Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Hegel s Concept Of Freedom - 2587 Words

What is Hegel’s concept of freedom? One wishes such a question could be easily answered. Hegel’s Elements of the Philosophy of Right has been read as Hegel tracing out his concept of freedom, at all of its different moments, in its many different forms, personal, interpersonal and communal.1 So we do not follow the path that Hegel traces and arrive at a concise definition of freedom; rather Hegel’s definition of freedom is contained in and expounded through the entire path.2 In this paper I will attempt to follow this path and make the various aspects of Hegel’s concept of freedom as clear as possible. Before I set out on this Hegelian path, I want to clearly differentiate between philosophical conceptions of freedom and political conceptions of freedom. Philosophical freedom is broadly concerned with the nature of the will. It is primarily concerned with the freedom of the individual, with free will. Political freedom, conversely, is concerned with the relationship between the subject and the external world, with rights, with what one is permitted to do. There is an obvious sense in which an ape living in the wild is freer than an ape confined to a small cage. If one were to argue that apes lack the necessary rationality, self-awareness, mind, soul, etc. that is necessary for freedom, or if one were to argue that the world is determinist and so both apes are equally unfree, one would be missing the point. The ape lacks what might broadly beShow MoreRelatedThe Main Element Of The Philosophy Of Right897 Words   |  4 Pagesas political philosophy, the text’s primary concept is freedom. Hegel’s dominant claim is that free will is the only way in which right is pertinent to philosophical science. He describes will as the ability to convey concepts into existence. The will exists solely when an action is brought forward and only in those who are self-conscious. The origin of right is crafted by the free will that expresses freedom, which Hegel states is the goal of right. Hegel affirms that the will is free. â€Å"When the willRead MoreHegel Legitimised the French Revolution but not the Revolutionaries Themselves1272 Words   |  6 PagesHegel Legitimised the French Revolution but not the Revolutionaries Themselves Hegel views on the role of the individual can be seen and used to justify the Revolution. Individual freedom can also be woven into these ideas and living in a community or society is how Hegel saw the individual fulfilling their life. Hegel agreed with the ideas of the classical Greeks in as much that he thought the individual should lead an ethical life. In this ideal each individual has obligationsRead MoreThe Theories Of Freedom Articulated By Rousseau, Burke, And Hegel1208 Words   |  5 Pages2. Rousseau boldly asserts that we are â€Å"born free† but are â€Å"everywhere in chains.† what political theorists have thought about the concept of freedom, its basic meanings, and its presence or absence in the world. Discuss the theories of freedom articulated by Rousseau, Burke, and Hegel. In your view, which theorist expressed the most adequate understanding of freedom? Why? (300* 3)words for each theorist + 100 words for my opinion = 900 + 100= 1000W Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s ideas were extremelyRead MoreKant s Philosophy Of The State And Analysis Of Historical Summit1312 Words   |  6 PagesCompromised largely in Kant s ideas, Hegel s systemic philosophy of the State and analysis of historical summit of the body politic provides the foundation of Marxism and alike. Hegel declares the concept of state as superior to the individual. 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(In addition, there is this contrast between the two sisters to some extent prompted eksodom Aeschylus Seven vpererezRead MoreWhat Purpose And Composition Of An Ideal State Should Be And The Consequences Of The Individual1894 Words   |  8 PagesAmong the more controversial intellectual ventures of continental philosophers is answering the question of what the purpose and composition of an ideal state should be and the consequences of that state on its citizens. Philosophers Hegel and Rousseau found common ground in the need for a form of authority separate from the collective people, but they prescribed different types of government based on their conflicting views on a state’s exact role in relation to the citizens. 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In practice, Hobsbawm analysis is shown to move on beyond 1991 and makes it apparent of his awareness of the political forces that need to be understood if 1914 were to be explained. As the eco nomic growth between these two points might just be termedRead MoreThe Hybrid Application Of Hegelian And Kantian Philosophical Policy2957 Words   |  12 Pagesfrom 2011 through 2014; and 10 percent by 2015 and thereafter. Of the electricity generated each year from renewable sources, at least 4 percent must come from solar technologies. Initially, nine Colorado utilities serving over 80 percent of the state s electric customers will be required to comply with this proposal (40 CRS  §2124). In 2007, the Colorado General Assembly increased the RES by passing bill HB07- 1281, raising the state’s goal to twenty percent by 2020. It also increased the retail impact

