, he wasnt sure that he could make that happen. I mean it, you guys, he added, in an particularly stern voice.Im sorry, Mrs. Ling, Charlie said to the diminutive matron. These are Alvin and Mohammed. I should have been more specific when I said Id gotten new pets for Sophie. Actually, he had been vague on purpose, hoping for some sort of hysterical reaction. Not that he authentically wanted to frighten the old lady, its just that Beta Males are seldom ever in a position to frighten anyone physically, so when they get the opportunity, they sometimes lose their sense of judgment.Is okay, said Mrs. Ling, staring at the hellhounds. She s eemed distracted, mainly because she was. Having recovered from the initial shock, she was doing the math in her head a rapid-fire abacus clicking off the weight and volume of each pony-sized canine, and dividing him into chops, steaks, ribs, and packages of stew totality.Youll be all right, then? Charlie asked.You not be late, okay? said Mrs. Ling. I want to go to Sears and look at chest freezer today. You have power saw I can borrow.Power saw? Well, no, but Im sure Ray has one he can lend you. Ill be back in a couple of hours, Charlie said. But let me clean this up first. He headed to the basement in take tos of finding the char shovel that his father had once kept there.As they parted ways that day, both Charlie and Mrs. Ling were counting on Sophies history of high pet finiteity to quickly solve their respective poop and soup problems. Such, however, was not to be the case.When several weeks passed with no ill personal effects on the hellhounds, Charlie accepted the possibi lity that these readiness, indeed, be the only pets that could survive Sophies attention. He was tempted, many times, to call Minty Fresh and ask his advice, but since his last call might have caused the hellhounds to appear in the first place, he resisted the urge.Lilys research trips yielded little moreThey talk about them all through time, Lily said, profession from the Berkeley library on her cell phone. Mostly its about how they like to chase blues singers, and evidently theres a German robot soccer team called the Hellhounds, but I dont think thats relevant. The thing that comes up again and again, in a dozen cultures, is that they guard the passage between the living and the dead.Well, that makes sense, Charlie said. I guess. It doesnt say where that passage is, does it? What BART place?No, Asher, it doesnt. But I found this book by a nun who had been excommunicated in the 1890s, isnt that cool? This library is amazing. They have like nine million books.Yes, thats great, L ily, what did the ex-nun say?She had found all the references for hellhounds, and the thing they all seemed to agree on was they serve directly the ruler of the Underworld.She was Catholic and she called it the Underworld?Well, they threw her out of the Church for writing this book, but yeah, thats what she said.She didnt have a number we could call in case they got lost.Im over here on my day off, Asher, trying to do you a favor. Are you going to keep being a smart-ass about it?No, Im sorry, Lily. Go on.Thats it. Its not like theres a care-and-feeding guide. Mostly, the research implies that having hellhounds around is a bad thing.Whats the title of this book, The Complete picket to the Fucking Obvious?Youre paying me for this, you know? Time and travel. Sorry. Yes. So I should try to get rid of them.They eat quite a little, Asher. Whos riding the duh train now?So, with that, Charlie determined that he needed to take an active role in ridding himself of the monstrous canines.Sin ce the only thing about the hellhounds that he could be sure of was that they would go anywhere he took Sophie, he brought them along on their trip to the San Francisco Zoo, and left them locked in the van with the engine running and a shop-vac hose run from the exhaust tube-shaped structure through the vent window. After what he considered to be an extraordinarily successful tour of the zoo, in which not a single animal shuffled off the mortal coil under the delighted eye of his daughter, Charlie returned to the van to find two very stoned, but otherwise unharmed hellhounds who were burping a burnt tractile vapor after having eaten his seat covers.Various experiments revealed that Alvin and Mohammed were not only immune to most poisons, but they rather liked the taste of bug spray and thence licked all the paint off the baseboards in Charlies apartment in the week following the exterminators quarterly service.As time wore on, Charlie tried to measure the danger of having the gia nt canines around against the damage that would be done to Sophies psyche from witnessing their demise, as she was obviously becoming attached to them, so he backed off the more direct attacks on them and stopped throwing Snausages in preceding of the number 90 crosstown express bus. (This decision was also made easy when the city of San Francisco peril to sue Charlie if his dogs wrecked another bus.)Direct attacks, in fact, were difficult for Charlie (as the only true Beta Male martial art was based entirely on the kindness of strangers), so he turned on the hellhounds the awesome power of the Beta Male kung fu of passive aggression.He started conservatively, taking them for a ride over to the East Bay in the van, luring them onto the Oakland mudflats with a rack of beef ribs, then driving away quickly, only to find them waiting in the apartment when he returned, having covered the entire living room with a patina of drying mud. He then tried an even more indirect approach cratin g up the hounds and air-freighting them to Korea in the hope they would find themselves in an entre, only to find that they actually made it back to the shop before he had time to sweep the dog hair out of his apartment.He thought that perhaps he might use their own natural instincts to chase them away, after he read on the Internet that the nerve of mountain lion urine was sometimes sprinkled on shrubs and flowers to keep dogs from urinating on them. After a fairly exhaustive search through the phone book, he ultimately found the number of an outdoorsmans supply store in South San Francisco that was a certified mountain-lion whizz dealer.Sure, we carry cougar urine, the guy said. He sounded like he was wearing a buckskin jacket and had a big beard, but Charlie might have just been projecting.And thats supposed to keep dogs away? Charlie asked.Works like a charm. Dogs, deer, and rabbits. How much do you need?I dont know, maybe ten gallons.There was a pause, and Charlie was sure h e could hear the guy picking flecks of elk meat out of his beard. We sell it in one-, two-, and five-ounce bottles.Well, thats not going to do it, Charlie said. Cant you get me like a large economy size preferably from a cougar thats been fed nothing but dog for a couple of months? I assume that this is domesticated cougar pee, right? I mean you dont go out in the wild and collect it yourself.No, sir, I believe they get it from zoos.The wild stuff is probably better, huh? Charlie asked. If you can get it, I mean? I dont mean you personally. I wasnt implying that you were out in the wild following a mountain lion around with a measuring cup. I meant a professional howdy? The bearded buckskin-sounding guy had hung up.So Charlie sent Ray over to South San Francisco in the van to buy up all the cougar whizz they had, but in the end it achieved nothing other than making the whole second floor of Charlies building smell like a cat box.When it appeared that even the most passive-aggress ive attempts would not work, Charlie resorted to the ultimate Beta Male attack, which was to tolerate Alvin and Mohammeds presence, but to resent the hell out of them and drop snide remarks whenever he had the chance.Feeding the hellhounds was like shoveling coal into two ravenous steam engines Charlie started having fifty pounds of dog food delivered every two days to keep up with them, which they, in turn, converted to massive torpedoes of poo that they dropped in the streets and alleys around Ashers Secondhand like they were staging their own doggie blitzkrieg on the neighborhood.The upside of their presence was that Charlie went for months on end without hearing a chirrup from the storm drains or seeing an ominous raven shadow on a wall when he was retrieving a soul vessel. And to that end, the death dealing, the hounds served their purpose as well, for whenever a new name appeared in his date book, the hounds would drag Charlie to the calendar every morning until he returned with the soul object, so he went two days without missing or being late for a retrieval. The big dogs, of course, accompanied Charlie and Sophie on their walks, which had resumed once Charlie was sure that Sophie had her special language skill under control. The hounds, spot certainly the largest dogs that anyone had ever seen, were not so large as to be unbelievable, and everywhere they went, Charlie was asked what breed they were. Tired of trying to explain, he would simply say, Theyre hellhounds, and when asked where he got them, he would reply, They just showed up in my daughters room one night and wouldnt go away, after which people not only thought him a liar, but an ass as well. So he modified his response to Theyre Irish hellhounds, which for some reason, people accepted immediately (except for one Irish football fan in a North Beach restaurant who said, Im Irish and those things arent bloody Irish. To which Charlie replied, Black Irish. The football fan nodded as if he kn ew that all along and added to the waitress, Can I get another fookin pint o here before I dry up and blow away, lass?)In a way, Charlie started to enjoy the notoriety of being the guy with the cute little girl and the two giant dogs. When you have to maintain a secret identity, you cant help but relish a little public attention. And Charlie did, until the day he and Sophie were stopped on a side street on Russian Hill by a bearded man in a long cotton caftan and a weave hat. Sophie was old enough by then to do a lot of her own walking, although Charlie kept a piggyback kid sling with him so he could carry her when she got tired (but more often he would just balance her era she rode on the back of Alvin or Mohammed).The bearded man passed a little too closely to