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Essay on Schizophrenia and its Types - 1064 Words

Schizophrenia There are many types of psychotic disorders. Some are worse than others and not everyone suffers the same from all of these. The way someone deals with the disorder depends on their environment mostly and the help they get. Some disorders can be painful, others scary and even threatening not only to the patients life but also to the ones surrounding them. We never really pay enough attention to mental disorders, we have no idea how intense some are and how bad people suffer from them. First of all, Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that makes it difficult to tell the difference between real and unreal experiences, think logically, have normal emotional responses and behave normal in social responses. Schizophrenia is†¦show more content†¦He was also the first to classify the symptoms as positive or negative and started looking at the different types of schizophrenia. The name keeps changing as scientists keep doing research and try to be more accurate abou t it. So far, they’ve come up with 5 types of schizophrenia: disorganized, catatonic, paranoid, residual and undifferentiated. The most serious of these is disorganized because it is the one that affects patients the most. The most common one is paranoid. It is hoped that by classifying the different types of schizophrenia and giving them names they can come up with a cure for it faster since they’re going to see the different symptoms of each one. The positive symptoms for schizophrenia are hallucinations, bizarre delusions, language, and behavior. The negative effects are a-volitional movement, poverty of speech, social withdrawal and flat affect or no emotion. People with schizophrenia usually develop the symptoms in months or years. They might or might not have all of them. Schizophrenics usually have a hard time keeping a job or friends. They might also suffer from anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts or behaviors. They might get irritated easily, see things th at aren’t there, lack of emotion, anxious, social isolation, jumping between unrelated topics when talking, among others. The symptoms depend on what kind of schizophrenia the person suffers from. There have been some studies on schizophrenia but weShow MoreRelatedSchizophrenia Is The Most Common Diagnosed Type Of Schizophrenia Essay911 Words   |  4 PagesSchizophrenia is a debilitating psychosis, a mental condition that affects about 1% of the US population (WebMD). There are 5 types of schizophrenia: catatonic, disorganized, paranoid, residual, and undifferentiated (schizlife). Catatonic Schizophrenia can be described as someone displaying extreme behavior. There can either be a heightened expression of activity; hyperactive or overly excited, or the individual can decrease activity so severely they become immobile and seem detached from theirRead MoreThe Major Types and Possible Causes of Schizophrenia1082 Words   |  4 PagesSchizophrenia is a severe, debilitating disabling disease. There are more than two million Americans who suffer with schizophrenia in any given year. Some of the symptoms of schizophrenia are hallucinations, delusions, apathy, lack of emotion, disorganized thoughts, difficulty concentrating or following instructions and memory problems. There are no lab tests to diagnose schizophrenia and most times the patient is misdiagnosed with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder or major depression (Daily schizophreniaRead MoreSchizophrenia: Types, Symptoms, Medications, Treatment Essay2472 Words   |  10 Pages Schizophrenia is a neurological disorder that affects the cognitive functions of an individual. The cause of this illness is unknown, but there are several theories of how an individual may acquire schizophrenia. Because there are many symptoms of the disease and because the symptoms can vary quite dramatically among several individuals and even within the same individual over time, the diagnosis of schizophrenia can be quite difficult. In the United States and Europe, schizophrenia occursRead MoreSchizophrenia: Types, Symptoms, Medications, Treatment Essay example2723 Words   |  11 PagesHISTORY EPIDEMIOLOGY CLINICAL FEATURES COURSE PROGNOSIS DIAGNOSTIC TYPES ETIOLOGY NEUROPATHOLOGICAL STUDIES GENETICS DOPAMINE HYPOTHESIS OTHER NEUROTRANSM1TTER SYSTEMS TREATMENT Schizophrenia is sometimes considered the most devastating of the mental illnesses because its onset is early in a patient’s life, and its symptoms can be destructive to the patient and to the patient’s family and friends. Although schizophrenia is usually discussed as if it were a single disease, this diagnosticRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Schizophrenia1238 Words   |  5 Pagesdiagnosed with them. Although there are many neurological diseases, schizophrenia is one of them. Schizophrenia is one of the more known disorders in the psychological world. Throughout this paper the following questions are answered: what is schizophrenia, what are the causes of schizophrenia, what are some of the types of schizophrenia, and what are the treatment options for those who are diagnosed with schizophrenia? Schizophrenia is a disabling disorder and is chronic and severe to those thatRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Depression And Schizophrenia1374 Words   |  6 PagesDepression and schizophrenia are mental health problems and occurs in unhealthy minds. A person with a depression feels unhappy and if this condition stays longer than normal, it causes a mental problem which called depression. Schizophrenia is not a split personality, its better understood as a split between reality and imagination. DSM (diagnostic classification) is a list of mental disorders which are in officially DSM system. This essay is going to outline clinical symptoms and casual explanationsRead MoreSchizophreni A Complex Psychological Disorder990 Words   |  4 PagesThe word schizophrenia means split mind and was first used in 1911 by Eugen Bleuler. According to Paul Eugen Bleuler and the origin of the term schizophrenia as the disease becomes distinct, the personality loses it unity. Originally it was meant to describe patients whose thoughts and emotions seemed disconnected or disrupted. Unlike the meaning of the word schizophrenia, it has nothing to do with split personalities. Schizophrenia is a complex psychological disorder that can be characterizedRead MoreSchizophrenia- Mental Disorder1002 Words   |  5 Pagesobserved by psychiatrists that later diagnosed him with disorganized schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a severe chronic mental disorder that causes people to live in an alternate â€Å"universe† inside of his or her head. There are different types of schizophrenia that have different symptoms from one another and different causes of the disorder, but thankfully there are medicines that can help ease some of the symptoms. Schizophrenia is defined as a â€Å"group of severe mental disorders characterized by realityRead MoreWhat is Schizophrenia?985 Words   |  4 PagesSchizophrenia is the worst of all mental health disorders because it is many severe disorders all put into one such as mood disorders and psychological disorders. It is a mental health disorder that affects a persons’ reality. When the word Schizophrenia is broken into two, schizo means â€Å"Split† and phrenia means â€Å"mind† (DeWall Myers, 2014, p.562). According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), about 1% of Americans have schizophrenia. Schizophrenia has many different components suchRead MoreSchizophrenia Essay1066 Words   |  5 Pagesis schizophrenia? Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by irrational thought processes. A person dealing with this debilitating illness may think that people are going to kill them, or kidnap them. Some Schizophrenics often have â€Å"voices † in their heads telling them what to do. In some cases this has caused people to take their lives or try to. Schizophrenia is everywhere you look. Out of one hundred thousand people at least one hundred and fifty people have schizophrenia. Like

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Managing & Leading Strategic Change of Public Sector- Lecture Notes

Question: Discuss about the Managing and Leading Strategic Change. Answer: Introduction: Organizational change is the methodology that helps the firm to move from their current position to some desired future state in order to increase their effectiveness. When the operational and regulation system of an organization get disturbed due to internal and external forces that occur frequently, the organizational change takes place and affect the entire work environment of the firm. Identification and Justification of the Review of the Public Sector Twenty-five years ago, the government of Hong Kong was praised due to the implementation of a small, restricted model of government that was mostly suited to the growth of the capitalist economy. From that time onwards, the government and the firms that have been created as per the new model of government have expanded to a wider extent. Williams (2013) mentioned that the widespread of the organizations are mainly concerned to the public sector, thus it has been found that the public sector has grown too large. Therefore, it can be said that there are various reasons due to which rapid growth in the public sector of Hong Kong took place. Thus, its reflection can also be noticed on the organizational forms as well as on the change that takes place in leading and managing organizational development. As a result, in this essay, export credit insurance industry has been highlighted that belongs to the public sector of Hong Kong in order to analyze the key skills and competencies that are required to lead and manage the organizational change and development. For instance, the company Export Credit Insurance Corporation has been selected whose business nature is to protect exporter against risk of non-payment for export of goods and services in order to analyze the importance and key skills and competencies that are required for managing and leading the organizational change. The Future Back approach has been implemented to this analysis as it helps to look forward 3 to 5 years and also to identify the