Sophie and Mohammed growled and imposed himself between the man and the child.Mohammed, get back here, Charlie said. It turned out the hellhounds could be apt, especially if you only told them to do things they were going to do anyway. (Eat, Alvin. Good boy. Poop now. Excellent.)Why do you call this dog Mohammed? asked the bearded man.Because thats his name.You should not have called this dog Mohammed.I didnt call the dog Mohammed, Charlie said. His name was Mohammed when I got him. It was on his collar.It is blasphemy to call a dog Mohammed.I tried calling him something else, but he doesnt listen. Watch. Steve, bite this mans leg? See, nothing. Spot, bite off this mans leg. Nothing. I might as well be speaking Farsi. You see where Im going with this?Well, I have named my dog Jesus. How do you feel about that?Well, then Im sorry, I didnt realize youd lost your dog.I have not lost my dog.Really? I saw these flyers all over town with Have You Found Jesus? on them. It must be another dog named Jesus. Was there a retaliate? A reward helps, you know. Charlie noted that more and more lately, he had a hard time resisting the urge to fuck with people, especially when they insisted upon behaving like idiots. I do not have a dog named Jesus and that doesnt annoying you because you are a godless infidel.No, really, you can not name your dog anything you want and it wont bother me. But, yes, I am a godless infidel. At least thats how I voted in the last election. Charlie grinned at him.Death to the infidel Death to the infidel said the bearded man in response to Charlies irresistible charm. He danced around shaking his fist in the Death Merchants face, which scared Sophie so that she covered her eyes and started to cry.Stop that, youre scaring my daughter.Death to the infidel Death to the infidelMohammed and Alvin quickly got bored watching the dance and sat down to wait for someone to tell them to eat the guy in the nightshirt.I mean it, Charlie said. You need to stop. He looked around, feeling embarrassed, but there was no one else on the street.Death to the infidel. Death to the infidel, sing the beard.Have you seen the size of these dogs, Mohammed?Death to hey, how did you know my n ame was Mohammed? Doesnt matter. Never mind. Death to the infidel. Death to the Wow, you certainly are brave, Charlie said, but shes a little girl and youre scaring her and you really need to stop that now.Death to the infidel Death to the infidelKitty Sophie said, uncovering her eyes and pointing at the man.Oh, honey, Charlie said. I thought we werent going to do that.Charlie slung Sophie up on his shoulders and walked on, leading the hellhounds away from the bearded dead man who lay in a peaceful heap on the sidewalk. He had stuffed the mans little woven hat in his pocket. It was glowing a dull red. Strangely, the bearded mans name wouldnt appear in Charlies date book until the next day.See, a sense of bodily fluid is important, Charlie said, making a goofy face over his shoulder at his daughter.Silly Daddy, Sophie said.Later, Charlie felt bad about his daughter using the kitty word as a weapon, and he felt that a decent father would try to give some sort of meaning to the exper ience teach some sort of lesson, so he sat Sophie down with a pair of stuffed bears, some tiny cups of invisible tea, a plate of imaginary cookies, and two giant hounds from hell, and had his first, heart-to-heart, father-daughter talk.Honey, you understand why Daddy told you not to ever do that again, right? Why people cant know that you can do that?Were antithetic than other people? Sophie said.Thats right, honey, because were different than other people, he said to the smartest, prettiest little girl in the world. And you know why that is, right?Because were Chinese and the White Devils cant be trusted?No, not because were Chinese.Because we are Russian, and in our hearts are much sorrow?No, there is not much sorrow in our hearts.Because we are strong, like bear?Yes, sweetie, thats it. Were different because were strong, like bear.I knew it. More tea, Daddy?Yes, Id love some more tea, Sophie.So, said the Emperor, I see you have experienced the multifarious ways in which a mans life is enriched by the company of a good brace of hounds.Charlie was sitting on the back step of the shop, pulling whole frozen chickens from a crate and tossing them to Alvin and Mohammed one at a time. Each chicken was snapped out of the air with so much force that the Emperor, and Bummer and Lazarus, who were crouched across the alley suspiciously eyeing the hellhounds, flinched as if a pistol was being fired nearby.Multifarious enrichment, Charlie said, tossing another chicken. That is exactly how Id describe it.There is no better, nor more loyal, friend than a good hound, said the Emperor.Charlie paused, having pulled not a chicken from the box, but a portable electric mixer. A friend indeed, he said, a friend indeed. Mohammed snapped down the mixer without even chewing two feet of cord hung from the side of his mouth.That doesnt hurt him? said the Emperor.Roughage, Charlie explained, throwing a frozen chicken chaser to Mohammed, who gulped it down with the rest of the mixer cord. Theyre not really my dogs. They belong to Sophie.A child needs a pet, said the Emperor. A companion to grow up with although these fellows seem to have done most of their growing.Charlie nodded, tossing the alternator from an cardinal Buick into Alvins eager jaws. There was a clanking and the dog belched, but his tail thumped against the Dumpster asking for more. Well, they have been her constant companions, Charlie said. At least now we have them trained so theyll just guard whatever building shes in. For a while they wouldnt leave her side. Bath time was a challenge.The Emperor said, I believe it was the poet he-goat Collins who wrote, No one here likes a wet dog.Yes, and he probably never had to get a squirming toddler and two four-hundred-pound dogs out of a bubble bath, either.But theyve mellowed, you say?They had to. Sophie started school. The teacher frowned on giant dogs in class. Charlie flipped an answering machine to Alvin, who crunched it up like a dog biscuit, shards of dog-spit-covered plastic raining down from his jaws.So what did you do?It took us a few days, and a lot of explaining, but I trained them to just sit outside the front door of the school.And the faculty relented?Well, I spray-paint them with that granite-texture spray paint every morning, then tell them to sit absolutely still on either side of the door. No one seems to notice them.And they obey? All day?Well, its just a half day right now, shes only in kindergarten. And you have to promise them a cookie.Theres always a price to be paid. The Emperor pulled a frozen chicken out of the box. May I?Please. Charlie waved him on.The Emperor tossed the chicken to Mohammed, who chomped it down in a single bite.My, that is satisfying, said the Emperor.Thats nothing, Charlie said. If you feed them mini propane cylinders they burp fire.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Fides et Ratio Essay

When looking at the context of the Fides et Ratio, lav capital of Minnesota II expresses on crisis of intend in present-day(a) society. Throughout this section John capital of Minnesota II offers examples on how the crisis of meaning has emerged. John Paul II touches on scientism and realism and how these pee-pee affected redbrick society and are believed to be steering individuals in the wrong direction. John Paul II also includes other non- unearthly or philosophic based attitudes toward the coetaneous society. John Paul II seems to be expressing his thoughts towards the crisis of meaning in hope to regain focus from individuals on the value of religion in contemporary society. Although John Paul II raises many well thought out reasons supporting the idea that on that point is what he calls a crisis of meaning in new-made society, Sigmund Freuds theories of how adult maleities desire for meaning in support is actually just delaying the inevitable and compounding the str uggles of life. The so wizardr mickle absorb that in the end, everyone dies, and after that there is nonhing, the sooner one can succeed without regret or worry, and the better society will be. Crisis of meaning is verbalize by John Paul II to be one of the most important attributes in the current state of our society around the world. Pope John Paul II believes that people in contemporary society are beginning to question if it still makes sense to know the meaning of ones life.When looking at crisis of meaning from a scientific perspective, the increase in companionship on the subject makes the search for the meaning of life choreatic. The amount of research and data introduced because of the increase in world knowledge in contemporary society has started to compromise the fabric of life (Fides et Ratio, 81). The display of theories that compete with one another, and how people view and interpret the world and human life serve to aggravate the radical doubt (Fides et Ratio) which than leads to scepticism, indifference and the rejection to religion and religious moral principles. Theories that were specifically developed to show an individual the answers to the bigquestions in human life are consequently invading the human spirit and offering different interpretations to the meaning of life. John Paul II states that a philosophical perspective that no longer expresses on the meaning of life would reduce importance of accessory functions (Fides et Ratio, 88) and take passion away from the search for the truth. doctrine will have to regain focus on the sapient dimension in order to regain a sense of harmony with the word of God. If Philosophy conformed covert to its natural ways it will would be a critical factor that discovers the foundation of scientific learning and would also join together human knowledge and action. Philosophy has the potential to create a path to a final goal of a better concord of the meaning of life. John Paul II discusses that sapient dimension in philosophy is much more necessary in modern society because peoples technical capabilities are demanding a renewed understanding of ultimate values. John Paul II argues that If this technology is not ordered to something greater than a merely utilitarian end, then