significant trends that might influence and impact the nature of change landscape (Hayes 2014). It has been found that Hong Kong can be considered as the 8th largest trading economy across the world. It mainly handles the offshore trade and it has been found that the amount of offshore trade have increased with the passage of time. The offshore trade of the area has increased by 6.1 % in the year 2013 to HK$ 4954 billion than in the year 2012. On the other hand, the value of re-exports was found to be HK$ 3505 billion in the year 2013 that was increased by 3.8 % than the year 2012. Thus, it can be said that the amount of offshore trade has already exceeded the value of the re-exports of Hong Kong. Additionally, it has been noted that in June 2015, a total of 484416 people were employed in this segment of export and import as establishments have increased to 102413. Moreover, in the year 2013, this export and import sector accounted for around 20 % of the total GDP of Hong Kong. Therefore, it can be said that the export credit insurance industry is fully dependent on the export and the import industry of the country. Thus, with the growth of the export and important industry, the export credit insurance industry will also expand. The export credit insurance industry mainly provides three key roles prevention, collection and insurance in order to merely transfer the risks of an exporter against risk of non-payment for export of goods and services. For instance, it has been found that the particular company Export Credit Insurance Corporation generally insures both commercial risks and political risks. By analyzing the facts and figures of the global credit insurance market, the trend of the export credit insurance industry can be better understood. As per the declarations by the ICISA members, it has been estimated that the credit insu rance global market volume is USD is 4.3 billion. This huge size of the world market implies a positive trend to the particular industry. The world market shares include Euler Hermes (37.0%), Gerling NCM (25.4%), Coface (15.3 %), Credito y Cauion (6.1%) and others (16.2%). Thus, it can be said that the market trend of the credit insurance market in Hong Kong is positive as it has a fully open market. Fullan (2014) mentioned that all these imply that the financial condition of the export and import sector is presently healthy and it will also lead the export credit insurance industry to run successfully in future. Thus, it can be assumed as per the Moonshot that the company Export Credit Insurance Corporation will also run successfully as per the positive trend of the export credit insurance industry. It can also be said that the positive trend of the export credit insurance industry will encourage the particular company Export Credit Insurance Corporation to run efficiently and effectively in near future. The positive or the rising trend inspires the specified firm Export Credit Insurance Corporation to operate and regulate its business in the right direction and the reliable and authentic data that have been gathered will help the particular organization to encourage and enrich their functions in the specified field. It can also be said that the facts and figures of the past (history) will help the particular firm to imagine regarding the future prospect of the company as well as the industry. Analysis and Evaluation of Trends In the global market, the Export Credit Insurance company shall be dependent on the export and the import of goods. As such, it is necessary for the business entity to evaluate both the commercial risk as well as political risks. The export credit insurance industry shall be dependent on the three roles of the business entity that includes prevention, collection as well as the insurance of goods. In the case of the Export Credit Insurance company the brand has been able providing insurance against commercial as well as the political risks of the business entity. The export credit insurance company segment in the global marker thrives in a restricted model of governance. Thus, this shall ensure that the business shall consolidate in the present condition of the organization and make appropriate measures for organizational growth (Baden-Fuller and Haefliger 2013). The future back approach has enabled the business enterprise in establishing the organization approach in the next three to five years. The trends indicate that the organization is in a phase of growth. These trends indicate the general business growth of Export Credit Insurance Corporation. The restrictive model of governance shall strengthen the inherent financial condition of the economy, and make measures for ensuring survivability in a competitive market environment. Griffin (2013) mentioned that this model has contributed substantially to organizational growth and sustainability of enterprise operating in the export credit insurance industry. The future back approach has been essential in developing strategic marketing strategies in creating a distinct brand image among the buyers. According to (2016), the future back approach shall be utilized in analyzing the market condition, and responding appropriately for the market growth. This approach has helped the organization in analyzing the market needs and assisting the organization in raising external finance from different sources. In this regard, the future back approach can be used in determining the sustainability of a business entity. Haines (2016) mentioned that the recent trends in the export impor t business indicate that it is in a growth phase with rising profitability and lower administrative costs. The amount of offshore trade has increased over a period, with the establishment of newer business markets in the international trade. The export credit insurance industry has played a pivotal role in providing insurance against commercial and political risks in the context of the international export and import of goods. Goetsch and Davis (2014) mentioned that the payment of the lower amount of taxes has been an essential factor that has contributed extensively towards the success of the offshore trade in the global market. As such, it is necessary that operational processes of the brand shall have to be positively influenced through the sales revenue obtained through the offshore trade business segment. The export credit insurance company has been offering insurance against financial as well as non-financial risk in the global market. Kapferer (2012) mentioned that this is a major business portion of the export credit insurance company that has a considerable impact on the sales revenue of the export credit insurance company. The offshore trade has been signifying factors that has affected the operational strategies of the export credit industry, and has lead the export credit insurance company towards a greater market share. According to Hill (2014), the export credit insurance industry has experienced massive technological changes in the recent times. These technological changes have brought about innovation in the workplace, and have lead the organization to give consistent performances over a period of time. Booth (2015) stated that managers possessing the required leadership skills should have the necessary competencies to identify the discrepancies in the workplace, and bring about the changes in the workplace. In this regard, Hitt et al. (2012) noted that the export and the import business policy would need a structured guideline to execute the business functionalities as per the long-term goals of the business enterprise This would reduce the transportation and the distribution cost and adds to the financial strength of the export credit insurance industry. The import and the export business would have an impact on the business sustainability of business enterprise. Galliers and Leidner (2014) mentioned that effective leaderships should be required from the management of the organization in leading the export credit insurance industry towards acquiring newer business markets. As such, this shall influence the business organization in increasing the business volume by enhancing the amount of export and import. Besides this, Anderson (2013) noted that the export credit insurance industry attributes refer to a flexible working environment and employee policies that shall facilitate employee potential and growth. In this regard, the human resource policies shall have an effective role to develop the skills and the aptitude of the persons. As such, it is necessary to implement regular training schemes to enhance the productivity of the employees. In addition, the export industry attributes shall refer to the financial and the operational competencies of the business enterprise. Holsapple (2013) stated that these two attributes should help the business entity in developing the operational policies of the business entity, and lead the organization to further growth. The sustainable organizational change shall assist the business entity in developing the appropriate business policies in aiding organizational growth and sustainability in a competitive market environment. According to Cummings et al. (2014), to bring about innovation there must be alterations in each aspect of the production and the distribution processes of the organization. The import and the export industry thrive on innovation in the workplace. This has only been possible due to the implementation of the advanced technological mechanisms in the country. Besides this, the transportation and the distribution process has been an essential part of the export credit insurance industry. Jenkins and Williamson (2015) stated that in the case of the export credit insurance company, it is necessary that that the organization has the required operational constituents which shall ensure smoother business operations. Apart from these factors, it is essential that Export Credit Insurance Corporation adhere to the local laws and the regulations of a particular country. According to Eden and Ackermann (2013), the entities operating in the export and import organization would have to strictly follow the local laws and the regulations to conduct their business in an effective manner. Therefore, the change management process shall be facilitated after considering factors like the economic condition of the country, the market position of the company and the nature of the product or the service line the organization is currently operating. Framework