it could soon seek cold-blooded and even become potential destroyer of the human race. (Fides et Ratio, 81) This quote from Fides et Ratio by John Paul II expresses his thoughts on how technology has the power to prove inhuman and possibly ruin the human race. He believes that the word of God gives people an understanding of ones destiny and the true meaning to life. Philosophy is invited to give reason to the natural impulse within everyone on the meaning of life. Another threat that John Paul II relates to the crisis of meaning is through realness and scientism. John Paul II believes that scientism is another threat the crisis of meaning faces in contemporary society. Scientism only validates the forms of knowledge through factual sciences and will not accept knowledge based on religious beliefs. Scientism views religious and theological knowledge as fantasies and considers it to be meaningless.Positivism and neo-positivism expressed the same idea in the quondam(prenominal) on the meaningless of religion and now has been revived through scientism. Due to technological progress and factual scientific research, science has now taken ascendance of human life, as people have begun to believe that if something is technically or scientifically possible it then can be morally original. John Paul II also looks at pragmatism to be none the less as dangerous to the crisis of meaning as scientism. John Paul II defines pragmatism as, An attitudeof mind which, in making its choices, precludes theoretical considerations or judgements based on ethical principles.(Fides et Ratio, 89) He believes that a particular action can be morally accepted if it is backed by a majority of votes by a parliament. John Paul II expresses that scientism and pragmatism, or both philosophical views that modern society is now trusting, are is causing this crisis of meaning. Pope John Paul II expresses what he sees to be a problem of crisis of meaning through ideas such as scientism and pragmatism. When examining John Paul II encyclical to the Bishops of Catholic Church it becomes obvious that the crisis of meaning is not a problem in modern society but only a positive development. People are now realizing that the meaning of life is not to be accepted by a God but to succeed in personal goals. When looking at modern society and religion it is evident that times have changed and the value of religion has slowly diminished. People in modern society are gaining a better understanding of life through scientism and the cash advance of technology. The advancement of technology and human knowledge has begun to alter the thoughts and views people have on the meaning of life. John Paul II exp resses that scientism is having a negative effect on modern society. This leads to the impoverishment of human thought, which no longer addresses the ultimate problems which the human being, as the animal rationale, has pondered constantly from the beginning of time.(Fides et Ratio, 81) In this quote he is stating that scientism is effecting how people are beginning to think and that people are being persuaded away from addressing the main problems in life. Rather than looking at this change in modern society negatively, this change has actually given people a more modern and realistic way of looking at life. Science is overpowering religious beliefs with its factual evidence challenging religion in many ways. Another point presented by John Paul II is the idea of pragmatism.In modern society people are beginning to base their decisions upon ethical principles rather than religious beliefs. Individuals in modern society can distinguish among rightfield and wrong and understand the practical way in dealing with situations rather than looking to religion to guide them in the right direction. The crisis of meaning stated by John Paul II is not a crisis but simply a positive adjustment within contemporary society. Sigmund Freud who was a known psychoanalyst developed a psychoanalytic theoryon religion. He came up with the idea that people who believe in a God back from what he refers to as a childish neurosis in that they use religion as a way to cope with the fact that life has no meaning. He believed that the concept of religion was false. Freud believed that an individuals life is meaningless and that people have a difficult time accepting that life does not a have an overarching meaning or purpose. In contemporary society people are beginning to believe, or accept that ones life may not have a higher meaning. Freud argued that once one accepts that there is no greater meaning, it would be easier for them to set personal goals that can be achieved, allowing them to accomplish personal enlightenment. Even though, John Paul II raises many well thought out ideas and concepts that argue his belief of the problem crisis of meaning. Sigmund Freud believes that ones life is meaningless and when a person can understand that, they can then begin looking at life in a more personal way without regret rather than looking to be accepted by a god. Scientism and pragmatism are both philosophical views that are allowing modern society to grasp a more realistic idea of life, instead of living life through a specific religion. John Paul II believes that philosophy is now leading society in the wrong direction, persuading people away from asking the ultimate questions in life. This however is not a negative in modern society it is simply a modernized way of looking at life and is leading society in the right direction.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Compare Two Research Articles: Philosophical, Ethical, And Methodological

IntroductionThis idea will compargon the major characteristics of two question articles which are polar in philosophical and modeological approaches still are both related to the service of schooldays friendly workers and attempt to show the differences and similarities in ontology, epistemology, ethics, methodology and the methods of both pieces of investigate.The first research piece is a paper call(a)ed Managing school br early(a)ly work cross-files published in 2012 in which Garrett examines the results of a survey on the record keeping practices of 73 school social workers. This exemplar of school social workers belonged to the School Social Workers Association of America (SSWAA). Based on the quantitative research and survey method, the police detective explored three relevant issues for school social workers, these were practical issues, ethical issues and legal mandates. The purpose of Garretts research was to increase the school social workers practice of reco rd keeping, improve their decision making skills, and to help them choose suitable information to include in workers records. Garretts article found that ab by 50% of all social workers were unfamiliar with record keeping policy and most of the respondents had a poor understanding about what they should record. It in like manner found that they struggled to find appropriate flairs to achieve goals or to cover bad situations. The results of this research were then utilise to impart the recommendation that school social workers needed more aid in their daily record keeping. It was explained that master key organizations wipe out to train the social workers by offering workshops or classes that will teach them what information should be included or excluded, and the ethical and the legal policies that or importance to this recording.The second research article that will be utilise for this essay is called Empowering school social work practices for absolute youth development, which is qualitative research carried out by To in 2006 in Hong Kong, China. Tos consider investigates the way in which school social workers engage with 3 major dimensions of empowerment the ain dimension the school and community dimensions and lastly, the institutional dimension. The sample used in Tos research consisted of 15 social workers, 10 of which were female and 5 creation male. All of these had wide service experience in the schools and most of them had Masters degrees. The purpose of this study was to explore the way in which school social workers dealt with different situations and how they influenced youth development by using diverse strategies with the schoolchilds, and within the school, community and the relevant sectors of education. This was largely with the view of encouraging students to participate in military volunteer works. The findings of Tos research indicated that, in the school setting, the research participants played an active role in achieving e mpowerment. The relevant results provided insightful information for all other social workers who contribute services in the schools.PhilosophicalDuring undertaking social research, it is master(prenominal) to consider matters of both philosophical approaches, such as ontology and epistemology, and different research paradigms. These bottomland affect the research technique and direction as it is launched from design through to its conclusion (Flowers, 2009). Hatch and Cunliffe (2006) draw attention to the fact that different paradigms encourage researchers to study phenomena in different ways.The two chosen pieces of research are related with different research paradigms one of which is related with positivist and the other with interpretivist. Positivist is base on values of reason, truth and validity and there is a focus purely on facts, gathered through direct observation and experiences and measured empirically using quantitative methods, surveys and experiments and statis tical analysis (Flowers, 2009). In addition to this, this paradigm is aligned with deductive or theory testing. However, in the case of interpretive it is argued that individuals and groups hurt an important role within situations that are based on their individual experience and expectations (Flowers, 2009). Interpretive consider that there is no single reality but that there are multiple realities. This paradigm is more aligned with inductive or theory building.OntologyBlaikie (1993) delineate ontology as the science or study of creation and adopts this definition for social science, explaining that what exist is either an objective single reality (objectivism) or it is not single reality, only a subjective reality (subjectivism). The ontological approaches behind the two researches seem entirely different.With regard to Garretts focus on statistical data, it empennage be considered that Garrett believes that there is an objective reality that allows for measurement. ontologi cal objective result means that it does not depend on the researcher. This is because the research only described numerical results which were received from the sample of respondents who completed the survey. This language is defined as representative of the reality. On the other hand, Tos study, which used qualitative research, can be seen to focus on a subjective reality where the researcher interpreted narrative data that was derived from a semi-structured oppugn.EpistemologyEpistemology is the theory or science of the method or ground of knowledge and explains that what exists may be known, what can be known and what criteria must be satisfied in order to be described as knowledge (Flowers, 2009). In addition to this, Chia (2002) describes epistemology as how and what it is mathematical to know, while Hatch & Cunliffe (2006) characterise epistemology as knowing how you can know. Flowers (2009) discusses that, as with ontology, both objective epistemology and subjective epistem ology views can exist. Eriksson and Kovalainen (2008) describe the way in which a world can exist in view of an objective epistemology, as long as this is apparent and theory neutral while, with a view of a subjective epistemology, no existence is possible to the apparent world beyond our subjective observations and interpretations.The two articles display a difference in their epistemological approaches. In the quantitative study, the researcher only described the results in relation to a paradigm of positivism however, the role of the researcher is not important in influencing the data of the research. On the other hand, regarding to interpretivist epistemology, the researcher gives a weight role which influences the research and the understanding of the situations from the researchers point of view.Ethical bug outEthics is one of the essential aspects in many sciences, especially in social sciences. May (2011) defines ethics as concerned with the attempt to formulate codes and p rinciples of chaste behaviour. All social researchers should pay attention to the social research ethics. Punch (2005) believes that all social researches should include ethical issues because social researchers deal with societies and peoples daily lives fundamentally, all data derives from people. thitherfore, it is not easy to subjugate ethical issues in both qualitative and quantitative approaches, especially qualitative approaches. Punch (2005) also highlights the way in which the qualitative method approach is more likely to study ethical issues as qualitative research focuses on the more crude issues in peoples lives.Tos study (2006) asked questions about the personal lives of the respondents for this reason he used a numerical code instead of actual names to give them independence and to harbor them feel more comfortable. However, To did diagnose the name of students who played roles in the social workers stories. Therefore, it can be argued that, on the one hand, that To mentioned a students name to try and show the school social workers achievements, in order to overhear positive effect on other social workers and encourage them to do the same. On the other hand, however, this could produce ethical issues for the researcher and the school social workers because they mentioned other peoples real names, when they could have used codes or false names. In the case of Garretts study, which used Survey Monkey as method for collecting data, he does not mention anything ethically relevant to the respondent. However, this website has some ethical issues for example, regarding to questions design, the respondents should answer all questions before the survey can be submitted which means there is no right to avoid answering some questions (Buchanan and Hvizdak, 2009).During the period of research, it is important for the researchers to make ethical decisions and consider what is to benefit the respondents or their research process. Furthermore, they have to assess themselves by asking a outcome of ethical questions (May, 2011). The articles of this essay are about school social work, so all behaviours and relevant ethics are necessary for the researchers and social workers to consider.methodologicalBoth articles have contrasting methodological approaches which are representative of their philosophical positions (ontology, epistemology). This part will attempt to compare both research methods one of which is a quantitative method approach and the other is a qualitative method approach and highlights the differences of the samples, data collections, data analysis and research findings. The two chosen pieces of research use different methods for data collection one used Survey Monkey and the other used a semi-structured interview.The Quantitative research survey method is defined by Burton (2012) as a techniques that uses a wide range quantitative research provides valuable figures based on a large number of population that can be i ncredibly useful and reliable because statistic and numeric data give certain validity to the research.A Semi-structured interview is one of the types of interviews whereby the participants have more freedom and allows them to answer questions on their own terms, although it is still arranged and questions are specified (May, 1997). However, the strategy of choosing the samples for both methods is different.Regarding the question of the samples, there are nifty differences that can be seen. In Garretts study the sample composed a small arguing of members of the School Social Workers Association of America (SSWAA). They derived this list from 24 respondents from the United States of America and Canada, who were acceptable to represent the SSWAA. The researcher divided the list into even and odd members and randomly chose one of them to survey. Then the selected group participated in the survey after receiving an email that invited them to participate and explained the purpose of th e survey. In total, 245 workers were invited to participate in the survey. Some of the emails were undeliverable and some other members were not completed which meant only 73 respondents completed the survey. This number is about 30% of the potential sample (Garrett, 2012). On the other hand, the samples of Tos research participants were derived from 13 various organizations of welfare in Hong Kong. There were different genders involved, 10 female and 5 male, with an average age between 30-39 years old only 3 of the participants were in their twenties and 1 was in their forties. On average they had about 7 years experience as school social workers, while most of sample had a Masters degrees (To, 2006).With respect to data collection, during the period of March to June 2005, Tos research (2006) was carried out and the method for data collection was one-to-one semi-structured interviews. Each interview was divided into separate and each part was 1.5 hour. In Tos research the first pa rt of the interview targeted the micro- and meso-sphere services of school social work, meanwhile the second part of the interview targeted the macro-sphere. Furthermore there were some questions about participants own stories and their services which were offered in their daily practices. However, in Garretts study the quantitative research was undertaken in February of 2009 using Survey Monkey, which is one of the most common websites used for creating surveys. The questionnaire consisted 25 short-answer questions that focused on the types of records kept, what was included, decision-making practices, use of the records, challenges, storage, disposal of closed records, access to records, and rule policies (Garrett, 2012). However, the research had one qualitative question which was an open question that focused on the most challenging aspect of keeping records (Garrett, 2012).In the case of data analysis of Garretts research (2012), all 25 quantitative questions were analysed afte r downloaded into MINITAB 15. On the other hand, in the case of the qualitative question, this was analysed after being put down into word processing documents where it was defined and themes were coded, counted and summarized (Garrett, 2012). In spite of Tos Hong Kongs research, the researcher processed the data analysis, step-by-step after transcribing the narratives. At the beginning of this process, To skim the transcripts twice to find meaningful units, and then converted these units to codes and began an improvement level of data analysis. Next, To found that various stages of meaning were produced and arranged these as sub-themes. Finally, the researched sorted out similar sub-themes to the main themes of his study.Relevant with the findings of Tos research, it was mentioned that together, the narratives showed a comprehensive understanding of the multidimensional empowering practices of social workers in schools. To believed that these results would help other practitioner s to deal with issues of empowerment. However, in Garretts study the more significant findings are that more than half of the participants could not successfully record assessment information and more than 75% of participants could not make decisions about closing a case. Therefore, the results of Garretts study should be organized with caution because there was a small size of respondents in relation to all the members of the SSWAA.In conclusion, this essay has tried to compare two social research articles which had similar topics but completely different philosophical, ethical and methodological perspectives. One of these studies used a quantitative research approach and the other a qualitative. Each study was they carried out in different places, America and China respectively, and in different period times. Garretts 2012 article focuses on the positivism paradigm, which tried to find out about the knowledge gap about practices of record keeping by school social workers. The dat a in Garretts study was collected using Survey Monkey, and the numerical data was analysed. Tos 2006 research was based on a different reality and tried to investigate the role of school social workers in influence youth development and encouraging students to volunteer. The study used a semi-structured interview to collect data. The results showed that they had a live role in achieving empowerment. It can be seen, therefore, that it is significant for all social researchers to concern their philosophical, ethical and methodological positions when undertaking research.ReferencesBlaikie, N. (1993) Approaches to social enquiry polity bring up, Cambridge uk.Buchanan, A. & Hvizdak, E. (2009) Online survey tools ethical and methodological concerns of human research ethics committees, in Journal of empirical research on human research ethics an international journal, 4 37-48.Chia, R. (2002) The production of management knowledge philosophical underpinnings of research design, in Essentia l skills for management research, sage, capital of the United Kingdom 1-18.Eriksson, P. & Kovalainen, A. (2008) Qualitative methods in business research, Sage.Flowers, P. (2009) Research philosophiesimportance and relevance in Economic record, 3.Garrett, K. (2012) Managing school social work records, in Children & schools, 34 239-248.Hatch, M. J. & Cunliffe, A. (2006) Organization theory, Oxford university press Buckingham.May, T. (1997) Social research issues, methods and process, Open university press Buckingham.May, T. (2011) Social research issues, methods and research, Mcgraw-Hill International.Punch, K. F. (2005) Introduction to social research quantitative and qualitative approaches, Sage.To, S. M. (2006), Empowering school social work practices for positive youth development hong kong experience, in Adolescence, 42 555-567.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Frustration: Primary Education and Great Increase Essay

Frustration it is a feeling of agitation and helplessness at not being able to do something. I felt frustrated in one case and it happened just not long ago Rising from primary to secondary school, it has been a big jump. I endlessly thought that secondary school was no big deal and it would be easy. But I was wrong. In fact, for the first few months of my secondary school life, it was torturous and was equivalent to living in hell. When I first started secondary school, I did not get to k direct many people although there were ice-breaking activities as I was the shy and reserved type.But aft(prenominal) a few old age, I got to know this girl, Jane. Jane and I became really good friends and we shared almost everything together.But, Jane made friends with another girl, A, and A was friends with this girl, B. So, the 4 of us became ingrained and we formed a group. However, I realized that my quiet nature was no match for their asidegoingness as they were too chatty. I was too shy to talk to them and was always excluded while they were talking. I felt left out so I left the group, alone and lonely. I was really upset and frustrated, and cried my tears out that night.I was unsure and afraid of making new friends and I was really sad. I became lonely and had no one to talk to. After a few days of loneliness, I finally plucked up my courage to make new friends. Friendship problems aside another factor that has been making me agitated till now was prep. When I first saw the timetable,I almost freaked out. There was a great increase in the number of subjects and subjects like geography and physics were totally funny to me. Since there was a great increase in subjects, well, as a matter of fact, there would be a great increase in homework too. There was homework piling up day after day and I had difficulty catching up with several subjects.I was stressed out and almost wished that I had remained in primary school. After a few months, I managed to settle in and for subjects that I had difficulty catching u, I consulted my parents and teachers for help.Hopefully, the stay years of my secondary school life would be easier and not that stressful. But, still, frustration is only for the time being. If you have the determination to overcome it, life would not be hell for you.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

American Indians (Native Americans) Drug And Alcohol Use

People who shut aways in union ab subbroadcast like medicates, alcoholic beverageic beverage and tobacco hurl their own different reason, some maybe complicated but whets evident is that the society plays a signifi buttockst role wherefore theses people argon subscribe to in content aversion. The consequence for this abuse is seen in our hospitals and emergency departments through the direct damage to health by substance abuse and its apprisal to physical trauma. Those who argon jailed and go to prison ar known to have a strong connection to substance abuse and dependence.A high contribution of this substance abuse is very evident among the American Natives. American Natives ar the indigenous people from the region of North Africa now encompassed by the continental unify States. They comprise a large number of distinct tribes and cultural groups, they are as well as known as American Indians or the first nations people. American Indians represent a unique population w ithin the U. S not only because of their oppression suffered from the development of the country but in any case in gaining recognition. The long history of oppression in the U.S. had a devastating effect on the health and well-being of the natives. The history of these people includes the colonization, outlawing their dos and languages and forced relocation, which farmd the mistrust on the U. S broadcasts. This event continues to affect the experiences of the natives which are impacted by poverty, ill health, family violence and do medicates and alcohol abuse. According to the survey made by the national Household survey on Drug Abuse about fifty percent of teenagers nowadays are engage in alcohol imbibition.The figures show that 80 percent of these are Natives youth engageing in both alcohol drinking and drug use. This happens because these youths are predisposed to different factors like cultural conflict, post-traumatic variant and low self hatch that increase the risks of these youth to additional hazards in their environment. (Gale 2000) According to the reports made by the NSDUH, among the otherwise racial groups, American Indians suffer from substance abuse greatly. The topic Drug survey and health examines the rates of substance abuse like drugs and alcohol among the American Indians aged 12 and older.During 2002-2005, American Indians aging 12 and above are already pursue in alcohol drinking. American Indians male shows a high circumstances of drinking than those of the other racial groups in the past year. This report also shows that American Indians have high dowery than other racial groups in terms of drug use and disorders. (Substance character and Substance Use Disorders among American Indians and Alaska Natives 2007) A national Indian Alcohol and Substance Abuse ginmill task Force was established under the National Congress of American Indians in September 2000.This aim for the leadership involvement and expand the efforts and m embership of the National committee to include a wider and more several(a) geographically representative group of Tribal leaders throughout Indian Country. This processs hold open the tribes, tribes leaders, elders, adults and youth recognize the value of preventing alcohol and substance abuse to act up the overall well being of the community, the culture and traditions. It developed and established a strong political leverage that will support initiatives for alcohol and substances abuse ginmill in Indian country.It also aims to improve the incidence of alcohol and substance neglect for any adult and youth and to recognize that prevention must realize place for all our people, not just early life and that it is a long development. Approximately 1. 5% of the U. S is constitute of these Native Americans which are American Indians, and with this high percentage is the problem it inflicts as well. Traditional natives value when clashed with the values of the domain society, cult ural conflict arise. Native youth are mostly affected by this are caught up in confusion about their identity and self image.Conflicts arise in coping up with their adolescence as well as to their identity as an Indian. This may produce a harmful effect in terms of the racial discrimination and oppression that they may get involve with because of their native background, hence this becomes a factor for native youth to engage in alcohol and drug abuse as a form of an send from the society to which they belong. Because of the pressure and the stress due to the cultural conflict related to to the low socio- sparing status among the natives this causes a great increase in the risks of those who are tenanted in alcohol and substance abuse.Acculturation is one of the many factors why natives engage in substance abuse. This is a stressful and causes a lot of conflict for the natives in order to cope with the stress and pressure alcohol and drug use are often the coping mechanism in thi s situation. An approach used to prevent substance abuse among the American Indians is called bicultural competence skills. This approach functions American Indian youth to combat the substance use and its related problem. This was first advanced by LaFromboise, wherein its way is to blend the adaptive values and roles of both the culture in which they are raised and by which they are surrounded.Its roles are in the knowledge and practice in communication, coping, and discrimination skills which provide the theoretical foundation in the prevention of substance abuse to the American natives youth. Knowledge and practice in the bicultural skills can occur through cognitive and behavioral principles drawn from the social learning theory. Directed by learning theory, cognitive values of information, problem solving, and self-instruction can be merged with behavioral principles of nonverbal and verbal communication, coaching, and social network building.