Development Key attributes Description Role of Management For offering effective work life balance, it is essential that the organization provides an employee friendly policies for facilitating employee growth. The management of the organization has the ability to execute the business functionalities as per the vision and the mission of the organization. The management operating in the export credit insurance company shall decide upon the vision and mission of the organization operating in the export credit insurance industry. Leadership skills Organization Change and Development It is essential that an export credit insurance industry is governed through a strong leadership. As such, this shall assist the business enterprise in aligning its operational activities as per the long-term objectives and the goals of the organization operating in the export credit insurance corporation.. It is also the responsibility of the leadership group in the organization operating in the export credit insurance industry to find out the employee issues in the workplace and respond appropriately towards resolving them. Developing appropriate foreign business policies shall assist the export credit insurance industry in establishing providing insurance against effective foreign export as well as import of goods. As such this would assist the business enterprise in enhancing the productivity of organization as well as reducing the operational costs The export credit insurance industry shall require continuous upgradation and innovation that shall the business enterprise in achieving operational efficiency. As such, innovation is the primary characteristics in the case of towards executing consistent business performances over a period of time Thus, the change initiative process implemented in the business organization. In the case of Export Credit Insurance Corporation, the band has been implementing change initiatives have been implemented in regular intervals of time. This has assisted the business s organization to execute smoother business operational policies. Organizational Attributes The industry attributes mainly depends on the product and the service line the organization is currently operating. The export and the import segment can be unpredictable by nature, since it is based on the economic condition of various countries. Thus, the industry has to take account for the various uncertainties in the external business environment to avoid any financial losses that the business enterprise can incur. The Export Credit Insurance Industry has been facilitating the export and the import of goods in Honkong for a considerable period. This has assisted the business organization to enhance the operational policies of the business enterprise Table 1: Key Attributes of Leading Strategic Change (Source: Created by Author) The key management attributes identified in the above section shall refer to certain organizational policies and structures that would have an impact on the operational processes of the business enterprise. As such, Hubbard et al. (2014) stated that developing a flexible working environment to offer employees a flexible working environment is one of the primary responsibilities of the management of the company The business strategies of the business enterprise shall be enhanced if the management adopts such policies. According to Mendenhall and Osland (2012), it is essential that the management to guide the organization towards attaining the business objectives has adopted leadership skills. Besides this, the leadership of the organization shall emphasize on identify the discrepancies in the existing business functionalities. As such, this shall assist the management of the organization to take rectification measures that shall aid the business growth of the organization. In this regard, Shields et al. (2015) mentioned that considering the consumer behavior has been essential for aiding the growth of the organization. As such, it is necessary that the recent consumer trends and the preferences shall have to be identified in delivering consistent business performances over a period of time. Thus, these factors shall have to be identified in framing appropriate business performances over a period of time. Kuipers, (2014) mentioned that the organization change and development in the case of the public sector organization have to be executed as per the needs of the market. In this regard, it is necessary that the changes implemented in the case of the public sector organizations would address the issues that are pertinent in the operational policies in the organization. According to De Waal (2013), the change drivers identified in the case of Export Credit Insurance Industry are the core competencies of the organization. These competencies include the financial and the operational constituents of the business entity . The Export Credit Insurance Industry being a major contributor to the sales revenue possess the required competencies in establishing new business segments within the domestic market of Honkong. This would help the business organization in achieving business sustainability in an intensely competitive market environment. Reflection As a manager, I would have to act in accordance to