(Schinke 2007) This gives the Ame rican Indians to individualize themselves for them to for the better coping up abilities and helps manage stress related situation. This approach gives them an idea of the things that they are not familiar with and with this adaptation through learning is much easier. DISCUSSION National attention to the health hazards and societal be attributed to substance abuse use led to sharply decreased tolerance for any use of elicit drugs or abuse of elicit drugs alcohol and tobacco.The percentage of young people reporting substance use has been high although out the United States even those belonging to the ethnic groups like the American Indians. Many factors are to be considered on why these groups of people engage in alcohol and substance abuse. American Natives known as the American Indians are one of the widest ethnic groups that are in the United States. Although consider a minor to many, this group of people have high increase in problems that are associated with drinking and substa nce abuse like the use of drugs.This Minority like in other people in the state are in the over use of drugs and lush drinking. Factors like stress, pressure among the youth especially with teens, coping mechanism for some and most of all the oppression and culture conflict that arises are the contributors to the high percentage of Native Americans misuse of alcohol and drugs. Reports shows that a high percentage of these Native comprises of the most involved racial group in substance abuse and disorders. yet the minors are drawn out from this type of scenarios.Among the racial groups in the United States, 60% of these people are engage in alcohol and drug use including the youth and cool it continue to rise. This is one of the major problems that are encountered by the Government in the States and the American Indians leaders. Cultural conflict this is one of the predisposing factors why substance abuse and disorders arises. When the culture of the American Indians are collides with the dominant groups, conflicts arises specially to the beliefs and values of these Natives. Discrimination usually occur creating confusion and loss of self esteem among the natives.The imposed culture is cannot easily be integrated by the natives causing a confusion and dilemma within their part. In order to cope up with this situation this people find drinking and drug use a form of an escape from the pressure of the domain society they are in. It has been very polar for the Native Americans to adjust to the culture that is imposed to them wedded to them because of the less support and rights they are getting from the Government. It has caused them a lot of stress to incorporate all the beliefs and values that they have no knowledge about causing a great struggle to the culture they are brought up with.This high incidence of drinking and drug abuse is also very evident among the American Indians youth. At the studies that was conducted in the United States regarding minor drinking and drugs use, a high percentage of this comprises the American Indians youth. generally the reason why youth are engage in these activities is because of the peer pressure they are involved with. This problem of the youth regarding their peers is mostly about the racial issues they are in, in order to identify themselves with the domain society they work to follow what is done by those people regardless if its beneficial for them or not.Youth of the American Indians are on a very critical situation because of the Native background they have. Due to this culture conflict still arises and it is hard for the teens to identify themselves and tend to loose their own identity because of the presented situation. Due to this pressure arises among other youths and in order for them to identify and belong they are easily influenced to engage in drinking and drug abuses. Another factor why Natives have a high percentage of alcohol and drug abuse is that in terms of their economic s tatus.Most of the natives have a low socio-economic life that is very evident in the type of living they are in. Since the natives are given less recognition and support their economic life has not improved since. Due to this as a created pressure is added to the natives causing them to withdraw from the society and engage in drinking. This drinking becomes habitual and in the end becomes an excess or over use causing drinking related disorders. Some after engaging in drinking also use drugs as a form of escape to the reality that is against them.Problems that arise because of this factor is very evident among the Natives now even the yearly surveys regarding the American Natives shows a high and still rising percentage of drugs and alcohol misuse. These Natives are not given much recognition and are oppressed mainly of their rights that it is why it is hard for them to cope up with the environment and imposed culture that they are in. The society plays much of a big role on how th ese Native Americans are persuaded to engage in alcohol drinking. The society that they are in accepts drinking in their culture where it is seen to the daily activities of these people.Not ware of the damage it has on them because of the domain societys involvement in this they tend to engage on it as well hoping that this would help them in coping up with the society. Alcohol has become the primary substance of abuse among American Indians. It has accounted of about 62% of all those who have been admitted of those being treated. The prevalence of this alcohol abuse is high on both men and women. Marijuana is the most evoke drug of choice among American Indians, it was reported that 12% of those being admitted are treated because of this.Drug abuse and overweening alcohol has a great impact on health. Most of those who engage in this are predispose to the different problems regarding their health. Alcohol has a great effect on the dead body as this cause impression to the centra l nervous system, as a depressant it has a great effect on the functions of the brain. Most of the people that are engage in excessive alcohol drinking have been reported to have brain malfunction causing a slow impulse and movement in the brain. Alcohol causes colorful disease and most of the people who are alcoholics die because of the liver diseases such as liver cirrhosis which is fatal.Those that are into drinking are also at risk to cancer and sexually transmitted diseases. Drugs interfere with the brains ability to take in, sort, and synthesize information. They distort perception, which can lead users to harm themselves or others. Drug use also affects sensation and impairs memory. Many approaches have been used in order to compensate in the high percentage of the Native Americans that are engaged in alcohol and drug abuse. Programs like youth organization have been established for better self actualization and esteem building which provides the framework for the youth.Peer support groups and other programs ranging in traditional cultural practices like dancing, sweat lodge, or other ceremonies are initiated to provide a sense of feeling of the individuals tribal pride and unity would be transmitted. The Indian Alcohol and Substance Abuse program was developed by the U. S. government. This has been established by the public law 106-553, which provides the supporting and technical take to heartance to federally recognized government to plan, develop, implement and enhance tribal justice strategies involving alcohol and crime related and substance abuse.The objective of this program is to establish a multidisciplinary advisory team plan, to implement and monitor the propose strategy. It identifies and prosecutes individuals who illegally transport and distribute and used the alcohol and substances to tribal communities. The government also established a National Indian Alcohol and Substance Taskforce which assists the tribe leaders and their youth in the prevention of alcohol and substance abuse and assist to their personal healing, recovery and lifetime wellness.It also helps in the improvement of the life of the American Indians families and communities in enhancing their cultural preservation, the upholding in the dignity and autonomy of the Indian Nations. It also gives focus to leadership and deals with the devastating problem of alcohol and substance abuse of the country. This task force is working with the federal government Agencies in obtaining a agreeable funding to support the different programs regarding the alcohol and drug abuse. The U. S. Department of Justice supports tribe groups efforts to deal with alcohol and substance abuse in communities where Natives live.This community is composed of the Indian tribes and native villages which they create an appropriate approach to address the alcohol and substance abuse. The Government provides the resources needed by the Indian Countries in order to create the awarenes s, conduct prevention and intervention that would help control alcohol and drug abuse. The government is also giving privilege to the tribal leaders to create policies that would help in eradicating alcohol and drug abuses among the Natives. 90% of arrests that have been reported by the Tribal law enforcement are caused by alcohol related problems.The arrests made were conducted on the small group of individuals in the community comprising of the tribal justice system, health service system and family support system. This law enforcement taskforce often experience high gaga crime and offenders that are associated with drug and alcohol abuse which make it hard for the tribal communities to keep peace and order. The drug Court Discretionary Grant program is one the many programs that helps guardianship and fund assistance to the states, courts and local services that is needed to help the government to lessen the alcohol and drug offenders.This program is aimed on nonviolent offende rs and is targeted to implement a drug court based components. It supports the drug court implementation and improvement of the technical assistance that is directed to the National dig court Training and Technical Assistance Program in increasing the knowledge of those that are in the drug court practitioners plan to carry on efficient drug programs giving emphasis on the roles and trainings that would develop teams and coordinated study on intervention system. The Nevada Urban Indians, Inc.substance abuse program is dedicated to providing bore outpatient treatment. Efforts are made to help each client become aware of the relationship between substance use and the effects it may have on the individuals life. The client deals with feelings and behaviors that are a result of substance abuse or dependence. It is a program concerned with the culture and helps attempt to plight that the client is treated with respect. In this program the client is to learn the impact of substance abu se to their life.Its goal is to restore the clients life productively and to help the client to learn ways on how he/she would be able to adapt to the changes and the different stressors that are present nowadays. The department of education has provided a safe and drug free program on the schools, this provides the support on the school to help assist in the communities in preventing drug and alcohol abuse and violence. This program grants the technical assistance and training for the school.The American Indian Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (AIRRTC) identify the need to address the increase dependency of American Indians to drug and alcohol. Many research findings shows that alcohol and drug abuse among the American Indians are often associated with certain circumstances in their lives which affects the rate of business opportunities to American Indians because of the myth that is tagged to the American Indians. Employees that are American Indians are in struggle to get a job because of they are faced with employers that stereotypes them.All these programs are made available by the Government in the attempt to help improve the increasing percentage of the American Indians that are engaged in alcohol and substance abuse. Aiming to somehow if not totally eradicate but lessen the incidence of the Natives involvement in substance abuse. These programs somehow are trying to aid the level of living and acceptance of the natives regarding their situation and help to somehow uplift the standard of that living. CONCLUSIONAlcohol and drug abuse are known to be a major health problems on American Indians nowadays. Efforts in the treatment and prevention of this may be more effective if the approach that it is going to undergo is if the natives way and beliefs are also incorporated. It is not enough that programs are established but what is of import is that it is implemented and actions are taken among the leaders to actually format into works all the said programs that have been funded by the Government.It is important also to involve the Natives in the different programs that the government has for them not only those that are engaged in alcohol and drug abuse but also those that are not in order to prevent them from doing the same thing. It is important that the youth are educated regarding the harmful effects of drugs and alcohol to them and it is important that they are able to identify themselves on the community they belong. It is important that the American Indians youth are given the emphasis because of the developmental stage they are in.Parents should be able to give the support and information needed to their minors in order to reduce the alcohol and drug related problems. It is important when addressing to this situation the culture of the American Natives is not neglected and should be given a more emphasis. The culture that they belong would help improvement in understanding why these natives are engaged in alcohol and drug abuse. Through the Government and other leaders could develop a program not only for the improvement of those under the substance abuse but even those that are risk for it.It is important that the programs that are implemented would consent with the beliefs or the culture of this people so that it would not be hard for them to integrate the programs they are undergoing. It is important that the Natives are aware of the effects of drugs and alcohol to their body as this is significant in their health. It is important also that the government should somehow recognize the other needs of these Natives that are contributing to the prevalence of alcohol and drug abuse.It is important that every aspect should be examined in order to give a better option for the improvement of the programs that are addressed to these situations. Health manage facilities should also be readily available to the Natives this would aid in the awareness to their health and would somehow improve their knowledge regarding the effects of these abusive substances to their health. The government and the Natives leader should coordinate with each other more often so that the needs and improvements regarding the treatment and other related problems regarding these natives are addressed.Support and recognition should be given to these natives. It is important that they should be given the same privileges and recognition as those of the domain society. They should not discriminated instead the culture and beliefs that they have should be respected so that this would help wage increase the moral confidence of the Natives and would aid in determining their identity I therefore recommend further studies should be conducted on the Native Americans response regarding the treatment and the program should be further evaluated.The programs are in the right path of addressing to the problem but there is lack of support and people that are engage are not enough to meet the demands of the high pe rcentage of alcohol and drug abuse. References American Indians and Alaska Natives in Substance Abuse Treatment 1999. 2002. The DASIS report1-4. Gale, Nancy. 2000. combat Alcohol and Substance Abuse among American Indian and Alaskan Native Youth. ERIC Digest. . ERIC Digest. Gordon, Jacob U. 2005. Managing Multiculturalism in Substance Abuse Services Sage taproomlications Inc. Jeanette Valentine, Judith Ann De Jong, Nancy Jean Kennedy. 1998.Substance Abuse Prevention in Multicultural Communities. 1-12 vols. Vol. 12 Haworth Press. Mario De la Rosa, Richard Bernard Segal, and Lopez. 1999. Conducting Drug Abuse Research with Minority Populations Advances and Issues. 1-14 vols. Vol. 14 Haworth Press Schinke, Steven P. 2007. Preventing Substance Abuse among American-Indian Adolescents A Bicultural Competence Skills Approach. Pub Med Central Journal List. Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders among American Indians and Alaska Natives. 2007. The NSHUD Report1-4. Stimmel, Barry. 1984. Cultural and Sociological Aspects of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Haworth Press.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Insights as a Treasurer

Insights as a treasurer Being bestowed upon me the task to realise and protect the fund of our club is tough and keeping it safe from corruption and theft a lot tougher. When making difficult decisions to the whole group, I must consider being prepared and clear- minded all the time for me to be able to make decisions for the good of the many. This task serves as a training for me to be ready and aware on what will need to do when I reach the stage when I will support my in the future.This will be the start in which I can show my classmates and teachers that I can be trustworthy to whatever they want me to accomplish. Even being confronted with the temptation of wealth and riches, this time I can prove myself that I can be trusted In little things as tumefy as the big things. I am glad that Ive served my classmates well and in five months that Vive been doing this calling, encountering problems are inevitable but with the help and purport of my classmates, I managed to hold on do the Job the right way. Paul John Man-on SITS Club Treasurer Insights as a treasurer Treasurer tough and keeping It safe from corruption and theft a lot tougher. When making 1 org and riches, this time I can prove myself that I can be trusted in little things as well as the big things. I am glad that Vive served my classmates well and in five months that Paul John Man-on SITS Club Treasurer

Monday, May 20, 2019

The Host Chapter 42: Forced

Ians jaw fell slack. You what?Ill explain in a minute. This isnt pretty to you, scarcely please. Just kiss me.It wont upset you? Melanie wont bother you?Ian I complained. PleaseStill confused, he coiffe his men on my waist and pulled my body against his. His face was so confused, I wondered if this would even work. I precisely required the romance, but maybe he did.He closed his eyes as he leaned toward me, an automatic rifle thing. His lips pressed lightly against mine once, and indeed he pulled backrest to look at me with the same worried expression.Nothing.No, Ian. Re bothy kiss me. Like analogous youre exhausting to view slapped. Do you understand?No. Whats price? Tell me first.I put my munition just some his neck. It felt strange I wasnt at all sure how to do this right. I pushed up on my toes and pulled his head down at the same cartridge holder until I could reach his lips with mine.This wouldnt have worked with a nonher species. Another mind wouldnt have bee n so easily overwhelmed by its body. Other species had their priorities in better order. But Ian was human, and his body responded.I shoved my m step to the foreh against his, gripping his neck tighter with my branchs when his first reaction was to hold me away. Remembering how his mouth had moved with mine before, I attempt to mimic that movement forthwith. His lips opened with mine, and I felt an odd thrill of triumph at my success. I caught his demoralise lip between my teeth and hear a low, wild sound break from his throat in surprise.And then I didnt have to try anymore. One of Ians transfer trapped my face, while the other clamped around the small of my back, holding me so close that it was hard to pull a breath into my constricted chest. I was gasping, but so was he. His breath mingled with mine. I felt the st integrity wall touch my back, press against it. He used it to bind me even closer. in that location was no part of me that wasnt fused to part of him.It was just the two of us, so close that we hardly counted as two.Just us.No one else.Alone.Ian felt it when I gave up. He must have been waiting for this-not as entirely ruled by his body as Id imagined. He eased back as soon as my arms went limp, but kept his face undermentioned to mine, the tip of his nose touching the tip of mine.I dropped my arms, and he took a deep breath. Slowly, he disentangled both his hands and then