the existing needs of Export Credit Insurance Industry in the Honkong market. In addition, it is necessary for a manager to identify the reasons behind the implementation of the changes in the organization. As a leader/manager of the organization, I have to consider the external environment of the organization in facilitating organization change for the organization. The factors that include the external market constituents are the pricing policies adopted in the organization as well as the intensity of the market competition. In addition, I feel that the change initiatives implemented in the organization. As a manager of Export Credit Insurance Corporation, I would have to strictly adhere to the operational policies of the business organization in executing the daily business functionalities of the organization. Thus, the necessary import export laws and the regulations of the various countries have to be duly followed in framing ef fective business policies. However, I have to identify the change drives that would lead the organization to overcome the threats that can adversely affect the business sustainability of the business entity. As a manager, I feel that communication is one of the primarily considerations in developing coordination among the business entity. Therefore, effective communication from the top management of the organization shall assist the business enterprise in executing the business functionalities as per the short-term objectives and goals of the business entity. As a manager, I have to assist the business entity in adjusting to the vulnerable market environment. This is my primary role as a manager in the organization. The export credit industry in the global market operates in an extremely vulnerable market environment. As a manager, I have to assess the market environment in creating strong business policies to assist business growth in an intensively competitive market environment. Therefore, it is necessary that as a manager I communicate effectively with my subordinates to assist the organization in the growth. Allocation of job responsibility is one of the primary responsibilities to enhance organizations productivity. Therefore, I shall allocate the job responsibilities in accordance with the skills and expertise of the workforce. As such, it shall be of help to the business organization in effectively planning as well as division of the business functionalities of the organization. As a manager, I have the responsibility to assess organizational performance in regular intervals of time. This shall assist me in identifying the discrepancies and taking measures for organizational growth. Being a manager, organization I have to innovate every aspect of the production as well as the manufacturing processes in the organization to bring about organizational changes in the organization. In this regard, a manager has to evaluate the type of the product and the service line the business entity is currently functioning. Besides this, there must be a balance between the domestic business and the international businesses. As such, this shall assist the business enterprise in controlling the operating expenditures of the enterprise, thereby, strengthening the financial condition of the business enterprise. To compete successfully in the global market, the export credit insurance industry has to offer distinctive products and services to the buyers.. The manager has to forecast the market condition of the domestic and the international market and prepares the budget accordingly As a manager, I have to identify the change drivers in the organization that can help the business organization to achieve the required growth. These include the financial and the operational competencies of the business organization. The existing business functionalities of the business organization shall be influenced by certain business attributes like the nature of the product and the service line as well as the prevalent pricing policies of the business enterprise. Thus, the change initiatives that have to be adopted in the business organization shall address the existing needs of the organization and take pertinent measures for organizational growth. As such, the alterations adopted in the business entity shall facilitate the organization in enhancing the operational efficiencies in the organization, thereby, reducing the operational expenses of the organization. References Anderson, D.L., 2013. Organization development: The process of leading organizational change. Sage Publications. Baden-Fuller, C. and Haefliger, S., 2013. Business models and technological innovation. Long range planning, 46(6), pp.419-426. Booth, S.A., 2015. Crisis management strategy: Competition and change in modern enterprises. Routledge. Cummings, T.G. and Worley, C.G., 2014. Organization development and change. Cengage learning. De Waal, A., 2013.Strategic Performance Management: A managerial and behavioral approach. Palgrave Macmillan. Eden, C. and Ackermann, F., 2013. Making strategy: The journey of strategic management. Sage. Fullan, M., 2014. Leading in a culture of change personal action guide and workbook. John Wiley Sons. Galliers, R.D. and Leidner, D.E., 2014. Strategic information management: challenges and strategies in managing information systems. Routledge. Goetsch, D.L. and Davis, S.B., 2014. Quality management for organizational excellence. pearson. Griffin, R.W., 2013. Fundamentals of management. Cengage Learning. Haines, S., 2016. The systems thinking approach to strategic planning and management. CRC Press. Hayes, J., 2014. The theory and practice of change management. Palgrave Macmillan. Hill, C.W., Jones, G.R. and Schilling, M.A., 2014. Strategic management: theory: an integrated approach. Cengage Learning. Hitt, M.A., Ireland, R.D. and Hoskisson, R.E., 2012. Strategic management cases: competitiveness and globalization. Cengage Learning. (2016). ECIC. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Jul. 2016]. Holsapple, C. ed., 2013. Handbook on knowledge management 1: Knowledge matters (Vol. 1). Springer Science Business Media. Hubbard, G., Rice, J. and Galvin, P., 2014. Strategic management. Pearson Australia. Jenkins, W. and Williamson, D., 2015. Strategic management and business analysis. Routledge. Johnson, G., Whittington, R., Scholes, K., Angwin, D. and Regnr, P., 2013. Exploring Strategy Text Cases. Pearson Higher Ed. Kapferer, J.N., 2012. The new strategic brand management: Advanced insights and strategic thinking. Kogan page publishers. Kuipers, B.S., Higgs, M., Kickert, W., Tummers, L., Grandia, J. and Van der Voet, J., 2014. The management of change in public organizations: A literature review. Public Administration, 92(1), pp.1-20. Mendenhall, M.E. and Osland, J., 2012. Global leadership: Research, practice, and development. Routledge. Shields, J., Brown, M., Kaine, S., Dolle-Samuel, C., North-Samardzic, A., McLean, P., Johns, R., Robinson, J., O'Leary, P. and Plimmer, G., 2015.Managing Employee Performance Reward: Concepts, Practices, Strategies. Cambridge University Press. Williams, C., 2013. Principles of management. South-Western Cengage Learning.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Hobbit Essays (578 words) - The Hobbit, New Zealand Films

The Hobbit The Hobbit tells the story of a comfortable, friendly creature named Bilbo Baggins. Bilbo, like most hobbits, is similar to a human, but about half the size, and much more nible because they have leathery soles on thier feet, and not nearly as loud. Bilbo gets caught up in mysterious affairs much greater than his own hobbit-life affairs when, at the recommendation of a mysterious old wizard named Gandalf, he is hired as a burglar by a group of dwarves. These dwarves, led by Thorin Oakenshield, son of Throror, son of Thrain are going to the Lonely Mountain in the East to reclaim their family's massive treasure from the great dragon Smaug who lives deep in the bowls of the lonely mountain. Along the way, the company gets into trouble with goblins who live in the misty mountains, spiders who live in Mirkwood forest, and other destructive and harmful creatures, and they often escape only because of the assistance of Gandalf and other good creatures they meet. Bilbo proves himself essenti al to the quest, saving the dwarves on many occasions with his valor and skill. His success is partly due to a magic ring that he takes from a strange, dark creature named Gollum, who lives in the dank, dark caves below the Misty Mountains. Gollum is clammy and slimy and he refers to his ring as my precious. Bilbo even manages to discover Smaug's weak spot, the bare area under his ear, which allows the dragon to be killed and the treasure divided. However, the dwarves cannot enjoy the gold alone, since it lures humans and elves, some of whom have a just claim to a portion of it. Thorin's unwillingness to share the treasure almost leads to war between the dwarves and the elves and humans, but instead war is forced upon all of them by the goblins and wargs (wild wolves). All the good races(dwarfs, men, elves, eagles, and Dain's soldiers) are thus forced to unite against their common enemies. They succeed in defeating the evil creatures, but at the cost of the life of Thorin and many o thers. After the battle, the good races enjoy the treasure in peace rather than fighting over it. Bilbo, weary but happy to have played a part in great affairs, returns to his quiet home at Bag End in the Shire. Because of his unhobbit-like adventures, he is never really accepted back into the community of Hobbiton. Though Tolkien's world is one of fantasy, he designed it to reflect certain truths about the real world. The Hobbit addresses the problem of determing the right way for a hobbit to live, not what society tells us to do. Should he or she concern himself with great deeds and wars, and risk losing the humble perspective afforded by the simple life? Or should the ordinary person never look outside his or her own quiet existence, and risk ignoring the larger perspective that might have allowed him to do great things for the common good? The truth that emerges from The Hobbit is that, if one is called on to play a part in great affairs--as we all are, at least according to Tol kien's Christian perspective--then one should not shirk one's duty. To perform that duty well, however, one must never lose sight of one's own insignificance in the larger scheme of things, nor lose respect for the value of the simple life. Book Reports