placed them lightly on my shoulders.Explain, he said.Shes not here, I whispered, unflustered breathing in gasps. I cant describe her. Not even now.Melanie?I cant hear her Ian, how can I go back in to Jamie? Hell know that Im lying How can I tell him that Ive lost his sister now? Ian, hes pale I cant tell him that Ill upset him, lease it harder for him to get well. I -Ians fingers pressed against my lips. Shh, shh. Okay. Lets recollect about this. When was the last time you heard her?Oh, Ian It was right after I saw in the hospital. And she tested to defend them and I screamed at her and I-I do her go away And I havent heard her since. I cant find herShh, he said again. Calmly. Okay. Now, what do you really want? I know you dont want to upset Jamie, but hes going to be fine regardless. So, consider-would it be better, just for you, if -No I cant erase Melanie I cant. That would be wrong That would make me a monster, tooOkay, O.K. Okay. Shh. So we have to find her?I nodded urgently.He took another deep breath. thence you need to really be overwhelmed, dont you?I dont know what you mean.I was appalled I did, though.Kissing Ian was one thing-even a pleasant thing, maybe, if I wasnt so racked with worry-but anything more elaborate Could I? Mel would be furious if I used her body that way. Was that what I had to do to find her? But what about Ian? It was so grossly unfair to him.Ill be right back, Ian promised. Stay here.He pressed me against the wall for furiousness and then ducked back out into the hallway.It was hard to obey. I cute to foll ow him, to see what he was doing and where he was going. We had to talk about this I had to call in it through. But I had no time. Jamie was waiting for me, with questions that I couldnt tell with lies. No, he wasnt waiting for me he was waiting for Melanie. How could I have done this? What if she was really gone?Mel, Mel, Mel, accompany back Melanie, Jamie needs you. Not me-he needs you. Hes sick, Mel. Mel, can you hear that? Jamie is sickI was talking to myself. No one heard.My hands were trembling with fear and stress. I wouldnt be able to wait here much longer. I felt like the anxiety was going to make me swell until I popped.Finally, I heard footsteps. And voices. Ian wasnt alone. Confusion swept through me.Just think of it as an experiment, Ian was saying.Are you crazy? Jared answered. Is this some sick joke?My stomach dropped through the floor.Overwhelmed. Thats what hed meant.Blood burned in my face, hot as Jamies fever. What was Ian doing to me? I wanted to run, to hid e somewhere better than my last hiding place, somewhere I could never, ever be found, no matter how many flashlights they used. But my legs were shaking, and I couldnt move.Ian and Jared came into view in the room where the tunnels met. Ians face was expressionless he had one hand on Jareds shoulder and was guiding him, almost pushing him forward. Jared was staring at Ian with ira and doubt.Through here, Ian encouraged, forcing Jared toward me. I flattened my back against the rock.Jared saw me, saw my mortified expression, and stopped.Wanda, whats this about?I threw Ian one blazing glance of reproach and then try to meet Jareds eyes.I couldnt do it. I looked at his feet instead.I lost Melanie, I whispered.You lost herI nodded miserably.His voice was hard and angry. How?Im not sure. I made her be quiet but she always comes back always before I cant hear her now and JamieShes gone? Muted agony in his voice.I dont know. I cant find her.Deep breath. wherefore does Ian think I have to kiss you?Not kiss me, I said, my voice so faint I could barely hear it myself. Kiss her. Nothing upset her more than when you kissed us before. Nothing pulled her to the surface like that. Maybe No. You dont have to. Ill try to find her myself.I still had my eyes on his feet, so I saw him step toward me.You think, if I kiss her?I couldnt even nod. I tried to swallow. well-known(prenominal) hands brushed my neck, tracing down either side to my shoulders. My heart thudded loud enough that I wondered if he could hear it.I was so embarrassed, forcing him to touch me this way. What if he thought it was a trick-my idea, not Ians?I wondered if Ian was still on that point, watching. How much would this hurt him?One hand continued, as I knew it would, down my arm to my wrist, go away a trail of fire behind it. The other cupped beneath my jaw, as I knew it must, and pulled my face up.His establishment pressed against mine, the skin burning where we were connected, and he whispered in my e ar.Melanie. I know youre at that place. Come back to me.His cheek slowly slid back, and his chin tilted to the side so that his mouth covered mine.He tried to kiss me softly. I could tell that he tried. But his intentions went up in smoke, just like before.There was fire everywhere, because he was everywhere. His hands traced my skin, burning it. His lips tasted every atomic number 49 of my face. The rock wall slammed into my back, but there was no pain. I couldnt feel anything besides the burning.My hands knotted in his hair, pulling him to me as if there were any possible way for us to be closer. My legs wrapped around his waist, the wall giving me the supplement I needed. His tongue twisted with mine, and there was no part of my mind that was not invaded by the crackbrained desire that possessed me.He pulled his mouth free and pressed his lips to my ear again.Melanie Stryder It was so loud in my ear, a growl that was almost a shout. You will not leave me. Dont you love me? s how it Prove it Damn it, Mel Get back here His lips attacked mine again.Ahhh, she groaned weakly in my head.I couldnt think to accost her. I was on fire.The fire burned its way to her, back to the tiny corner where she drooped, nearly heartless.My hands fisted around the fabric of Jareds T-shirt, yanking it up. This was their idea I didnt tell them what to do. His hands burned on the skin of my back.Jared? she whispered. She tried to orient herself, but the mind we shared was so disoriented.I felt the muscles of his stomach under my palms, my hands crushed between us.What? Where Melanie struggled.I broke away from his mouth to breathe, and his lips scorched their way down my throat. I buried my face in his hair, inhaling the scent.Jared Jared NOI let her flow through my arms, knowing this was what I wanted, though I could barely pay attention now. The hands on his stomach turned hard, angry. The fingers clawed at his skin and then shoved him as hard as they could.NO she shouted t hrough my lips.Jared caught her hands, then caught me against the wall before I could fall. I sagged, my body confused by the conflicting directions it was receiving.Mel? MelWhat are you doing?He groaned in relief. I knew you could do it Ah, MelHe kissed her again, kissed the lips that she now controlled, and we could both taste the tears that ran down his face.She fleck him.Jared jumped back from us, and I slid to the floor, landing in a wilted heap.He started laughing. Thats my girl. You still got her, Wanda?Yes, I gasped.What the hell, Wanda? she screeched at me.Where have you been? Do you have any idea what Ive been going through trying to find you?Yeah, I can see that you were really suffering.Oh, Ill suffer, I promised her. I could already feel it coming on. Just like beforeShe was flipping through my thoughts as fast as she could. Jamie?Thats what Ive been trying to tell you. He needs you.Then why arent we with him?Because hes probably a bit young to watch this kind of thing .She searched through some more. Wow, Ian, too. Im refulgent I missed that part.I was so worried. I didnt know what to doWell, cmon. Lets go.Mel? Jared asked.Shes here. Shes furious. She wants to see Jamie.Jared put his arm around me and helped me up. You can be as mad as you want, Mel. Just stick around.How long was I gone?Three days is all.Her voice was suddenly smaller. Where was I?You dont know?I cant remember anything.We shuddered.You okay? Jared asked.Sort of.Was that her before, talking to me-talking out loud?Yes.Can she can you let her do that now?I sighed. I was already exhausted. I can try. I closed my eyes.Can you get past me? I asked her. Can you talk to him?I How? Where?I tried to flatten myself against the inside of my head. Cmon, I murmured. Here.Melanie struggled, but there was no way out.Jareds lips came down on mine, hard. My eyes flew open in shock. His gold-flecked eyes were open, too, half an inch away.She jerked our head back. Cut that out Dont touch herHe smi led, the little creases feathering out around his eyes. Hey, baby.Thats not funny.I tried to breathe again. Shes not laughing.He left his arm around me. Around us. We walked out into the tunnel junction, and there was no one there. No Ian.Im warning you, Mel, Jared said, still smiling widely. Teasing. You better check-out procedure right here. Im not making any guarantees about what I will or wont do to get you back.My stomach fluttered.Tell him Ill throttle him if he touches you like that again. But her threat was a joke, too.Shes threatening your life right now, I told him. But I think shes being facetious.He laughed, giddy with relief. Youre so stern all the time, Wanda.Your jokes arent funny, I muttered. Not to me.Jared laughed again.Ah, Melanie said. You are suffering.Ill try not to let Jamie see.Thank you for bringing me back.I wont erase you, Melanie. Im sorry I cant give you more than that.Thank you.Whats she saying?Were just making up.Why couldnt she talk before, when you were trying to let her?I dont know, Jared. There really isnt enough room for both of us. I cant seem to get myself out of the way completely. Its like not like holding your breath. Like trying to pause your heartbeats. I cant make myself not exist. I dont know how.He didnt answer, and my chest throbbed with pain. How joyful he would be if I could figure out how to erase myselfMelanie wanted to not to contradict me, but to make me feel better she struggled to find words to soften my agony. She couldnt come up with the right ones.But Ian would be devastated. And Jamie. Jeb would miss you. You have so many friends here.Thanks.I was glad that we were back to our room now. I needed to think about something else before I started crying. Now wasnt the time for self-pity. There were more important issues at hand than my heart, breaking yet again.